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Situ raised his face with a look of pity, looking at the battlefield in the distance behind him, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

The 8 Lei emperors, all of the cultivation bases are above the Great Emperor Realm 6th Layer, playing against a Chu Yan big brother of the Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer, they were completely suppressed.

Let them know, what is the first abnormal foreign domain continent!

“He … He is distracting, ready to collect treasure !?”

Each and everyone Lei Clan Emperor, of course, understood that Chu Yan did not take advantage of them when they were paralyzed.

In the Immemorial Stone Temple, there are treasures!

However, they did not understand that this Chu Yan, in their own battle, even wanted to collect treasure! ?

Could it be that they are so weak! ?

I don’t even have the qualification to let the other party do everything I can! ?

Anger, suffocation, killing intent, and various emotions continue to breed in the hearts of the 8 Lei emperors.

Their looks towards Chu Yan’s eyes were all crimson.

At this time, in the distance, the Immemorial Stone Temple, a Profound Light, rises into the sky.

That was Situ Yang, crushing a piece of Spirit Mark, and suddenly made him fat like a body, flexible like a demon monkey, under the guidance of the pupil of Qi Yan of Chu Yan, jump up and down, charge to the left and dash to the right, moved towards the center of the stone hall with speed.

“No! If you go on like this, you will not only kill them without Clear Sky, you won’t even get Chongbao!”

Emperor Lei Xiao’s face was purplish red, his forehead was swollen with blue muscles, and he roared at the sound transmission.

“Full urge! Take action together!”


Including the king of the emperor, among the eyes of the 7 emperors of the Lei tribe, the red rays of light masterpiece, the whole body of thunder, is madly urged.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Group after group of Thunder Element forces completely exploded, and one emperor finally broke through the ban.

Immediately, almost free from paralysis, 8 emperors shot at the same time, all kinds of killing emperor tricks, rushed to Chu Yan not far away.

It is this time!

Taking advantage of that Clear Sky, he was instructing his companions to collect treasures and bombarded one of them!

Let him look down on himself, let him look down on Thunder Clan, then die!

Because of the humiliation, the 8 emperors of the Lei clan were completely mad. They no longer have any scruples, nor will they have any left hands to attack their strongest forces together.

There is only one goal, that is to kill this, Clear Sky!

Even if the task of killing Chu Yan could not be completed by the Lei tribe, he would never hesitate again.

Boom … rumbling!

The 8 Lei emperors, once they enter the desperate state, everyone’s aura is rising like crazy Antiquity Ominous Beast, or the wounded Antiquity Ominous Beast, all violent and barbaric, all urged.

Now they only think of the slaughter, with only bloodthirsty eyes, 8 pairs of pupils, staring closely at the black robe silhouette facing away from themselves.

Shoot, attack, kill!

“Heavenly Thunder Magnetic Storm!”

The roar of Emperor Lei Xiao almost shouted his throat, containing the roar of Emperor Zhenyuan, and the whole cave was shaking.

“En!? Come again …”

Chu Yan turned around and saw a group of “wild beast” with red eyes, staring closely at himself.

At the same time, eight Lei emperors, all of which were attacked by True Elements, are now unfolding.

“This move again !?”

Chu Yan raised his eyebrows, and the pupil light blazed.

Although Chu Yan was a little surprised, they just failed to move this move against themselves, but now, it is still the same move! ?

However, when Chu Yan saw that Emperor Lei Xiao took out a lightning-shaped token, a pair of blood-stained eyes, looking at himself, and grinning all gruffly, Chu Yan’s face changed.

“Leizu decree, 9 thunder world destroying!”

With an order, Lei Xiao Emperor fiercely squeezed that piece of lightning token, directly shattered, and a hint of pale-gold Power of Thunder and Lightning slowly flowed out and merged into Lei Xiao Emperor’s body.

“Leizu decree, 9 thunder world destroying!”

“Leizu decree, 9 thunder world destroying!”

“Leizu decree, 9 thunder world destroying!”


Almost at the same time that Lei Xiao Emperor crushed the token, the other 7 emperors of the Lei clan also took out the same token and crushed it together.

“En !?” Chu Yan’s pupils shrank, looking at the 8 Lei emperors in front of him, the Power of Thunder and Lightning of pale-gold kept flashing, and there was a hint of bad hunch in his heart.

“It looks like it should be the Lei clan’s body protection Spirit Treasure!”

Chu Yan of course knows that as the 7 Battle Clan, every family can inherit from the Antiquity God and Demon Great War era to the present, how can it not have its own cards and means.

“Lei Zu !?”

Suddenly, the name suddenly flashed in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness …

According to rumors, Antiquity 7 Battle Clan, Old Ancestor of each race, in the God and Demon Great War, are the existence of a formidable person.

Among them, the Old Ancestor of the Lei tribe has a great battle strength!

After all, after the cultivation Thunder Element, after breaking through to the god realm, the horror of battle strength can be imagined.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of golden thunder and lightning appeared above the heads of the 8 emperors, bursting the void, 4 scattered golden electric flowers, 4 flashes.

Every golden thunder and lightning is connected in a collision.

Before a blink of an eye, a large grid of golden thunder and lightning covered the entire sky.

You do n’t need Divine Consciousness to probe at all, or Qilin ’s pupil to peek, just glance at it, and Chu Yan can judge that the golden thunder and lightning net of this time is more than doubled than the previous one.

8 Lei emperors, all outbreaks, formidable power can be imagined.

“Clear Sky, you go die for me!”

Emperor Lei Xiao’s blood-red eyes stared at Chu Yan, his face roared with fierceness, his hands fiercely pushed, and the golden thunder and lightning net in the sky suddenly covered it.

Finally, the golden lightning knife was bred in the thunder and lightning net, and there was a mountain-like thunder god illusory shadow, floating out, hand grasps, the golden lightning knife that traversed Heaven and Earth, caught in In hand.

2 Golden Lightning Ball’s condensed eyes swept to Chu Yan, the Lightning Knife in his hand split at the same time.

Seeing it, Daozhi!

This horrible thunder god illusory shadow is far more powerful than that before. This hand-slashing trend, completely Innate, even the void around all, solidifies it.

Single man subduing ten, when the strength reaches a certain level, it is the Peak of skill.

Obviously, the Lei tribe’s “Heavenly Thunder Magnetic Storm” battle array, in this brief moment, has been urged to the extreme.

“Ha ha….”

A smile appeared on Chu Yan’s face, so he raised his head and looked up at the body of Leizu above the sky, as well as the handle, the golden thunder knife falling down!

“Why are you laughing!?”

Emperor Lei Xiao was stunned, and he didn’t understand at all, what was this Clear Sky doing?

“Even if you are Lei Zu in person! What’s more, just a divine sense, just want me to succumb, hehe …”

“You do not deserve!”

This sentence landed, behind Chu Yan, a large black light rushed out constantly.

A tall black silhouette, like Heaven and Earth Demon God, broke out of the sky, gold and silver two colors giant eyes, staring straight in front of him, that body like a mountain-like thunder god, with gold and silver forks in his hands, shining brilliantly.

“St. Rakshasa, merge!”

Chu Yan at this moment also broke out!

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