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This time, the joint attack of 4 Heaven Ranking Supreme is completely different from the previous attack.

Even Chu Yan raised his body strength to the extreme, blasting out a path of Jin Dragon Boxing Gang and roaring out.

However, under the emperor’s art of 4 people in Bu Jing Tian, ​​they were shattered one after another and could not compete at all.

Especially stepping into the sky, under the 3 major Martial Soul, the power of Martial Soul stirs up half of the sky, might is strong, and terrible.

The Spirit Transformation cloud, a fire power, and Fire God under the enforcement, like a Fire Dragon, travels through the sky, everything he has burned into nothingness.

Ning Zhitian and Jiang Tianli, although they do not have Martial Soul and Emperor Yin Enforcement, but from Nine Heavens, attracted a block of Heavenly Might enforcement.

Every move of the Emperor’s Techniques came out, with the power of the terrifying Heavenly Might Divine Punishment, ruling Mortal World.

Under these battles, 4 people instantly took the initiative, which caused absolute repression of Saint Rakshasa true body and Purple Gold.

The power of Heaven Ranking Supreme broke out completely.

Chu Yan’s situation turned into a downwind in an instant, and was even surrounded by 4 genius in the middle, and all directions in 4 directions were all imperial techniques and killing tricks.

If this situation continues, I am afraid that it will not be used long, it will be damaged!

After all, the 4 major Heaven Ranking Supreme broke out the cards, and the battle strength is quite similar.

“I depend! This is too strong!”

“Is the power of Heaven Ranking Supreme a Chu Yan desecrate !?”

“Good! No one is their opponent under the Heaven Ranking Supreme outbreak!”

“Who said that Qin Yuyao was not defeated by Chu Yan !?”

“Hmph! It was just coincidence, Qin Yuyao’s 1000 mantra Formation, which was just restrained by Chu Yan, plus she couldn’t hold her breath. Without the cooperation of other Heaven Ranking Supreme, the strength of one person was still weak.

“Look, Fire God is really strong ah!”


The genius and the big brothers who watched the battle alone looked towards the sky, but it was just Spirit Transformation cloud fire all over the body. In the wave of the hand, the big waves of fire rolled, almost turning the whole sky into a sea of ​​fire.

Contrary to Qin Yuyao’s 1000 mantra Formation before, it is no wonder that when Qin Yu moved his hand before, Spirit Transformation cloud they didn’t do it at all.

Five Elements coexist, and naturally overcome each other. Even if it is the 5 Heaven Ranking Supreme, it is impossible to jump out of Five Elements.

However, Qin Yuyao forced Chu Yan’s emperor seal to lay the foundation for the next four Heaven Ranking Supreme outbreaks.

Now, Chu Yan has been completely suppressed, and the 9 10,000 li Leiyun in the sky is still there. Once the second wave Thunder Punishment is gestated again, then Chu Yan really will not stay.

“It’s not a class. Although Chu Yan innate talent and battle strength are good, it is still a bit worse than Heaven Ranking Supreme!”

“After all, the time is too short, but it is a pity!”

The bigwigs of all forces looked at the battle in the sky and shook their heads and sighed.

Five Heaven Ranking Supremes shot at the same time. Among the Ten Directions Star Domain, except God Powerhouse, who can resist! ?

Chu Yan wants to play against the five Heaven Ranking Supreme at the same time, simply winning.

Coupled with 9 10,000 li days of Divine Thunder, it is a certain death situation.

The Lord of Forbidden God, the God-Forbidden who was finally selected, will be lost in less than an hour! ?

“Chu Yan….”

Above the sky, the face of the Lord God is full of grave expression.

Although he has some expectations for Chu Yan, but in such a situation, Chu Yan is only the Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer cultivation base, so resisted! ?

And far beyond 100000000 10,000 li, in the inverse Divine Dao, the Three Great Giants, the green wooden sword god, the Divine Emperor, the Xuanyuan Divine Emperor 3 people, all with dark faces and grave expressions.

Although this place of forbidden gods was the game they had laid for Chu Yan, didn’t expect Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao would be so strong.

They deviated from Divine Dao and attached importance to the land of forbidden gods, while Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao also attached great importance.


Now all hope can only be pinned on Chu Yan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Surrounded by 4 Heaven Ranking Supreme genius, Chu Yan’s whole body is like a wave of tide, constantly blasting a path of golden dragon gang, all around.

A path of boxing, like a Golden Dragon, hovering around Chu Yan, resisting all the imperial techniques and killing tricks all around.

At this moment, the battle became extremely fierce and cruel.

The showdown between the imperial technique and the killing move has reached a distance of less than 1000 steps from Chu Yan’s body.

If you suppress it anymore, the four Heaven Ranking Supreme emperors will be blasted into Chu body’s body protection.

At this point, Chu Yan only lost, there is no other possibility.

With one hand Clear Sky Sword, all the magic tricks that 10000 dragons missed were crushed, and left fists were blasted to resist.

But even so, a path of fierce vigour in the blast of the air will occasionally hit Chu Yan and hit the body protection gang yuan, the huge anti-seismic force makes Chu Yan within the body , Qi and blood churning and trauma began.

There was a trace of red blood in the corner of the mouth, and the holy Rakshasa true body behind Chu Yan was trembling.

“Chu Yan!”

At this time, Bu Jingtian looked towards Chu Yan and suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“As long as you surrender to Saint Heavenly Pavilion, I can let you go, and all my resources in Saint Heavenly Pavilion can be passed on to you!”

“Even the first place in Heaven Ranking can be given to you!”

This sentence is exported, everyone in the audience, stunned.

Who is Bu Jingtian, that is Saint Heavenly Pavilion strongest genius, what horrible resources he has in Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Even if it is said, among the Ten Directions Star Domain, the people with the most Martial Dao resources are not at all exaggerated.

Even, he even opened up and gave the Supreme position of Heaven Ranking to Chu Yan! ?

This Heaven Ranking Supreme bit, can even give in! ?

“and many more!”

Hearing this remark, Ning Zhitian suddenly stopped talking.

“Chu Yan, I know you have a big hatred against Saint Heavenly Pavilion, so I suggest you, like me, submit to Heavenly Dao and become a Taoist envoy!”

“In the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, all resources and Heavenly Might, you can enjoy, inexhaustible, endless use!”

“And in the future, even becoming Number One Person under Heavenly Dao is entirely possible!”

Ning Zhitian opened his mouth, and the conditions were even more tempting, so that all the big brothers present had bright eyes.

Number One Person under Heavenly Dao! ?

That is almost equal to the true master of the entire Ten Directions Star Domain!

Although, many bigwigs and powerhouses gathered in this forbidden place, hoping to open up the way to Divine Realm.

However, that hope is too slim …

After all, after Antiquity God and Demon Great War, Ten Millions years later, Ten Directions Star Domain is completely independent.

So, if you can become the master of Ten Directions Star Domain, it is almost real World’s First!

“Ha ha ha….”

Hearing Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian’s persuasion, Chu Yan laughed loudly.

“With trifling Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, I want to make me know allegiance, ridiculous!”

The words landed on Chu Yan’s body, and the Purple Gold color imperial seal suddenly broke out. The large-scale Purple Gold color imperial seal’s brilliance seemed to become a 10000000-like blade. .


Bu Jingtian 4 people, see this scene, his complexion changed.

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