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Chu Yan’s eyes are shining like stars, and he is full of blood, not cooling at all, but getting hotter and hotter.

Because the kind of impulse in my heart can’t be suppressed at all. Besides, Chu Yan also heard about the most important thing about condensing Emperor Yin’s success rate when giving birth to the dao chart.

Therefore, Chu Yan simply did not intend to suppress, but instead continued to gain momentum, ready to break out at any time.

If it was n’t before, when the dao chart was conceived, Ten Directions ’Heavenly Dao Adjudicator was attracted, maybe Chu Yan even asked to protect the law will not say that he began to condense the imperial seal directly.

Buzz …!

Almost at the moment Chu Yan fell, his within the body, a god-like aura, rushed out, leaving everyone in the audience with a startled look, fiercely changed.

This Chu Yan has power! ?

Breakthrough has created the Great Emperor Realm cultivation base and gave birth to the dao chart. ?

The most important thing is that the flow of Chu Yan just now makes all Antiquity powerhouses feel a trace of familiar aura, which is extremely powerful.

So powerful that everyone began to believe that Chu Yan could really condense Di Yin again.

Emperor India!

It is the big seal of Divine Emperor. It goes up to Heavenly Dao, enters 9 secludes, one seal and one emperor, and shoulders with Heavenly Dao.

According to legend, a Divine Emperor can create a Heaven and Earth. Divine Emperor, as the master of the new Heaven and Earth, can get Rule Power.

Or, in other words, the new Heaven and Earth developed by the Great God Seal of All Sides, all the rules of Heavenly Dao will be transformed by the will of Divine Emperor.

It is even more legendary that Ten Directions Star Domain is Great Ancient Era, ten Divine Emperor powerhouses, the new Heaven and Earth created, and the Heavenly Dao that was bred has always been the Divine Emperor of Great Ancient Era. Change.

So, obviously, there is no powerhouse, and I hope that within my territory, there may be a Martial Artist who is as strong as himself, even more than himself.

Condensing the Emperor’s Seal will definitely lead to the crazy suppression of Ten Directions Star Domain!

call…! call…! call….!

Among the Golden Palace, all Antiquity powerhouses, it seems that they have not fully reflected from Chu Yan’s sentence “I want to condense the Emperor’s Seal” and the shock of the powerful aura on him.

However, Chu Yan’s body, the aura, is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that Chu Yan has been unable to suppress the dao chart, the source of Emperor’s Power, and has begun to condense.

The source of Emperor’s Power, known as God’s source of power, ordinary Martial Artist and mortal, throughout his life, also has a trace of impossible.

It is only possible when the powerhouse above the Holy Emperor Realm is conceived of the dao chart and condensed Emperor Seal, or when it successfully proves the Divine Realm. It is possible to draw a little bit from Chaos in the sky as the core source of Emperor Yin Condensation.

Just this is the source of Emperor’s Power, it can make the powerhouse that has condensed Diyin, the battle strength increased by several times, the horror!

This group of Antiquity powerhouses, many of them have condensed the dao chart, like Ouyang Nantian, these Half-God Realm powerhouses, and many others have condensed into the imperial seal.

It was only during God and Demon Great War that the Fleshy body was damaged, and the Emperor Seal, which existed in Sea of ​​Consciousness, also disappeared.

So, when they felt that the source of Emperor’s Power, which hu hu rang, kept rushing on Chu Yan, his face changed.

“This … this … how is this possible !?”

“He came really !? Really want to condense Di Yin !?”

“Fuck, are you crazy ?! How is this World so crazy now !? Did we sleep for millions of years, World has changed !?”

“The source of Emperor’s Power, you can’t go wrong, this is the necessary condition for condensing Diyin!”

“Great Emperor Realm… .. Condensed Emperor’s Seal !? Am I blind !?”

“Never heard of it, never seen it, that Great Emperor Realm joke, can condense Emperor Yin!”

“The source of Emperor’s Power is the chaos in the sky. Even Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain can’t control it. object is also the source of Emperor’s Power. “

“It won’t be wrong! This Chu Yan, what a special thing is to condense Emperor Seal!”


In the Golden Palace, the pot almost exploded. The key is a group of powerhouses that have experienced Antiquity God and Demon Great War. At this time, watching Chu Yan is like seeing a monster.

It’s the kind of god-level monster that can chew God directly into scum with one mouth.

A big boss completely lost self-control, all kinds of exclamations, resounded throughout the Golden Palace, a path of thunderclap, in their dead Soul Body, constantly bursting out, they were not solid The Soul Body almost collapsed directly.

Terrifying !

Too terrifying!

The level of Chu Yan’s demon is almost close to the legend, Great Ancient Era, those who pick Sun, Moon and Stars, and pedal to Nine Heavens … Divine Race genius!

Because, according to the legend of the Antiquity era, in the Divine Race where the Great Ancient Era disappeared, those geniuses were all in the Great Emperor Realm when they gave birth to the dao chart and condensed the imperial seal.

Moreover, the success rate is extremely high, reaching about 50%.

Therefore, Great Ancient Era, which occupies Divine Race of Divine Realm, is almost a symbol of invincible. Any Divine Race clansman appearing in Ten Directions Star Domain is enough to sweat away from the whole world.

At this moment, even after going through the Antiquity God and Demon Great War, these big brothers who didn’t move at all looked at Chu Yan with their mouths wide open, their eyes wide and their faces confused.

The appearance of this Chu Yan has caused their Martial Dao World view to collapse.

Great Emperor Realm, giving birth to dao chart, condensing Emperor Seal!

Such a genius, Genius, actually appeared in the reverse Divine Dao, and he also asked them to help protect the law.

Such a request, do n’t say to let them protect the law, even if he asks them to donate half of Soul Power, these old monsters who are against Divine Dao will also be very excited. Like a treasure, they will tear off their half souls and farts Chu Yan smiled and handed it to Chu Yan.

Cracking a joke !

Such a genius, as long as it grows up, not to mention a trifling Saint Heavenly Pavilion, even if it is counterattack God World, there is no problem at all.

So, without any answer at all, an antiquity powerhouse gangster, a collective riot, all Soul Power, dumped out, almost pulled the Golden Palace directly.

Like Chu Yan, they certainly know that Chu Yan of the Great Emperor Realm condensing the imperial seal will inevitably lead to Ten Directions Star Domain and Heavenly Dao’s decision again.

So, this group of Antiquity old monsters, released all Soul Power, without a trace of reservation, wrapped the entire Golden Palace into a bucket.

Such a terrible amount of defensive power, don’t say a 2 Adjudicator, even if you come to a 2 Divine Emperor, don’t want to touch Chu Yan a cold hair.

In order to counter the rise and future of Divine Dao, they completely fight.

Even if it is so crazy to urge Soul Power, it will greatly affect the speed and efficiency of their body shaping, and there is no complaint.

Even the Divine Emperor of Xuanyuan, which has closed its doors in full force, has also brought a trace of Divine Emperor Soul Power from the closed place to wrap the Golden Palace.

On the other side, Chu Yan, who had already sat cross-legged and re-sinked in cultivation, officially began to condense Emperor Yin.

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