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The sea of ​​spirit clouds continues to spread, and in less than ten breaths, all the people in the audience are enveloped.

Every Martial Artist who was shrouded in panic felt the change of True Qi within the body with a panic look, and his face was full of horror.

Because they found that True Qi Spirit Power within the body is effectively subsiding.

Even if their Divine Consciousness and Qi Sea are fully controlled, it will not help the world at all.

Spirit Power of the Spirit Cloud has become more pure and rich, and a large number of Emperor Breath Spirit Sources are overflowing from everyone and swallowed by the Spirit Cloud.

“How … how could this be !?”

Including Bu Jingtian, everyone’s face also showed a look of surprise.

His own source of Emperor Breath was not controlled by himself, and was swallowed up by this sea of ​​spirit clouds! ?

“Not good! My Emperor’s Power!”

“This … what’s going on ah !? My True Qi is falling!”

“God, Ning Zhitian, what are you doing !?”

“What are those 7 colorful altars !?”


What is the most terrifying! ?

In Martial Soul World’s words, of course, it is their own strength, and it is the most terrifying one to disappear in front of them.

Therefore, the genius and the gangsters felt the strength of their within the body. When descending rapidly, each and everyone were all inexplicable, looking to Ning Zhitian and Jiang Tianli, all roaring together.

Such Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, such a thing, they have never seen, never heard of.

“The 7 colorful altars are … Heaven Ranking Spirit Altars !?”

In the sky, a strange sound sounded, everyone heard, all body shock, terrified look.

Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar!

Few people know it, but when it comes to Heaven Ranking, the entire Martial Soul World is known and known.

Heaven Ranking is the birth of Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain. It contains Heavenly Dao rules and power. It represents Supreme majesty of Heavenly Dao.

This Heaven Ranking is not an intangible and inexistent existence, but there is a real volume of Heaven Ranking.

Legend has it that this Heaven Ranking exists on the Nine Heavens, in the endless Heavenly Might, no matter who it is, if you can find the Heaven Ranking in person, you can get Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao, huge rewards and gifts.

With such a legend, it is natural that some people have been willing to see Heaven Ranking and have benefited from Heavenly Dao.

Those who have seen Legendary’s Legendary will mention in the materials and records that Heaven Ranking is placed on a 7-color golden altar.

The 7-color golden altar has a peak of 10,000 zhang, which is like a mountain, and it is like a magnificent mountain.

The volume represents Martial Artist ranked in the world, and Martial Dao Heavenly Might’s “Heaven Ranking” scroll, suspended above the 7-color golden altar, bathing Heavenly Might.

And the 7-color golden altar is … the Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar!

Therefore, the legendary Heaven Ranking spiritual altar is nearly 10,000 zhang in size. For a time, all the gangsters and genius present did not react.

The ordinary altar, which is not high in zhang high, is the Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar! ?

“Good! You have knowledge! You also know Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar!”

Ning Zhitian swayed Heavenly Might all over his body, imposing manner like Heaven and Earth’s awe-inspiring, watching step shockingly, said with a smile

“How !? Now, let’s say, the world before !?”

The words landed on the floor. Genius and the gangsters all shuddered, and looked towards Ning Zhitian’s gaze, all changed.

Antiquity Heaven Ranking First, it is now the Heavenly Dao messenger, and it also holds the Great Killing Artifact of Heaven Ranking, which is too terrifying! ?

As a result, Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian, although both ranked first in the Heaven Ranking, had a gap in strength comparison.

After all, everyone knows that this Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar, which can control all Emperor Breath Spirit Sources in the world, absolutely cannot afford to offend.

This Martial Soul World, as long as it is within the envelope of Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao, that Martial Artist has not absorbed Heaven and Earth Spirit Power and converted into the strength of his own cultivation base! ?

However, these attracted Heaven and Earth Spirit Power were bred by Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao.

In the end, even the Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao gave it.

The causal relationship between this, although it is said that Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao, wants to take back these emperor breath spirit sources, it is impossible.

However, it is not easy to use some means to influence and weaken.

“good very good!”

Bu Jingtian volleyed, moved towards Ning Zhitian, the smile on his face did not change a little.

“Since you even took out the Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar, then, even if you are qualified, let me do it!”

This sentence, said the extreme arrogance, as if he stepped into the sky, striding beyond 3 realms, not in Five Elements.

Isn’t it true that you were not cultivated under Heavenly Dao in Ten Directions Star Domain and could not be influenced by this Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar! ?

“Holy Heaven Stele, come out!”

a light shout, with a big wave of shock, a huge golden stone tablet, rushing out like a Divine Tablet, suspended above the sky, waving a large golden light.

Where the golden divine light passed, the sea of ​​spirit clouds that originally enveloped melted like ice and snow, and instantly lost its effect.

“My grass, Shengtian monument!”

Seeing that Step Jingtian summoned the Holy Heaven Stele, the genius and the big brothers present changed their faces all at once.

One of the Supreme Treasure of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Holy Heaven Stele!

“If you want to fight, just fight !? If you don’t accept it, fight until it’s served! What is Jiang Tianli, right?

Behind Bu Jingtian, Spirit Transformation Yun Fei flew out and landed not far from Jiang Tianli, directly shouted.

“You step down first, I’ll come!”

However, Qin Yuyao, who was not waiting for Jiang Tianli to fight, stepped behind him, but also opened his lips.

“What !? Would you like to grab it with me !? Step aside, I’ll talk first!”

Regarding Qin Yuyao’s behavior, Spirit Transformation Cloud, who was extremely dissatisfied, directly spoke to stop it.

“No need!”

Just when two people were arguing about who to shoot, Jiang Tianli, who had never spoken across from the other side, spoke softly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tianli was body flashed, the body of Di Wei rushed out, turned into a giant tiger, appeared behind him, monstrous tiger power, like a mountain tiger, swept Heaven and Earth, rushed towards 2 people.


Qin Yuyao and Spirit Transformation cloud, complexion slightly changed, Qi Qi shot, moved towards Jiang Tianli rushed away, 2 people’s divine power rose at the same time, all kinds of killing tricks, Qi Qi broke out.

“Mongolian, give it to me!”

Seeing this scene, the Mongolian Great Elder, how could you sit back and watch, after all, Ning Zhitian and Jiang Tianli came to support him.

If you do n’t do anything, just look at it like that, it ’s absolutely inappropriate!


The genius and gangsters belonging to the Mongol tribe all shot together and rushed out.

On the other side, those of 3 Great Influence and 7 Battle Clan, seeing this scene, don’t hesitate anymore and start working at the same time.

For a time, the melee renewed, killing the sky.

Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian were the first to do so. Two people rushed to the top of Nine Heavens and shot wildly.

This is a big battle!

It can be said that Ten Directions Star Domain has not experienced such a strong battle of Great Array content for 10000 years.

Martial Soul World, all influence, all involved in this battlefield.

Because of the appearance of the Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar and Holy Heaven Stele, this battle is more intense than the previous battle.

Almost every breath, the Emperor powerhouse was bombarded from the sky and fell to the mountain range below.

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