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At this time, the people who rushed to 9 Barbarian Saint Emperor and 1000 people of Xuanbao Tree had formed a tide.

“Dead fatty, hurry up, let’s go too!”

The Kun emperor roared, greeted Situ Yang, and turned into Daoxiaguang, rushing to the 1000 world Xuanbao tree.

Kun Kun is very strong!

But after all, the Fleshy body was abolished, and the Monster cultivator was gone.

This is suffering, but it is also a chance. If the Kun Emperor now uses the state of the demon soul, comprehend 1000 realm of mysterious treasure.

Then, the Kun emperor may become the first god to condense Divine Spark in the history of the Tian Kun race!

In the past, the Tian Kun tribe didn’t dare to have any extravagance even if they followed Antiquity Divine Race, but now, with 1000 realm Xuanbao trees, everything is possible.

The fleshy body is a powerful support for the Tiankun tribe, but it is also shackled.

Now, the Kun emperor has no shackles, simply comprehend with the demon soul, maybe there is a chance.

“Okay! I will come too!”

Situ Yang has heard Kun Kun explain now that he is completely at ease about the situation of big brother Chu Yan.

Therefore, like the Kun emperor, the flesh-like figure turned into a streamer, followed by the Kun emperor, and rushed towards the 1000 realm Xuanbao tree.

60 blocks divine talisman, for them, simply means nothing.

In the blink of an eye, a lot of fat, followed by a turbulent crowd, fell under the 1000 world Xuanbao tree, without wasting time, and directly closed his eyes and began comprehend cultivation.

In all directions, genius and gangster kept falling down, all around sitting at the bottom of the tree, sitting cross-legged, Divine Consciousness enveloped the tree of forbidden gods.

Buzz … buzz … buzz …!

Almost every time a silhouette and Divine Consciousness appear, the 1000 realm of celestial treasure will correspondingly overflow with a breath, wrapping the silhouette and Divine Consciousness.

As long as the silhouette shrouded in breath, it instantly becomes blurred, as if disappearing between this piece of Heaven and Earth.

Covering the sky and covering the sun, under the 10-level Xuanbao tree that covers nearly 1000 li, although a few hundred people have gathered, it still looks extremely empty.

In that way, just like the legend in Buddhism, countless monks participate in the Tao under the Bodhi tree, and may at any time prove that the Tao is soaring.

Everyone is comprehend in meditation, trying to peep into the 10000 Dharma Way, that trace of the inorganic existence.

However, there are people who cannot fully immerse themselves.

After sitting down, the emperor Kun looked at a pair of Kunming eyes shining in the radiant light, and looked towards the 1000-level Xuanbao tree, above a piece of Linghu Lake on the left.


I don’t know how long it has passed, the Kunhuang Emperor’s Xiaguang Kunmu suddenly shuddered, startling.

“Come !? What’s coming !?”

Sitting beside him, Situ Yang started, suddenly turned his head and looked towards Kun Kun.

Although Situ Yang is not too worried about Chu Yan now, the moment he sits under the tree, he is unable to meditate at all, and has been quietly watching Chu Yan and Yue Linglong above the sky.

Therefore, when the Emperor Kun Kun suddenly spoke, he also reacted immediately.

“There!” Kun Huang pointed.

Situ Yang looked in the direction the Kun emperor was pointing, glanced at it, and suddenly the complexion changed.

I saw that above the Linghu Lake, a path of aura of the weak pole, constantly overflowing in the sky.

Although weak, it is real.

Others, all immersed in comprehend, may not find it, but he and Kun Emperor, but immediately, found this familiar aura fluctuation.

“This is the aura of Transmission Array !?”

As a Spirit Mark teacher, Situ Yang’s judgment is extremely accurate.

Moreover, he clearly remembers that these aura fluctuations are exactly the same as those of the three Saint Heavenly Pavilion powerhouses and the Transmission Array aura that they saw when their three people were changing fiercely.

“The second goal of the Lord Forbidden God is coming !?” Kun Huang said with a smile.

“You mean, Lord God, forcing the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion to appear !?” Situ Yang stunned.

“Nonsense! Do you think that in such an important place where God is forbidden, Saint Heavenly Pavilion just sent an Emperor who is not God of Death, and deceived God Cloud Sect, and it’s done!”

Kun Kun once again looked at a pig and stared at Situ Yang.

“Everyone has seen it, not Death God and God Cloud Sect, to deal with the failure of the inverse Divine Dao and the failure to control the land of forbidden gods, Saint Heavenly Pavilion and the guys above, would you not know!? Get a place forbidden to God in vain !? “

The problem of connection made Situ Yang stunned, looked up at the direction of the sky, and a coldness appeared on his face.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It seems that in order to prove the words of the Kun emperor, suddenly, the 1000 realm of the Xuanbao tree all around, several Martial Artists flying to the 1000 realm of the Xuanbao tree, but did not rush to the bottom of the tree.

Instead, he suddenly turned and rushed to the all around of the 1000 Realm Xuan Baoshu, and after standing in a position, a path of terror wave burst at the same time.

The sudden change made the original genius and gangsters who were sitting at the bottom of the tree still coming to the bottom of the tree at the same time.

“I depend, who ah !? Are you crazy !?”

“Actually started here in the 1000 world Xuanbao tree, courting death ah !?”

“Yi!? They are … Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s people !?”

“Why did Saint Heavenly Pavilion show up !?”

“Not good! Something is going to happen!”


As Kun Kun said, at this moment, when everyone saw the Martial Artists with golden masterpieces, they reacted at the same time.

From the fierce conversion to the candidate battle, as the Ten Great Name of Ten Directions Star Domain, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it seems too unobtrusive.

It can even be said that even the people of their Saint Heavenly Pavilion have not appeared a few.

This is obviously not right!

But now, several Saint Heavenly Pavilion belong, suddenly under the 1000 realm of Xuanbao tree, seems to be opening a powerful teleportation spirit array.

“All Heavens Myriad Realms, Heaven and Earth cannot, I am the pioneer! Anxious, open for me!”

With a chant of Sanskrit, the golden light that exploded on the Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple began to swell rapidly, connecting to each other.

Boom … Rumble!

The violent might, like a wave, swept Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, the original weak and silent force, as if the volcano erupted, was like Ominous Beast waking up from a deep sleep, screaming and shaking the whole world.

The endless golden light, merged into a flood peak, moved towards the void, flooded with the breath of Heaven and Earth’s “1000 World Profound Tree”, and launched a crazy attack.

1000 Realm Xuanbao Tree seems to also sense the power of this a challenge, and a lot of breath is constantly flowing out of the whole tree.

Flocked to the place where the golden light is located, it seems to want to fill the crack of a Heaven and Earth that was broken.

Buzz … Buzz …!

a followed by the golden Spirit Seal of a, rising from the bodies of those Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple.

These golden spirit seals rise up in the sky and float like golden suns.

It’s just that these rounds of the sun not at all released rays of light, but swallowed a lot of faint golden streamers all around Heaven and Earth, engulfing the body.

As a result, the Golden Sun is getting bigger and bigger, twisting quickly, and evolves a huge spiritual array.

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