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Chu Yan looked at the old man of Futu. In his eyes, there was only peace and indifference.

It seems that this Welcoming Envoy, not at all, ridicules himself. It is estimated that in the dark world of the entire Buddha, everyone is crazy about the Holy Stone.

A place where you need to pay a piece of sacred stone even if you enter the city. It is normal to ask questions and charge.

Chu Yan took out 10 holy stones and raised his hand to the other party.

10 holy stones, but not a small number, the last Chu Yan battle 6 emperors, as well as countless prohibitions and giant beast, only got 20 holy stones.

This time, it took nearly half!

After taking Chu Yan ’s ten holy stones, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Futu old man, and Chu Yan glanced before opening the mouth and said

“Two years ago, the bloody emperor entered the dark world of Futu!”

“Sure enough !?” Chu Yan Divine Soul shuddered, his eyes widening.

“Excuse me, where is he now !?” Chu Yan asked urgently.

“Buddha’s dark world, whether it is to inquire about the treasure, or to inquire about where anyone is, this is taboo!”

The old man of Futu looked at Chu Yan and smiled and replied.

“Taboo !?” Chu Yan startled.

It seemed right to think about it, no matter the holy stone or the person, where they were located seemed to be relatively secret news.

Everyone wants to get the sacred stone, and people, of course, also have the sacred stone. For example, the Fengdu list, the first few ranked, there are several thousand sacred stones on the body, if someone deliberately finds them, the result.

“However, this Outsider is bloody and violates the rules of Futur Dark World. I can tell you where he is!”

See Chu Yan frowned, but the old man of Futu went on.

“But, 50 holy stones!”

“50 !?” Chu Yan froze.

This price does not seem to be expensive, and the old man obviously looks at the bloody emperor, which violates the rules of the Futur Dark World, so this price is only available.

“What if Bu Jingyun, Qin Yuyao, and Yun Spirit Transformation on the Fengdu list !?” Chu Yan asked softly.

“Ranked top 10, the position of the first person, 10000 holy stone! Ranked 20 to 50, 8000 holy stone! And so on!”

The old man is like a businessman, with a variety of prices, and his mouth will come.

“So expensive!?”

Chu Yan didn’t expect, this powerhouse is ranked in the ranked top 10 powerhouse, only a location information is worth 10000 holy stones.

However, this is also true. After all, they all have more than 5000 holy stones. In this way, no one will buy their intelligence because they want to snatch the holy stone.

“It seems that 50 Holy Stones is fair!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, but his face was full of awkward look.

Because, there are only 10 holy stones left in his body, simply not enough.

“Fatty, how many holy stones do you have !?”

As soon as he turned his head, Chu Yan looked towards Situ Yang, opened the mouth and said “Let me 40 first, and I will return to you!”


Hearing Chu Yan’s request, Situ Yang looked up with joy, quickly took out 40 holy stones, and handed them directly to Chu Yan.

He knows Chu Yan very well.

If someone else borrowed and killed him, he would not borrow one, but if it was Chu Yan, then he would be willing to hold his thigh and ask Chu Yan to accept his holy stone.

Because, borrowing Chu Yan things, the final gains, I am afraid at least several times.

Of course, he will not miss this kind of good thing. Besides, with his relationship with Chu Yan, let ’s not say a few 10 holy stones, it ’s okay to have all the belongings.

However, after Situ Yang took out 4 10 holy stones, he stared at the 40 holy stones in his hands, his eyes twitching, and his face was painful.

“I said old fogey, 50 holy stone, is it too dark !?”

Situ Yang turned his head, looked towards Futu old man, his face full of profiteer expression, then said

“In a word, discuss and discuss, less points, 20 holy stones, how! At the worst, you come to buy my Spirit Mark in the future, I will give you a 7% discount!”

Old man hearing this, turning his head towards Situ Yang, the smile on his face did not disappear, but became more intense.

“This Heavenly Eye Great Emperor, your body seems to be a little special. How does it look like Avatar !?”

“And, this emperor aura, does not seem to be too pure! I think, it is necessary …”

These words fell in Stuart’s ears, and immediately made the smirk on his face freeze instantly.

“Don’t … don’t. Good negotiation, good negotiation!”

“Isn’t it the 50 Holy Stone !? This price is really fair!”

Situ Yang, who changed counsel in a second, quickly handed 4 10 Holy Stones to Chu Yan, a body like a meat mountain, retreated 3 steps, waved his hands at the same time, took out 2 Spirit Marks, and stared at Futu old with fright man.

“Senior, these are 50 holy stones!”

Seeing that Situ Yang was facing an enemy, his face was scared green, Chu Yan smiled gently, took out the holy stone, and handed it to the old man of Futu.


The old man of Futu looked at Situ Yang with a smile on his face, and did not continue to aim, looked towards Chu Yan, said

“Cangxue, in the dark world of Futu, a secret place, that place is extremely dangerous, if you …”

Speaking of which, the old man of Futu suddenly stopped, hook the head and stopped talking.


Chu Yan nodded, don’t care.

Regardless of whether the old man at Futu was restricted by the rules, or for any other reason, Chu Yan had already reminded Chu Yan.

“Okay! Give you a map, maybe it will help you!”

Old Man Fubu, take out a map and give it to Chu Yan, no more words.

“many thanks Senior !”

Chu Yan bowed his hand to the old man, turned around, and said to Situ

“Fatty, let’s go!”

I got the news about the location of Cangxue Shengdi, and now I still have a map. Chu Yan couldn’t wait and turned to leave.

From Continent in Outer Domain to Ten Directions Star Domain, only the Crimson Saint Emperor is a thing.

Whether it ’s mother ’s enmity or grudges with the Ming clan, let ’s understand them now.

Flying out of Fengdu City, Chu Yan burst into full force directly, and his figure turned into a shock, flying quickly above the sky.

Around Chu Yan, a path of Diwei’s storm, with the will of the emperor, propelled Chu Yan to break out at an alarming rate.

“God ah!”

Situ Yang followed, seeing this scene, frightened and flew away.

How long has it been since I saw that the strength of Chu Yan big brother is so horrible! ?

This imposing manner, this speed, even the Holy Emperor Realm, is impossible to achieve.

This fuck is too abnormal! ?

“Big … big brother, your strength !?” Situ raised his face with doubt, and Divine Consciousness’ crazy exploration on Chu Yan caused Chu Yan to frown.

“Dead fatty, are you deserves a beating!” Chu Yan glared at Situ Yang.

This is fatty. If anyone else dares to explore himself so brazenly, Chu Yan has already hacked up.

“Hehe, big brother, you cultivation base has improved too fast !?”

“When you last separated, you were on Martial Emperor Realm 1st Layer, and now you are in Great Emperor Realm !?”

Situ Yang and Chu Yan came all the way from Vast Heaven Continent. Something about Chu Yan’s abnormality was already somewhat numb.

The only thing that made him curious is that after Chu Yan’s breakthrough reached the Great Emperor Realm, his strength gave him a feeling of exceeding the Holy Emperor Realm.

You know, after so long in Buddhism ’s dark world, the Great Emperor Realm that Situ Yang has seen is as scary as a feather, but like Chu Yan aura, it ’s the first time he has seen it.

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