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Zeshui mountain range, located in the northeastern region of the floating summer and dark world, is famous for its darkness.

This mountain range, which does not know how many years exist, grows the oldest forest in Buddhism’s dark world, and every ancient tree is as long as the existence of Buddhism’s dark world.

Therefore, the dense forest completely covers the entire mountain range, and there is no sunlight for many years.

Even, the monster Beast and the plant system that belong to the dark, in this forest, grow very well, but also engulf the last hint of sunlight in this forest.

Several people from Lei Xiao, who had been in the dark world of Futu for many years, are very familiar with this strange world.

This mountain range of Zeshui is a place where they often come to find the holy stone.

“Even if that Clear Sky is not dead, I’m afraid it’s seriously injured. I’ll find a way to crawl out of the soil first, let’s talk! Hehe …”

Emperor Wang Tian smiled with a cold face, and when he thought of the scary battle strength of Clear Sky before, he still had some liver tremors.

The 8 Lei clan emperors, even the life-saving Leizu tokens were taken out, and they were still suppressed by the opponent, which made them extremely suffocated.

“And there is that fatty who seems to be a Spirit Mark teacher !?”

There was a flash of worry in the eyes of Emperor Lei Xiao, who seemed a little worried.

After all, Spirit Mark ’s special ability is far from what they can imagine. If he meets Spirit Mark, who is good at Earth Element, it is not too difficult to drill out from a collapsed mountain range.

“En! The dead fatter should be killed at that time!” The emperor nodded, with some regrets, did not solve the Spirit Mark division of the other party first.

“How come this neighborhood has become so quiet all at once … yi! Not right!”

Just when several people were exploring and chatting, suddenly, someone looked towards all around, noticed something wrong, and reminded him.

Almost at the moment when this sentence hit the ground, a chill came up in the hearts of several people at the same time.

This bone-throwing feeling is death!

The appearance of dead air represents danger, enough to threaten their lives.


Not waiting for the body protection gang yuan urged by several people, above the sky, a brilliant Sword Qi, like the sword of Divine Thunder, dropping from the sky, slashing to the Lei clan emperors.

An intense oppression, like a mountain, suddenly weighed heavily on them.

“Quickly retreat!”


Lei Xiao, the two emperors of Heavenly King screamed almost at the same time, wanting to remind all the companions around, while waving their hands, the horror sword light moved towards the sky, blasting a path of imperial attack.

Bang! Bang!

2 powerful attacks, hit the sword light, as if the stones were thrown into the sea, even a wave of ripples did not splash, exploded 2 groups of gas storms, and then dispersed instantly.

In the sky, after the sword light shattered all the attacks, it suddenly fell, and the scope of the sword light enveloped the silhouette of the three Lei emperors completely.

Even a touch of blood flower didn’t bloom, and the Fleshy body of the three Lei emperors was directly turned into powder.

Boom … Rumble!

The sword light fell to the ground, and a huge 100-step sword pit was cut out on the ground. The dust and dust washed up were full of zhang high degrees.

The towering trees all around turned into wood chips under this vigorous aftermath.

For a time, sawdust and broken leaves flew all over the sky!

In addition to Emperor Lei Xiao, Emperor Tianwang, and three other Lei clan emperors who responded faster, they escaped the sword light envelope and retrieved a life.

“Good! The ability to escape, okay!”

A cold voice sounded, one black and one fat, two silhouettes, passing through the dense tree crown, dropping from the sky, and falling in front of the five Lei emperors.

“you you….”

Several emperors Lei Xiao, seeing the coming person clearly, with a terrified face, raised their fingers at the other party, and they couldn’t say anything horrified.

“How could you not die !?”

“How did you find us !?”

Emperor Lei Xiao and Emperor Tianwang exclaimed at the same time, as if they had seen a ghost.

Not only they, but also the other three Lei emperors, were all shocked, and there was even a trace of fear deep in their eyes.

Chu Yan was n’t dead alone, and a cold hair was n’t gone. The presence in front of them was enough to frighten them.

But now, they escaped nearly 100000000 million miles away, and the time was less than 2 hours before they were found by Chu Yan.

This is even more terrifying than the impact that Chu Yan did not die, which brought them!

“Hehe, everybody, introduce myself, under Shi Tuoyang, division of World’s First Spirit Mark!”

Leaving a body of fat, he took a step from behind Chu Yan and appeared in front of several Lei emperors, with the face of lowly laughed Situ Yang, opened the mouth and said.

Moreover, in his smile, there is a trace of abuse, as if a cat is staring at a group of mice forced into the corner.

Niu Biah, continue Niu Biah! ?

Was n’t he proud at the Immemorial Stone Hall in Daofeng before? !

Now every and everyone, how can I counsel you! ?

“Clear Sky, I don’t care who your true identity is !? I can tell you that I am the nephew of the Lei patriarch. If you dare to move me, I promise, you are dead!”

“The previous things were all misunderstandings. We were originally going to chase a guy named Chu Yan, but I just happened to meet you!”

“So, discuss this matter, just forget it!”

Emperor Lei Xiao looked at Chu Yan and explained continuously.

By now, he was really scared.

This Clear Sky, too terrifying, is not only terrifying to battle strength and innate talent, other means are also terrifying.

There is no benefit in offending such a person!

“Forget it !?” Chu Yan sneered, looking at the other party.

“Good! You also killed my three clansman, this matter, it’s over!” Lei Xiao said nodded.

“Good! Good! Very good!” The smile on Chu Yan’s face was more intense.

“Hu… then that’s the deal, we … ah!? What are you doing !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Emperor Lei Xiao was long relaxed, but he didn’t even wait for him to react. In the hands of the black robed youth in front of him, a dazzling sword light suddenly flashed out.

That’s a sword light, so fierce, it makes people’s pupils instantly enlarged, terrifying sword light maddening!


“Not good! Get ready!”



Under the stimulation of the dead air, several living Lei emperors such as Lei Xiao Emperor and Tian Wang Emperor, all shot together, and various unique skills were displayed at the same time.

At the same time, their bodies retreated sharply and wanted to avoid the terrifying sword light.

However, without waiting for them to rush out of the envelope of sword light, the golden sword light suddenly exploded into a large Sword Intent frenzy, sweeping the entire area like strong wind scattering the last clouds.

ah! what….!

3 In the screams of screams and despair, 3 groups of flesh and blood bloom directly.

In addition to Lei Xiao and Emperor Tian, ​​the three Lei emperors were swallowed by the golden Sword Qi frenzy, and directly twisted into flesh and blood.

“Leizu token! Body protection!”

Seeing the Sword Intent frenzy after swallowing 3 companions, still swept over with unrelenting momentum, the emperor Lei Xiao was full of fright, his hands were waving together, and 2 black tokens were directly taken out.

didn’t expect, this Lei Xiao Emperor actually had Lei Zu token.

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