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Chu Yan looked at the Lord of the Forbidden God, his heart pondered.

It’s not because this sentence is not easy to answer, but Chu Yan found that this way of forbidden God is very tasteful to him.

The Lord of the Forbidden God is the God Powerhouse, saying that he is the Ten Directions Star Domain, the number one powerhouse in the world, it is not an exaggeration.

However, when the Lord of Forbidden God talked to him, he never took the kind of aloof and remote gesture, but every time, he would first explain the situation, tell him the key points, and then ask his decision.

This kind of realm makes Chu Yan seem to understand something.

Since cultivating Martial Dao all the way, Chu Yan certainly knows that the path of Martial Dao, focusing on cultivation base, can put more emphasis on will and state of mind.

The Martial Dao’s will and state of mind, such as the Lord of the Forbidden God, can never be compared.

The simplest assumption is that if this war is taking place at Saint Heavenly Pavilion, or Ten Directions Star Domain, at the doorstep of any strong Sect force.

I am afraid that those forces have long jumped up in anger and have blasphemed the prestige of Sect.

However, there is no Lord of the Forbidden God, and it is plain right from beginning to end.

“Many thanks Senior raise a point, I have decided!” Chu Yan bowed his hand, the voice replied.

“Oh !? What is your decision !?”

The Lord of Forbidden God seemed a little surprised. He did n’t expect, Chu Yan even answered without even thinking.

“From the moment I stepped into the Forbidden God’s Land, I have made a decision!”

Chu Yan’s answer turned into a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, which sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Lord of Forbidden God.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan waved a big hand, and all the prohibited divine talisman flew out of his body, turning into a dark shadow, and moved towards the Lord of the Forbidden God.

30 seated divine talisman alone, this is the qualification of comprehend 1000 world Xuanbao tree.

Although 9 Barbarian Saint Emperor rebelled and was killed by the Lord of Forbidden God, Chu Yan did not forget this rule.

At the same time, he also directly answered the question of the Lord of Prohibition by action.

“it is good!”

The eyes of the Lord of the Forbidden God flashed slightly, and they received a few hundred divine talisman, slightly nodded.

He has made it very clear that Chu Yan’s identity is special. Once the comprehend 1000 realm of the Xuanbao tree begins, then these forces that have jumped out, I am afraid that they will be simultaneously out of the layout.

At that time, the result would only be more terrifying than when Chu Yan condensed the emperor’s knot and gave birth to the dao chart in the Holy Divine Dao.

And beside Chu Yan, although there are Ouyang Nantian, Yue Linglong and Shen Shengjie, even the Kun emperor who has not recovered his strength, there is also the Spirit Mark teacher Situ Yang.

However, if you want to face the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, all the strong trends, these few people, will not play any role at all.

When thinking of the Holy Sepulchre, the three Divine Emperor led all the Holy Land powerhouses and shot together to stop all crises.

Therefore, Chu Yan may need to bear everything in the end.

But for Chu Yan, what about! ?

Divine Realm!

It is Chu Yan’s goal!

It has not changed from beginning to end, and the entire Martial Soul World has only this opportunity. If it is missed, there may be no chance.

If it fails, then body dies and Dao disappears.

Success, soaring into the sky, divine might be the world!

Next moment, a powerful aura on Chu Yan’s body, surging and moving, turned around and stepped, moved towards 1000 World Xuanbao Tree away.

“Haha, kid, finally come on!”

The Kun emperor watched Chu Yan coming and said excitedly with a smile.

Sovereign, a generation of Tiankun clan, the Kun emperor was among all the people present, who knew the situation closest to the existence of the Lord of Forbidden God.

Therefore, he watched Chu Yan walk towards the 1000 world Xuan Baoshu, of course he was very excited.

The critical moment has finally begun!

“En !? Chu Yan is going to start comprehend !?”

In the four directions of all directions, those who pay attention to Chu Yan’s forces and powerhouses have changed their faces at the same time.

“Putting it that way, Chu Yan not at all became a god forbidden, and like everyone else, he needs to comprehend himself !?”

“Haha, the Lord of the Forbidden God from the very beginning, does not recognize Chu Yan, how can he be made a God forbidden!”

“That is, don’t bother him! He has no chance!”


Although Chu Yan defeated 5 Yu Wentians, from the beginning to the end, the attitude of the Lord of the Forbidden God towards Chu Yan made many people think that Chu Yan was simply impossible to become a God forbidden.

So, at this time, they saw that Chu Yan, like everyone else, surrendered the banned divine talisman and got the comprehend qualification.

As the saying goes, everyone has it, that is ordinary, not worth mentioning at all.

The most important thing is, Chu Yan’s cultivation base, but only trifling Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer.

Such cultivation base strength is definitely the weakest of all genius and gangsters.

Martial Dao cultivation base is absolutely proportional to Martial Dao realm.

Therefore, the powerhouse of the Holy Emperor Realm understands the origin of Martial Dao more than ten times better than the Great Emperor Realm.

If someone can really comprehend the path to Godhood of the 1000 Realm of Profound Tree, I am afraid that it can only be generated in the powerhouse of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Great Emperor Realm Martial Artist go to comprehend and get some benefits that’s all at most.


Just a little bit of attention to Chu Yan, those people continue to fight.

This war has continued until now, and the weak are mostly killed and wounded, and those with strong strength have begun to show their cards.

For a time, between Heaven and Earth, the divine power was thunderous, the waves were violent, and the massive Heaven and Earth was empty, constantly collapsing, and various Space-Time turbulence appeared, stirring up the entire battlefield, murky heavens dark earth.

While Bu Jingtian waited for a few battles in genius, although they had not yet scored a victory or defeat, the five of them had been suspended above the light mask of the 5 Realm Xuanbao Tree from beginning to end, and would never leave a half step.

“The stars are broken!”

Ning Zhitian had a long stick, and when he waved, the emperor breathed like mountains, and his strength was surprising.

The starlight of the large film, accompanied by the stick figure, seems to be able to smash the film Vault of Heaven directly.

“Breaking Sky Strike!”

Facing the glory of Ning Zhitian’s spirit stick, Bu Jingtian’s body was magnificent, turning his palm into a knife, and raising his hand was a knife.

This blade, with a cold aura that makes people feel cold all over the place, the void was cut into a straight line smoothly.

The straight line refers to exactly where Ning Zhitian is.

The blade is not powerful, but it makes everyone feel a sharp edge. This is a kind of extreme force. It looks ordinary, but it is very extraordinary.


Ning Zhi Tiantao’s stick of Heavenly Might collided with the ordinary Palm Blade, exploded and dissipated.

“Steps to the sky! Don’t you have Heavenly Defying’s 3rd student Martial Soul !? Let’s show it, otherwise, want to win me, there is no terrifying!”

Ning Zhitian held a long stick, looked at Step Jingtian, and said.

At the same time, on his body, a path of Spirit Mark overflowed …

These Spirit Marks, just like the elves of each and everyone, overflowed out and drilled into the spirit stick in his hand, flashing different colors.

At the same time, above the spirit stick, an aura of palpitations began to rise.

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