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The appearance of Saint Rakshasa Martial Soul makes all the violent Rakshasa True Qi even more violent.

True Qi, which had been somewhat stagnant, boiled thoroughly in this brief moment, and Spirit Power in the Soul Stone spewed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The violent True Qi operation caused Chu Yan’s body all around to produce a continuous explosion of gas. A large number of True Qi riots within the body, impacting the cultivation base bottleneck again.

Upper Martial Emperor 6th Layer!

Upper Martial Emperor 7th Layer!

Upper Martial Emperor 8th Layer!

Upper Martial Emperor 9th Layer!


In one breath, he once again leaped 4 Layer realm to the upper Martial Emperor 9th Layer.

At this point, Chu Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough, at this moment, has found a full of 9 realm, one less, you can directly break through to the Great Emperor Realm.

“This kid, really strong innate talent!”

“Good! Good! This 5-Spirit Spirit Stone is cherished by Xuanyuan big brother. Didn’t expect Spirit Power is so scary!”

“Good luck, see Chu Yan’s 5 Martial Souls, which exactly match the 5 Heavenly Dao attributes in these 5 soul stones.”

“Hmph! You don’t have a look either, the boy’s fleshy body, how powerful the cultivation is, Martial Dao cultivation has luck.”

“That is, to exercise fleshy body and wait for pain and hardship. This child can cultivate fleshy body to a level comparable to the gold body. It must be his Martial Dao will and is extremely powerful!”

“After this time, this child may be flying into the sky!”

“Great Emperor Realm bottleneck, and dao chart fusion, these two levels, see if he can rush!”


These Antiquity powerhouses who have been following Chu Yan all the time, see Chu Yan breaking the 9th layer realm in one breath. Although he was shocked, not at all indicated that it was too unexpected.

After all, Xuanyuan Divine Emperor even took out the 5 Soul Stones that were collected.

This 5 soul stone has a heaven defying boosting effect on the genius of Martial Soul who has more than 3 births. This is almost known to them as Antiquity powerhouse.

In any case, the most important thing for Chu Yan in front of him is to impact the fusion of Great Emperor Realm and dao chart.

Especially the integration of dao chart, if successful, it will prove to be Divine Emperor in the future.


At the time when all the people were talking, the Golden Palace suddenly blasted a rushing weather wave, and the aura rushed away, sweeping the audience like a world destroying gust.

Even the Divine Consciousness of all Antiquity powerhouses gathered in the Golden Palace was almost flew outside the Golden Palace by this blast.

“Ah! Breakthrough !?”

Ouyang Nantian’s eyes, fiercely trembling, white robe flying in the strong air waves, but a pair of eyes staring tightly at the pan sitting on the ground, body 5 color Profound Light Chu Yan sky.

On his body, a ray of great aura was gushing, becoming more and more solid.

Nothing wrong!

Absolutely Great Emperor Realm aura!

Martial Artist cultivation, Great Emperor Realm is a vital realm.

Some people say that Martial Dao should be divided into Stage 3 realm, namely Martial Dao, Heavenly Dao, Divine Dao.

The end point of Martial Dao is the Great Emperor Realm. Next, after entering the Holy Realm, it is the beginning of Heavenly Dao cultivation.

“Oh, finished! Great Emperor Realm 1st Layer!”

Under the intense attention of countless Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan’s mouth was light, his eyes opened slowly, and his eyes were like stars of light in a blink of an eye.

Compared with the previous, there is one less sharpness, but a little more restrained.

Chu Yan looked up towards Ouyang Nantian, with a slight smile, nodded, that indifferent, detached aura made Ouyang Nantian look amazed.

“Now, let’s merge!”

Chu Yan’s voice is calm and his face is calm. There is no ordinary Martial Artist at all. He just broke through the ecstasy of a Heaven and Earth Realm.

In a word, Chu Yan’s mind converged at the same time, the pupil light was like a sword, and Sword Qi surged around him, and all Divine Consciousness poured out.

5 respects Divine Beast Martial Soul, including St. Rakshasa true body, all recovered within the body.

Above the head, there are only 2 blurred spirit figures, one is the chaotic starry sky, and the other is the Hongmeng killing intent!

The spiritual figure of the chaotic starry sky is like Boundless Starry Sky, with countless stars flashing slowly.

On the other side of the Hongmeng killing intent spirit picture, thunder is surging, Sword Qi is rushing, killing intent unhindered.

These two spiritual pictures, one static and one moving, formed a strong contrast.

“Give me … Rong!”

Chu Yan a light shout, with both hands and fingers, shoots 2 Sword Qi straight, puncturing 2 spirit pictures respectively.

Sword Qi enters the picture to form a Sword Intent dragon roll, wraps two spirit pictures, moved towards each other slowly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not waiting for the contact of the two spirit pictures at all, just the aura that overflowed from the two spirit pictures, collided together, and they constantly emit the sound of thunderbolt gas explosion.

one after another horrible aura, 4 spread out.

Especially the picture of killing intent in Hongmeng, even shot a path of black Sword Qi, shot like a hedgehog all around the void.

This picture of killing intent in Hongmeng was born on Heavenly Sword, which is extremely overbearing.

The Chaos Star Sea chart on Clear Sky Sword is like a real sea, containing 10000 objects, absorbing everything around it, without a sense of violentness.


Even Ouyang Nantian, who was Half-God Realm, looked at this scene with wide-eyed eyes.

Obviously, Chu Yan’s two spirit maps have completely opposite attributes. Such two spirit maps want to merge, and they are fundamentally impossible.

“This Chu Yan, the killing way of cultivation and the way of self, these two spiritual pictures, I am afraid it is difficult to merge!”

A golden silhouette slowly appeared beside Ouyang Nantian and spoke softly.

“Xuanyuan big brother, I also didn’t expect. The two ways of his cultivation are completely opposite.”

Ouyang Nantian turned to look towards Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, hook the head, sighed.

“No problem!”

Xuanyuan Divine Emperor brows slightly wrinkle, golden glow twinkling, seems to be pondering and deciding what.

“This child has Great Destiny and Yin-Yang reversal. The way he takes is different from ordinary people. There is a break in the middle, and there is a break in the middle. Everything is set in heaven. Let’s wait and see how it changes!”

Hearing Xuanyuan Divine Emperor’s words, he originally expected Xuanyuan Divine Emperor to help Chu Ouyang Nantian, first started, then slightly nodded, and the expression of nervousness on his face gradually relieved.

“How come these two pictures are so agreeable !?”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, trembling constantly, was struck by two auras of spirit pictures, and there were some signs of instability.

“Hmph! I don’t believe it! Fight!”

Whether it is the way of killing or his own way, it is the road to the sky of his Martial Dao will.

Until now, there is no one, and at the same time cultivate 2 completely different ways, and no one like Chu Yan would like to fully integrate the two ways.

No one has done this kind of thing before, so, including Ouyang Nantian and Xuanyuan God, I do n’t know if Chu Yan will succeed in the end.

However, Chu Yan himself will never give up, even if he tries his best.

“Clear Sky Sword, come out!”

“Broken Heavenly Sword, come out!”

2 Under the loud noise, on Chu Yan, one black one white, 2 dazzling sword lights, soaring into the sky, just like the sun and moon on the same day, shining into the sky.

“Give me … cut!”

Waving your hands together, pointing in midair, 2 vigorously colliding pictures.

“What !? He … he is going to cut the dao chart !?”

Ouyang Nantian and Xuanyuan Divine Emperor were stunned at the same time, their faces looked shocked.

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