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The fierce Sword Qi, collided with the iron claws, the fire star that exploded, splashed more than 3 feet high, the surging energy, turned into countless Sword Qi and beast might, the all around void, forcibly torn, Crash shot.

Sword Qi is unmatched. After slicing the flying iron claws, he slashed heavily on the body of the floating beast and rubbed it to draw a long fire star.

At that scene, it seemed that the sword was chopped on steel, and nothing but Sword Mark and fire star could be left behind.

“So hard !?”

Chu Yan did not expect that his Clear Sky Sword could not break the skin of the floating beast.

However, when Chu Yan collected his sword and Qilin’s pupils swept through, he finally found that there was a densely packed tattoo on the surface of this small house-sized puffed beast.

Just like himself, when he first entered the world of Futu, he also had tattoos transformed by Chaos Spirit Qi on his skin.

“Could it be said that these floater tattoos can also increase defense !?”

Chu Yan pupil light flashed slightly, inexplicable surprise.

Because, if these bufo tattoos can really increase their defenses, then these bufo beasts, in this buoyant dark world, have survived for some 10000 years, and the absorbed chaos Spirit Qi is afraid that they are 1000 times 10000 times their own.

“No wonder….”

In an instant, Chu Yan’s pupil light suddenly became fierce. Roar’s puppet beast, battle intent in his eyes, kept rising.

Chaos Spirit in the dark world of Futu is so amazing! ?

However, no matter what, the enemy standing in front of Chu Yan has only one ending, that is … dead!


Chu Yan’s eyes gradually turned into the color of Purple Gold, a powerful ray of Diwei, condensed, and turned into an arrow-like divine light, moved towards the opposite floating beast, fiercely stabbed.

in the sky, as if I could hear it, a faint “pu” sounded.

The buoyant beast that had just roared away, the whole beast shuddered suddenly, a pair of blood-red eyes, instantly frozen, and looked at Chu Yan with a frightened face.

In the eyes of the beast, the panic continued to magnify, and finally, it turned into fear directly, completely swallowing its demon consciousness, which was not much.


Beast Roar was shocking, and the Bufo beast turned around and walked away, as if he had met a nemesis, or an invincible enemy, and just wanted to escape from this place, far away, and never face it again, this black robed youth.

But will Chu Yan let him escape? !

Of course impossible!

“Hmph! Still want to go !?”

Chu Yan sneered, his mouth lightly raised, and looked at the turned round beast, the true element on his body rushed out.

The majestic Gang Yuan rushed through the air, like a piece of sea wave, rushed through the sky, and when it rushed over the top of the floating beast, it had become a, a huge Gang Yuan giant claw, fiercely covered.

Not bad!

Chu Yan wants to catch this floating beast alive.

It ’s not because Chu Yan wants to use it as a yin puppet. To be honest, this kind of floating beast, besides being stronger in defense, does not at all have any obvious battle strength.

However, this defense does not come from itself, but is brought by Spirit Qi, a Chaos in the dark world.

Therefore, perhaps as long as you leave the Buddhism dark world, this abnormal level of defense may fail directly.

Chu Yan was curious as to whether the chaotic tattoos on the floating beast and the defense it brought were really as he had guessed.

Over time, the amount of defensive power on this chaotic tattoo will become stronger.

However, when Chu Yan’s Gang Yuan claws fell and buckled the Futu Beast on the ground, the Futu Beast crashed into the Gang Yuan’s cage and gave a roaring roar.

Boom … rumbling!

Without waiting for Chu Yan to study it, a mass of flesh, like a firework, exploded directly in the cage of Gang Yuan, turned into a mass of flesh and blood smashed, and 4 sprays.

“Since … Self-destruction !?” Chu Yan stunned.

This floating beast, so fierce and beastly, even found out that when he was going to die, he went directly to Self-destruction and did not want to fall into the hands of the enemy.

Such animal nature is horrible!

It is precisely because of this matter that Chu Yan finally realized what the difference is between the horrible floater beast in the dark world of the Buddha and the ordinary Monster Beast from the outside world.

However, in any case, this battle is over!


True Qi waved, the holy stone within the cave in the distance, had long been locked by Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, turned into a white light, flew, and fell into the palm of Chu Yan.

The floating beast fell, and the first holy stone came.

However, when Chu Yan collected the Holy Stone, the killing intent in his body, and the blood in his eyes, but did not weaken, he slowly turned around, looked towards a mountain stone not far away, cold as ice, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said

“Come out! Don’t hide!”

Before, when he was halfway into battle with the floating beast, he discovered that there was a man who was quietly close to the battlefield, invisible behind the rock.

This Martial Artist hidden in the dark, will be aura, converging to almost no overflow, Concealment Technique is extremely delicate.

However, in front of Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness and Qilin’s pupil, such mystery has no effect at all.

Even if it was Stuart Yang, Chu Yan was sure that when he reported it within 10000 steps, he found a hidden trace.

“Oh, Fellow Daoist is amazing!”

With Chu Yan’s voice and gaze, a silhouette behind azure’s mountain and rocks came out.

This is an old man, full of vitality, wrapped in 5 steps around the body, a majestic Dewey, at least has Great Emperor Realm 6th Layer cultivation base.

“Boy, for your sake of being a newcomer, I won’t talk nonsense with you anymore, hand over that holy stone, get out!”

The old man stood still, like a green mountain, with a bewildering momentum, with Diwei, moved towards Chu Yan and suppressed.

The emperor is like a peak, one heavenly mountain!

In the Great Emperor Realm, almost every time you increase Layer 1 Realm, the strength is increased several times.

Therefore, as a powerhouse of Great Emperor Realm 6th Layer, there is no suspense in the face of a newcomer to Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer.

“You want to grab the holy stone !?” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, looking at the other party.

From the face of the old man, Chu Yan couldn’t see a trace of discoloration, only calmness. Obviously, such a thing, I’m afraid he had done it countless times.

Immediately, in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, various kinds of consciousness flashed continuously, the most Zhang, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed uncertainly.

He found that the difference between the newcomer and the old man was so great.

The whole process, the plan is like a cloud of water, without any loopholes.

First of all, a wide range of Divine Consciousness exploration, only need to be firmly controlled, where there is a fighting gas storm, this level of Divine Consciousness exploration is different from Chu Yan’s previous exploration of more than 30 hills.

Because the fighting gas explodes, it is much easier to detect than the small holy stone.

Therefore, this old man can completely release Divine Consciousness and directly cover a radius of 1000 miles. In this way, the exploration range is almost 100 times that of Chu Yan!

Once it was discovered that there was a battle, that most likely, related to the Holy Stone, came quietly and hid in the dark.

Bufo beast wins, kills beasts and wins stones, if Martial Artist wins, then grabs.

The final result, the Holy Stone will definitely fall into, such a veteran hand, the efficiency is almost 100 times that of Chu Yan.

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