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Although it’s a hostile relationship, Divine Soul was touched by the heroes of the world, looking at the four people in front of him.

This kind of feeling is unclear, but it makes them look at Chu Yan’s eyes, which is a little more.

After all, if you know that you are dead, but you are willing to threaten the knife for a friend, there are very few …

Even Chu Yan above the sky was surprised, looking at the silhouette of the four people of Yue Linglong, Ouyang Nantian, Shen Shengjie and Situ Yang, and the pupil light flashed.

“good very good!”

The Golden Dragon Saint emperor and the others reacted, glancing at 4 people, killing intent in the eyes like tide.

“Since 4 of you are courting death yourself, then don’t blame me for waiting, the men are ruthless!”

The word fell to the ground, and among the crowds of black oppression, led by the Golden Dragon Holy Emperor, a large number of imperial art attacks, all broke out, moved towards 4 people.

Boom … Rumble!

Attacking the torrent as if the sky were falling, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed to Yue Linglong 4 people.

In the torrent of attack, Yue Linglong tried their best to fight against the dead, but it was like a fallen leaf in howling wind and torrential rain, which would be crushed into fine powder at any time.

Fortunately, Ouyang Nantian’s cultivation base reached Half God Realm, and a single person blocked most of the attacks.

Coupled with Situ Yang, he constantly threw a large number of Spirit Marks with his teeth, while Ouyang Nantian several people, at the fastest speed, he deployed several defenses of the Great Array.

And Shen Shengjie, Earth Sovereign 9 Zhou Ding, originally the guarding class Martial Soul, 9 tripods in one, sternly guarding the sky.

“You guys quickly retreat!”

Chu Yan looked at this scene in the sky, his eyes almost cracked, his eyes roared crimson.

Seeing the appearance of Yue Linglong, Chu Yan was very anxious, and the situation he least wanted to see was still there.

“Chu Yan, you beat them quickly, hurry up comprehend …”

Ouyang Nantian, a heavenly blade, cut off the blade glow of the sky, passing through the sharp edge, and the massive attack torrent instantly turned into powder, while turning his head towards towards Chu Yan, shouted loudly.

The figure is like a mountain, storming out, with the help of Szeto Young ’s Spirit Mark Great Array, and Shen Shengjie ’s 9 Ding Martial Soul, Ouyang Nantian Chong is in front of 4 people, the whole body is out of knife, and suppresses Heaven and Earth.

“Less … Young Master!”

Standing in the dark night in the distance, watching Yue Linglong was in danger, the whole person was going crazy, a direct outbreak of Diwei, a big wave of his hand, a monstrous black cloud, swept out, blocking another wave of attacks Torrent.

“Uncle Black, you …”

Yue Linglong was shocked when he saw Hei Xiao joined the battle.

“If the Young Master is damaged, I will never live alone!”

Hei Xiao’s words made the faces of Tianmengjun who had stood neat and tidy, as well as Murphy, change their faces.

Even more, many powerhouses belonging to the Dark Temple are all complexion changed.

“Lost !?”

The Tianmeng Army, which originally obeyed the command, trembles at the moment, and all the Tianmeng Army soldiers all looked towards the Commander and the Mongolian Great Elder.

As descendants of Antiquity Divine Race warriors, their bones and blood are all fused with vocation.

As long as they received a “standby” order, then they were attacked by someone, and they would never fight back, only to lose.

But now, it is their master, Yue Linglong, who is at risk of loss.


Morpheus, the Demon Venerable of Hell 3, was not a Heavenly Mongolian Army. His eyes were blood red, and a roaring sky roared, his body expanded rapidly.

Engraved, like a mountain of hell Demon God, appeared in front of everyone.

It was just a charge, and the torrent of attack was slammed into the powder.

“Roar … roar …”

Standing in front of the heroes of the world, Murphy, like a mountain, gave a roar of shock, and Mowei suppressed the audience.

“Tianmengjun, attack!”

On that day, when the Mongolian Commander looked towards the Mongolian Great Elder, the Great Elder was heavily nodded and ordered directly.


At this moment, the commanded Tianmeng army, like a torrent of steel, rushed out and rushed out, quickly laying a great wall-like defense in front of Yue Linglong.

A path of soldiers is transformed into a light that strikes God, a warrior like the Great Wall of Steel, holding soldiers, Qi shouted.

This wave of force rushed forward, a powerful imposing manner that swept the audience, and suddenly made the imposing manner of the world’s crowds, all staying together.

This is a descendant of the Antiquity Divine Race warrior, a warrior who fought against the demon army.

Even Step Jingtian and Ning Zhitian were stunned, and there was no sense of starting.

After all, before it was just a melee, but now, it is about to evolve into a world war situation.

In this way, these two spokespersons can be ordered.

“Hmph! The Dark Temple, openly enemies of the world! Such actions, together!”

This a thunderous sound sounded, like Heavenly Thunder rolling, bursting into the air.

But it is the voice of the command from the Holy Heaven Stele, which represents the highest will of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

“Follow the order!”

Bu Jingtian bowed his hand to the heavenly monument in the sky, then raised his head and looked towards Yue Linglong and the others in front of him, with a smile on her face shouted.

“Since you want to help Chu Yan, then die!”

“Give me kill!”

The order, including Ning Zhitian’s order, was also ordered at the same time. Suddenly, the world’s heroes, no longer scrupulous, shot together.

Man Celestial Emperor skill killing tricks, at the same time outbreak, such as a stormy sea, rushing Heaven and Earth.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Over 1000 powerhouses shot at the same time. The outbreak of Diwei, all kinds of horror, the whole sky was trembling, the vast void was shattered directly, and Space-Time turbulently rolled up a large black hole, swallowing everything around all.

Between the whole Heaven and Earth, it seems to have become the end of the world. Everything is turned into a powder.

Because of the joining of Murphys and Tianmengjun, Yue Linglong’s strength was obviously stronger, but they really played against 1000 genius gangsters.

Fortunately, the powerful men, all aimed at 9 10,000 li thundercloud above the sky.

Therefore, Yue Linglong they not at all directly bear the main attack, but when the large flood of attack torrents pass, they go all out to break as much of the formidable power of these attack floods as possible.

As a result, on the sky, dozens of thunder mountains, quickly broken.

At this speed, it may not take an hour, 9 10,000 li Thunder Cloud’s First Layer Thunder Tribulation will inevitably disappear.

“Tianji 10000 method, everything is destined …”

Above half-air, a pair of eyes of the Lord of Forbidden God looked at the scene in front of him and murmured.

In addition to 100000000 10,000 li, the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, all the giants watching the forbidden land, all complex slightly changed.

It’s just that the eyes of these giants, not at all watched that monstrous battle, but all looked towards 1000 Xuanbao trees.

To be precise, they looked towards the black robe silhouette sitting on the 1000-world Xuanbao tree.

Regardless of such melee, the situation changes so much, the final everything depends on Chu Yan.

Hope, only by him!

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