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All ghost shadows looking towards the sky are all shocked, with a pair of ghost eyes, shining.

Divine Realm!

Holy Tomb in Different Space, Ten Monument Test, Supreme natural phenomenon!

Since the year when Xuanyuan Divine Emperor created the 10000 Golden Holy Tomb, it has been said that Divine Realm will appear, and all the golden body powerhouses will be reborn!

This promise, after millions of years, nearly 1000000 Star Domain top genius test, finally realized!

At this moment, the entire holy tomb, all ghosts, all awake, gathered together in the stone house square, ghost eyes trembling, looking at the sky, the thicker and thicker … Divine Realm Lingyun!

In the Golden Palace, Chu Yan is still working hard and wants to continue to change the sky, 8 golden rounds.

“Continue ah! Can’t stop, I must pass!”

The whole body is tight, Chu Yan, who constantly urges True Qi and Soul Power, is still working hard and wants to inspire ten or six golden rounds.

But he did not know that he had completed the Supreme results of the Soul Test which had existed for 100 years in existence.

If you let it out, the group of ghost shadow gangsters, knowing Chu Yan’s thoughts now, are estimated to vomit blood collectively and fly to Heaven Heavens.

Created a legend, surpassed Supreme, and even shouting, I must be qualified! ?

The whole holy tomb is in a different space, a dead silence …

Buzz …!

Above the sky, 8 golden rounds of the sun, all evolved together, turned into hands and feet trunks, stretched to a very tall golden body.


A long-lasting sound of Green Ancient resembles God’s language, resounding through the whole Heaven and Earth.

“The Soul Test is over! Chu Yan, you can stop!”

Tall like a mountain, occupying half of the sky, the tall body of golden light 10,000 zhang, like God, a very majestic voice resounded in the ears of everyone present.

“En!? God … God Realm !?”

Chu Yan just closed his hand, took a deep breath, heard the sound, looked up, suddenly stunned, exclaimed.

There is no need to doubt or guess at all. Above the sky, that tall golden body, the terrifying aura released is far more than the aura of Ouyang Nantian.

Ouyang Nantian is a Half-God Realm powerhouse, which can surpass him, only the possibility is … Shenjing!

A real divine powerhouse!

This is the strongest Martial Artist encountered since Chu Yan cultivation Martial Artist!

Even if it is just a Soul Body, it gives people a suffocating sense of depression, as if the power of the entire Heaven and Earth is suppressed.

“This is 5 soul stones, your reward!”


Above the sky, a huge black shadow, dropping from the sky, moved towards the Golden Palace, flew through the gate and steadily smashed in front of Chu Yan.

Not bad, just … smashed!

This 5 soul stone is as big as a stone tablet, which is nearly 5 times taller than Chu Yan’s.

“This … so big !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were fiercely wide and his face was shocked.

Never seen it before, such a huge 5 soul stone, and this one of the 5 soul Spirit Power, rich terrifying!


Chu Yan, with her eyes glowing, will be polite there, and her nostrils are sloppy, loudly shouted, and she directly received the 5 soul stones into Rakshasa Space.

“many thanks Senior !”

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chu Yan bowed his hand at the huge god shadow on the sky.

“No! This is what you deserve!”

God shadow nodded, showing a smile, then said

“Tomb of the Holy Soul, starting today, open!”

This sound was like a thunderbolt, and it shook the whole sky, making all the ghost shadows gathered around Ouyang Nantian suddenly awakened.

“What !? Holy Soul Tomb, opened !?”

“Ha ha ha, very good! This dog, fart seal, finally broke!”

“My golden body, after waiting for millions of years, I will finally be born!”

“Quick, everyone come back!”


With a cheer, a large group of ghost shadows rose together, moved towards a large stone house, and the direction of the palace in the distance, flew away.

“Ouyang, you are right! This time, thanks to you!”

In the sky, Ouyang Nantian, the god of golden realm turned around looked towards the same smiling face, and thanked.

“Xuanyuan big brother, you’re welcome! This is my chance against Divine Dao! It’s not my merit, I’m just a guide!”

Ouyang Nantian bowed his hand and replied.

“Good! This is my chance against Divine Dao!”

“Didn’t expect, millions of years, Heavenly Dao reincarnation, chaos reopens, Heaven and Earth reunite, this time, whether it is robbery or luck, everything depends on God’s will!”

“It’s just a pity that the opponents of God World are probably awakening earlier than us. This time we are late and the time is not enough!”

“It’s okay! I have recovered my body too, Ouyang, this Little Brother, I’ll leave it to you!”

In a word, the golden god shadow on the sky turned into a golden light, moved towards a mountain peak in the distance, and flew away.

In the Golden Palace, Chu Yan’s face was dull, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness echoed constantly, what the god powerhouse said just now.

“The Holy Sepulchre is on !? Opportunity to Divine Dao !? Heavenly Dao Ming curse!? God World’s opponent!? Restoration of God !?

a The thunderstorm that followed a sounded in his Sea of ​​Consciousness …

Although Chu Yan does n’t know, what is Xiang Xiang ’s place, what was the test just now …

However, Chu Yan is not stupid ah!

What the Xuanyuan Divine Emperor said, the meaning contained in it is too obvious!

This alien space should be a cage that has been confined for millions of years.

Could it be that I just reversed the history of Divine Dao, those big guys who were damaged during the God and Demon Great War, all …. ?

“Chu Yan, good job! It didn’t disappoint me!”

Just when Chu Yan was stunned, Ouyang Nantian strode into the Golden Palace and smiled to Chu Yan.


When Chu Yan saw Ouyang Nantian, he spoke 1000 words and 10000 words at a time, but he didn’t know where to start.

“Chu Yan, you got this 5 soul stone, which belongs to the inverse Divine Dao, and was owned by Xuanyuan Divine Emperor who was one of heaven defying 3 gods together with the green wooden sword god that year!”

“I know, you are looking for 5 soul stones, and Xuanyuan Divine Emperor has exactly one piece, so I made a bet with him …. hehe”

Ouyang Nan heaven knows, Chu Yan is full of doubts, so he directly explained.

“Now, I won and you also got 5 Soulstones! Next, the Divine Dao tomb is opened, and the real decisive battle is coming!”

“Now, don’t worry about that much, hurry up to cultivate!”

Hearing what Ouyang Nantian said, Chu Yan suddenly started …

“What, cultivation !?”

Buzz …! Buzz …! Buzz …!

Chu Yan’s sentence hasn’t landed. Suddenly, outside the Golden Palace, a large area of ​​golden light surged from those stone houses and palaces, shaking the whole Heaven and Earth.

The air surged into the Golden Palace, and the majestic power made Chu Yan Divine Soul tremble.

Very terrifying Heaven and Earth Spirit Power! This … is the prestige of the Holy Emperor! ? Chu Yan exclaimed.

“Yes! 10000 pieces of gold body remodeling, 10000 holy souls are back, now is the best time for you to integrate dao chart, don’t hesitate, hurry up!”

Ouyang Nantian glanced behind him, and saw the majestic golden wave tsunami outside, rushing into Heaven and Earth, and suddenly his face was anxious, hurrying to Chu Yan shouted.

“What !? Fusion … dao chart !?” Chu Yan froze.

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