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Immediately afterwards, Great Emperor Feixing, Great Emperor Tianhu, Great Emperor Bliss, Great Emperor Snake, Great Emperor Wuxiang, and others all opened their mouths and announced their recruitment to the audience.

Seeing this scene, all the great powerhouses were all excited.

Although I do n’t know, what are the rules of Forbidden Land in the Antarctic Sea, but they all know that it is definitely of great benefit to form a team with the big guys.

The weaker ones are look pale, with heavy faces.

Under this rule, the powerhouse will only get stronger and stronger, while the weaker will become weaker and weaker.

Those big guys will naturally choose the strongest emperor and form a team with them, and those who are weak can only find teams with similar strength before they can form a team.

In this case, the weaker and the weaker are, of course, weaker.

“Three, are you enough !?”

Chu Yan turned around and looked towards the nearest 3, the emperor 2nd Layer with a low complexion, asked.

“We only have 3 people, not enough!” The opening headed was replied.

“We are 2 people, we add together, just 5 people! How about !?”

Chu Yan asked.

Simply did not consider, looking for a strong team, Chu Yan believes that the weaker, but get along better.

“This one….”

Three great emperors, Divine Consciousness swept to Chu Yan, glanced across, and suddenly found a Great Emperor Realm 3th Layer and a superior Martial Emperor.

What a joke! ?

Such strength, into the Forbidden Land of the Antarctic Sea, isn’t it to die! ?

Moreover, the previous three emperors of the Lei clan clashed with Chu Yan, and they saw them all.

Those three Lei clan, but with the strength of the Great Emperor Realm 3th Layer, if when the time comes troublesome …

The emperor headed, withdrew Divine Consciousness, brows slightly wrinkle, prepared to say no.

“Hello, your eyes are brighter, don’t think about it, what did the three guys of the Lei clan tell my big brother before?”

Situ Yang stepped out and said with arrogance to three people with nostrils facing up.

“My big brother, but killed a dozen Lei clan Great Emperor Realm 7 to 8 Layer days, this strength, you think about it!”

“What !? Really !?”

The three great emperors asked in surprise.

If it is really like this fatty, Chu Yan’s battle strength is extremely powerful.

A person can kill so many Great Emperor Realm 7 to 8 Layer days powerhouse, this person’s battle strength, I am afraid that it has reached the Great Emperor Realm 9th Layer or more.

If you team up with such a person, you definitely have a huge advantage.

And now, with their three people, the cultivation base of the Great Emperor Realm 4th Layer, you can find the Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer team, which is all burning high fragrance.

However, when the three people were ready to agree to come down, suddenly, a loud thunder cried and resounded throughout the audience.

“Everyone, under the Thunder Clan Thunder Soul Emperor! One thing is announced!”

This sound immediately attracted everyone in the audience and looked sideways.

Thunder Clan, is the 7 Battle Clan, in Ten Directions Star Domain, it is absolutely strong Great Influence.

“Everyone just saw that Clear Sky, and my Thunder Clan, is the enemy of life and death, and I hope you will give me a face to the Lei clan, don’t team up with that Clear Sky! Many thanks!”

Thunder Soul Emperor landed on the floor and bowed his hand to the audience.

At the same time, his gaze passed through the layers of people and landed on Chu Yan with a grinning face.

Including the emperor Huotian and the blood mad emperor beside him, the same face laughed, looked towards Chu Yan.

At this time, they came to Forbidden Land in the Antarctic Sea, of course, they were prepared to enter it and get benefits.

However, he unexpectedly encountered Chu Yan, and according to the orders of the Lei clan high-level officials, he must do his utmost to kill this person.

As a result, if they look for Chu Yan to chase them down, it is really a waste of time, and it is extremely inconvenient for them to obtain the treasure in the Forbidden Land of the South China Sea.

So, after hearing the rules announced by the golden giant kun, quickly discuss a plan.

They certainly knew that Chu Yan went to Forbidden Land in the Antarctic Sea for treasure hunting. As long as no one was teaming up with him, he could not enter.

In this way, even if he can’t kill him, he won’t get fart.

“Since Thunder Soul Emperor has spoken, I will of course give face!”

“No problem, if the Lei clan, I will abide by it!”

“Of course, we will not team up with him, a Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer …”


Hearing the words of Thunder Soul Emperor, all the powerhouses present were nodded, all echoed.

You know, these 3 Lei emperors, but the cultivation base reached the Great Emperor Realm 9th Layer, which is one step away from the Great Peak

What’s more, behind them, there is the huge monster of the Lei clan.

Who dares to offend such a person! ?

Of course, there are many other powerful powerhouses present, but no one will form a beam with the Lei tribe for a Chu Yan.

“2 people, let’s find another team next!”

The three great emperors who had just moved, looked towards Chu Yan, twitched the corners of their eyes and opened their doors to refusal.

Even if they cannot find a team and cannot enter the Forbidden Land of the Antarctic Sea, they dare not openly enemies with the Lei tribe.

“3 white idiots!”

Situ Yang looked at the scared witless of 3 people, turned back and fled, fiercely scolded.

Others don’t know, but Stuart is the most clear, as long as he is with Chu Yan, that time, it was not a lot of money.

“Everyone, under Clear Sky, have something to say!”

Chu Yan’s face was calm, stepped out, facing the crowd, directly opened the mouth and said

“En !?”

Thunder Soul, Huo Tian, ​​Blood Mania 3 people hearing this, their faces started, Qiqi looked towards Chu Yan.

Not only the three Lei tribes, but also other powerhouses, were all interested, looked towards Chu Yan and listened to what he was going to say.

They all want to know what is so special about a Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer that dares to fight against the Lei clan.

“This time Forbidden Land in the Antarctic Sea, anyone teaming up with others, I promise to take him to evade all prohibitions and spiritual formations smoothly, to minimize the danger, and the goal is the core of Forbidden Land!

Chu Yan True Qi Ruo Lei, the voice resounded throughout the audience.

However, when he put this sentence on the ground, there was a silent scene suddenly burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha, evade all the prohibitions and spirit arrays !? The core of the target !? Is this Clear Sky a problem with your brain !?”

“Funny !? What is he like forbidden land in the Antarctic Sea !? This is an ancient ruin!”

“That is, the prohibitions and spirit arrays inside are all Swire prohibitions and spirit arrays, how can they all dodge!”

“Don’t pay attention to him, it is estimated that the Lei clan is driving me crazy!”


The powerhouses of the audience, sneering and taunting, even looked towards Chu Yan with contempt.

Even the big brothers such as Stepping God, Emperor Wuxiang, Holy Light Elder, etc., all smiled and didn’t care.

Dodge all Swire Forbidden and Spirit Formations! ?

In this case, even a few of them dare not say so, not to mention the clear sky of this trifling Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer.

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