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Seeing 9 10,000 li Thunder Tribulation, he went straight to Chu Yan.

At this moment, all the genius and gangsters present seemed to understand.

That Chu Yan, really comprehend the path to Godhood, so it invited the Ten Directions Star Domain, Thunder Tribulation ruling in 9.

“This is impossible!”

In this scene, for the presence of Jingtian, Ning Zhitian, Qin Yuyao and Huashen Yun and other Martial Soul World climax genius, as well as 3 Great Influence and 7 Battle Clan and other big brothers, they have produced heaven falls and earth like Divnd Soul shock like a rends.

The return of the land of forbidden gods, the emergence of the 1000 realm of profound treasures, the great influences were very excited, and they arranged and participated in succession.

Even, it was just a scuffle, just fighting for the initiative.

In their view, these 1000 realm of treasures, including path to Godhood hope, should definitely belong to a genius in 3 Great Influence or 7 Battle Clan, which is reasonable.

However, no one thought that it was Chu Yan who comprehend the path to Godhood in the end! ?

Boom … Rumble!

Thundercloud 10,000 li, galloping like a sea, the whole sky and the earth were shaking.

However, Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon is not limited to this. When the 9 10,000 li thundercloud reached the top of Chu Yan’s head and began to gather and evolve madly, a path of thick thunderbolt flashed in the clouds.

The violent Lei Wei seems to have gathered the Nine Heavens ten places, all the Thunder Element power, the power of the explosion, like a path of thunderclap, so that the entire Martial Soul World is buzzing and trembling.

Originally, Ten Directions Star Domain World, which was not affected at all, was also affected by this Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon.

Those entrenched in Ten Directions Star Domain, the powerful existence of the major Danger Land Secret Realm, Constant Antiquity giants, were all awakened.

“Holy hope !?”

“Someone comprehend path to Godhood !?”

“Impossible !? There is Heavenly Dao with Ten Directions Star Domain. Who can heaven defying !?”

“Yes! In the Antiquity era, the natural phenomenon of path to Godhood is exactly the same as it is now! Someone really did it !?”

“Hmph! Antiquity God and Demon Great War is not the end, everything is everything, will not sink, a new era is about to start, Divine Realm wants to control this piece of Martial Soul World, afraid of delusions!”


All kinds of huge voices, with different emotions and wills, kept ringing.

At the same time, above the 9th Layer outer sky, a silhouette of a seat, suddenly eyes opened, looked towards Martial Soul World below.

In the moment when his eyes were opened, a group of silhouettes sitting cross-cultivation behind him were also eyes opened, looked towards Heavenly Dao’s spirit.

“The people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, really suffocated !?”

Heaven Ranking Spirit has a sneer on his face, a flash of fine light flashes in his eyes, and a large amount of Heavenly Might instantly emerges.

However, when these Heavenly Mights flowed like cirrus clouds, and swept through the entire Martial Soul World in an instant, and stopped in the peripheral zone, the face of Heavenly Dao’s spirit instantly solidified.

“what’s the situation!?”

Teng a moment, the spirit of Heavenly Dao stood up directly, his whole body, the original gentle Heavenly Might, instantly became extremely violent.

A pair of eyes, looking straight in the direction of the forbidden land, his face full of surprise.

“Chu Yan !? How could it be him !?”

Heavenly Might billows and rolls up a large dark cloud, covering the entire Ten Directions Star Domain. The spirit of Heavenly Dao is staring closely at the scene in the Forbidden God’s land, with a grave expression on his face.

“What !? Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar doesn’t have any effect on him !?”

After some exploration, the look of shock appeared again on the face of Heaven Ranking Spirit.

This Chu Yan, obviously also grew up in the Martial Soul World cultivation of Ten Directions Star Domain, why his origin of imperial spirit is not affected by Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar at all! ?

This time using the “Heaven Ranking Spirit Altar” is the overall situation under the spirit of Heavenly Dao.

It is completely controllable. In the entire forbidden place, all Martial Artists and gangsters can control the final result.

To this end, he also sent 2 Heavenly Dao messengers.

However, he never imagined that the layout of the great generosity actually turned out Chu Yan.

“He turned off Heavenly Dao … shackled !?”

Spirit Physique of Heavenly Dao’s spirit shuddered suddenly, his eyes were full of surprise, and his face couldn’t believe it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the other side, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, above Holy Mountain.

Originally the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, Martial Soul World’s most peaceful Saint Heavenly Pavilion, suddenly, mutation suddenly took place.

A path of divine light rises from the heavenly monument on Holy Mountain. The bright beam of light is like puncturing the Vault of Heaven and illuminating the whole sky.

“what happened!?”

“What happened!?”

“Heaven ah! Look, the light of Divine Fury appearing on the Holy Heaven Stele!”

“My God, this level is much more powerful and horrible than when I was 9 Divine Emperor!”

“This … this … will not be, there is another enemy on my god sin list of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, more terrifying than 9 Divine Emperor !?”


Inside Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a big guy is huge, waking up from sleep and cultivation, looking at the Holy Mountain, the God is angry, all of them are astonished expressions.

“Who !? Who is it?”

After the break, the angry roar inside Saint Heavenly Pavilion rang into a loud sound.

The next moment, the rage light on Saint Heavenly Pavilion, rumble exploded and evolved a picture on the sky.

Above the light curtain of the picture, a black robed youth, with a breath of the whole body in a colored body, looked up at the sky and stood like a god!

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

The eyes of all Saint Heavenly Pavilion gangsters and giants shrank as they saw that black robe silhouette.

They could not have imagined that the person who could cause Divine Realm to be so angry turned out to be Chu Yan, the god sinner of their Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

At the same time, Martial Soul World, Ten Directions Star Domain, 3 Great Influence 7, Big Battle Clan, etc. each and everyone, the forbidden land of the strong general trend, all kinds of Heaven and Earth Supreme Treasure, gods and forbidden objects, Qi simultaneously out Dazzling rays of light.

These rays of light seem to echo the scene that is happening at this time in the Land of Forbidden God.

Divine Crystal Spirit Treasure, peerless Spirit Armament, etc., but all Martial Soul World, highest Spirit Treasure, at this time are madly releasing the breath of the body, and Heaven and Earth, faintly discernable aura, intertwined.

Soon, these Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures swallowed a ray of aura from Heaven and Earth, and returned to silence.

However, the a aura they engulfed has already merged with their body.

In the future, as long as the master of this aura appears, they will wake up again and recognising Master to fight.

“Chu Yan !? It turned out to be Chu Yan !?”

“Is he the last person !?”

“Divine Road in the Forbidden Land finally has a master!”

“This is impossible! How could it be him !?”

“The person who comprehend path to Godhood turned out to be Chu Yan who is against Divine Dao !?”

“This child, out of the ordinary!”


At the same time, the entire Martial Soul World, 3 Great Influence 7 Big Battle Clan, some through the secret method, some get the message, all understood in the forbidden land, everything happened.

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