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Although Chu Yan had some surprises about the 4 “Dreams of Heaven’s Dream” that appeared suddenly, they exchanged and the other party’s words were justified.

It seems that there is something wrong with myself.

Because of Chu Yan’s attitude, which was relatively humble, the atmosphere originally with swords drawn and bows bent gradually relaxed.

However, Chu Yan was curious about the penalties proposed by Fang.

“Good! Must be punished!”

The purple skirt woman is nodded and has a very firm attitude. There seems to be no room for discussion.


Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, complexion sank, after all, he has not been cultivation for half a day, even if he devoured some nine colored Heaven and Earth Spirit Power in the spirit cloud, compared to the vast spirit cloud sea, it is nothing more than a sea millet.

Moreover, after Chu Yan stopped cultivation just now, the sea of ​​nine colored spirit clouds in the sky also gradually recovered as before, not at all too much loss.

If the four people in front of you want to adjudicate themselves with this, Chu Yan will never be put to death.

After all, Chu Yan is unclear about the rules of this remnant of the dream, if they want to fight off, they do n’t have much time to spend with them.

“Excuse me, how to punish !?” Chu Yan solemnly asked.

“You have devoured many spiritual sources of our family. If you can pay the corresponding compensation, you can cancel it in one lump sum, but if you cannot pay the corresponding compensation, you have to work for our family for 100 years as compensation!”

The woman in the purple skirt didn’t think about it, so she answered directly.

Obviously, this is not the first time she has encountered such a thing, so the punishment already has rules to escape.

“Corresponding compensation !?”

Chu Yan’s face loosened when she heard the woman in the purple skirt. The punishment was reasonable.

The most important thing is that for Chu Yan, it is not difficult to come up with some resource treasure to compensate, and to understand this matter.

Immediately, Chu Yan groaned slightly, turned his hands over, took out a Yellow Springs blood fruit, and threw it at the purple skirt woman, opened the mouth and said

“This Yellow Springs blood fruit is obtained from the tomb of Yellow Springs. It is extremely precious. Do you see enough?”

Yiguo shot, and landed firmly in the hands of the purple skirt woman. Looking down, her face suddenly changed.

“Really strong heavenly materials earthly treasures, this fruit is enough …”

Not only the woman in the purple skirt, but also the other three women around her are all eyes shined, and at the same time a hint of greed emerged.

Seeing the faces of 4 people, Chu Yan smiled gently.

For Yan Springs blood fruit, Chu Yan is naturally confident, let alone swallowed the nine colored spirit cloud for half a day. Even if it was the last month of cultivation here, the value of this Yellow Springs blood fruit is enough.

Nine colored Lingyun Sea, even strange, at best is the ordinary Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, and the Mausoleum of the Demon Race in the tomb of Yellow Springs.

You should know that when you are on Yellow Springs Road, even if it is the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, you will fight for a Yellow Springs blood.

And now, the four women in front of them, but the cultivation base is no higher than Martial Emperor Realm, this Yellow Springs blood fruit, maybe they can make their cultivation base directly upgrade one level, which is worth a few hundred years of hard work.

The purple skirt woman, of course, saw the value of this Yellow Springs blood fruit, and she was just about to say yes, but her eyes looked up towards Chu Yan, but her eyes flashed slightly, and some changes occurred.

Her eyes looked at Chu Yan, and she looked up and down. The corners of her mouth rose slightly. The greedy color in her eyes was extremely obvious.

For a Martial Artist who can take out “Yellow Springs blood fruits”, such precious heavenly materials earthly treasures, I am afraid there are more treasures on his body! ?

Turning her head slightly, the woman in the purple skirt glanced at the other three women, and then there was a smile on the faces of the four women.

“Hmph! A Spirit Fruit, just not enough compensation!”

The woman in the purple skirt looked towards Chu Yan, first Divine Consciousness probed Chu Yan and found his cultivation base, but the upper Martial Emperor 1st Layer was suddenly said with a sneer

“Hand over your storage Jade Talisman, this time, let you go, otherwise …”

The purple skirt girl’s tone became cold, and the murderous aura, which had gradually subsided, rose again.

At the same time, three other women, moved towards Chu Yan all around, moved Chu Yan around, obviously not going to let Chu Yan go.

Looking at this scenario, they did not intend to let Chu Yan go, or, no matter whether Chu Yan agreed or not, they would not let Chu Yan, the fat fish that came to his mouth.

“What a greedy dream soldier!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was immediately disappointed in his heart. Originally, he thought that Antiquity, a Martial Artist, would not be so profit-seeking. Now it seems that there is no difference compared with Martial Artists outside.

“The payment is impossible! But …”

Chu Yan looked at 4 females, the pupil light was getting colder, the aura on his body slowly surging, opened the mouth and said

“Never mind that you are the masters of this place, I can give you a chance, leave now, and spare you once!”

From the beginning of entering the Tianmeng Forest, to the current Wuwu Forest, Chu Yan has been robbed all the way and has suffocated his stomach. Now he will not be polite to them.

Is it true that he is so good to bully, anyone can come up and bully! ?

“What !? What do you say !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the purple skirt girl and the other three girls were stunned for a while, and some of them couldn’t react.

“Ha ha ha, a trifling superior Martial Emperor 1st Layer, dare to talk to us like this, it is courting death!”

“Senior Sister, this kid fails to appreciate somebody’s kindness, no more nonsense with him!”

“In our Tianmeng survivors, how dare we be so arrogant, it is really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

3 The woman opened her mouth and laughed, without taking the Outsider into her eyes.

You know, they are the 4 high-ranking Martial Emperor Realm, and they are also equipped with magic methods, and they are integrated with the array in the legacy forest. Under enforcement, the battle strength has increased several times, and almost all have reached Great Emperor Realm 3 4 Layer battle. strength.

In this case, do n’t say 4 to 1, even if you come alone, you can kill this Chu Yan.

Therefore, for Chu Yan’s attitude, they did not take it seriously at all, but mocked wantonly, and the murderous intention rose.

“Hmph! Since you are courting death, don’t blame us!”

The woman in the purple skirt raised her hand and waved, Di Wei suddenly broke out on her body, moved towards the sky, and rose overnight.

This aura, straight into the cloud, connected with the sea of ​​nine colored spirit clouds in the sky, and fell back, the aura instantly increased by 3 times.

“En !? Since … so that’s how it is!”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil flickered, glancing across the sky and the purple skirt woman on the ground, suddenly suddenly.

It turned out that these 4 women, with a special Spirit Treasure on them, can merge with the Great Array in this legacy forest, and use the Great Array to improve their battle strength.

In other words, they are in the Yiwu Forest, which means that they are in an incomparably huge natural field.

After figuring out the opponent’s path and hole cards, Chu Yan sneered and the three-color Profound Light behind him soared into the sky.

“Martial Soul, suppress me!”

Shout out loudly, the power of the magnificent Martial Soul, surged out, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

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