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4 respect Martial Soul, Martial Soul’s power is very similar, obviously belongs to the same attribute power.

Moreover, the Martial Soul of these four teamed up to form a kind of battle array, and even had the ability to confine Space-Time.

They acted in such a way, it seems that they had negotiated for a long time, and did not give Chu Yan any chance to escape.

“8 Immortal Sect, tour Celestial Immortal emperor direct disciple !? What a pity …”

Chu Yan had his hands on his back, and he didn’t think he was moving at all. He shook his head with a regretful look on his face.

“What !? It’s a pity … kid, I’m afraid !? It’s late, let’s die …”

The red robe man, headed by Chu Yan, said that it was a pity that Chu Yan was timid and grinned. He wouldn’t take it away at all. Instead, he urged momentum, and the imperial attack on display was even more terrifying.

The other three 3 Immortal Sect disciple, also with a smile on their faces, looked towards Chu Yan, as if looking at the dead.

Regardless of the kid, he regrets it now, with a stroke down, he directly explodes into waste to avoid future troubles, which is the basic of kill a person and seize his goods.

The four of them, doing this kind of work, is not naive. Since I started it, simply did not want to stay alive.

However, in 4 attacks, the moment of falling to Chu Yan, suddenly, the mutation suddenly took place.


Invisible, Ouyang Nantian in the void finally started, raised his right hand, swung it into a knife, and gently cut it with a knife.

The blade glow is too empty, thunder is like a tide, the blade comes out, and the forbidden Space-Time is suddenly broken.

At the same time, the knife continued unabated, moving towards 4 people falling, just like the sky, instantly divided into two, the void was 2 and a half, and the knife was roaring.

“Ah … what … what !?”

4 Daxian Di saw the emergence of this blade, all complexion greatly changed, Divine Soul was trembling, where he dared to continue his attack, instantly recovered all his strength, and turned into the strongest defense, blocking the blade of the sky falling.

Boom … Rumble!

The sound of a thunderstorm shakes Heaven and Earth, Blade Qi, 4 silhouettes, like kite with its string cut, thrown into the air, throwing a large piece of blood, moved towards the forest not far away and fell down.

Waiting for 4 silhouettes, struggling to get up from the ground, and then looking towards Chu Yan, his face was full of horror.

“You … who are you !?”

4 pairs of 8 eyes, trembling together, looked towards Chu Yan, the white robe god, all eyes are full of fear.

A knife!

A random knife, slashing three emperors, a half Saint, this sudden white robe powerhouse, what kind of terrifying existence! ?

Even if the other party is the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, it is impossible to do so!

“Nantian has no demon, the sword is broken, you are lucky today, get lost!”

Emperor God of South looked like water, swept 4 people, shouted softly, and then immediately lifted his feet and strode away towards him.

Chu Yan, who was standing on the spot, looked at four people, hooked the head, grinned, and turned away.

“Nan … Nantian has no demon, the sword is ruthless !?”

The red robe man with blood on his mouth looked at one black one white 2 silhouettes away, a face completely solidified, and his lips were shaking.

“He … he’s Emperor God !? I’ll drop my god …”

“Just now, what did we do !? We actually robbed … a Divine Emperor !?”

4 The face was frightened, and when looking at each other, the scalp was numb all over, and Divine Soul was messy.

Lucky! ?

Really gone heaven defying lucky!

Four of them robbed Divine Emperor, and they survived! ?

What is this motherfucker called! ?

This is simply Shouxing Chief Hang, earn your own life …

In an instant, 3 Roads with extremely resentful eyes fell on the red robe man.

“This … this is what you said, good !?”

“You simply told us to die and make a fortune!”

“Fuck, your mind is locked, let’s rob Divine Emperor, or the Southern God Emperor!”


With an outcry, the red robe man and the scolded dog were bloody headed, and the three turned around and left without even daring to stop breathing more.

10000 Yinan God the Emperor turned around and killed them, just like killing 3 Stinking Insect.

Waiting for the three to leave, the red robe man sat still on the ground, just like a helpless orphan.

“Fuck … asshole! What dog, fart news, let me find out who sent the message, I must kill him!”

The red robe man finally reacted, the same swearing, a face has been scared into gray white.

According to the information received, this Chu Yan, with a huge treasure, went to Heavenly Wonder alone, who knows that there is a Divine Emperor hidden by his side.

Moreover, it is also the legendary Southern God Emperor who slashed 1000 demons!

That is there! ?

That was one man one blade, in Antiquity God and Demon Great War, it made the entire Ten Directions Star Domain tremble.

If it is not because of a “love” word, fleshy body is lost, I am afraid that the current strength, sweeping the entire Ten Directions Star Domain is a small meaning.

“This … this Chu Yan, isn’t it Loose Cultivator ?! How can he be with Emperor God!”

“No, seeing him later, you have to hide a little farther …. Life is just one!”

The red robe man was more and more afraid in his heart, quickly got up from the ground, turned and walked away.

Now, he just wants to leave here as soon as possible, go back to 8 Immortal Sect, and never come out again.

After a brief storm, the Tianmeng Forest quickly returned to calm.

One day in the mountains, 1000 years in the world.

Chu Yan and Ouyang Nantian walked in Ling Zhongxing, a vast expanse of forest, harvesting some heavenly materials earthly treasures from time to time.

In the meantime, they also met some powerful Martial Artists, cultivating in the Heavenly Dream Forest, or exploring the ruins, or fighting Monster Beast, and even more between Martial Artists, because of some new treasures Hit the shot.

Tianmeng Forest, as the entrance to Tianmeng’s extinction, is much less dangerous, but there are many treasures.

Naturally, it also attracts some people, who have been here for a long time, dreaming of all kinds of overnight riches and flying sky.

Where there is interest, there is a slaughter.

For all of this, Chu Yan is used to it, and Ouyang Nantian just laughed it off.

Although I just experienced a small battle, the good mood of the 2 people seems not to be affected.

However, this good mood will inevitably not last long and will soon be broken.

“Chu Yan, what are you doing at Yellow Springs Road !?”

While walking, Ouyang Nantian suddenly stopped and turned to look towards Chu Yan, curiously asked.

“Uh … It’s nothing, just a fight and grab something!”

Chu Yan saw Ouyang Nantian suddenly heard it, and returned to himself with this marginal question, and was somewhat puzzled.

“Really !? I don’t think it’s that simple …”

While speaking, Ouyang Nantian turned her head, looking towards not far away, a small mountain bag, above which, very quiet stood 3 silhouettes.

Following Ouyang Nantian’s gaze, Chu Yan’s face suddenly stagnated when he saw the three silhouettes.

If it weren’t for Ouyang Nantian’s guidance, these 3 were like ghost-like, standing there, completely with the night and all around environment, 3 silhouettes of fuse together, and even his exploration of Divine Consciousness was not found.

This only shows that these 3 people are extremely strong!

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