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As predicted by Bu Jingtian and the others, Chu Yan this move is to win and lose!

Therefore, Avatar is directly integrated into the Sword Intent and casts a strongest sword.

“Clear Sky is a sword, and it will be wiped out!”

The sound of the swan song, resounding in Heaven and Earth, Chu Yan Avatar’s silhouette, has completely disappeared in the sky of Sword Intent.

In the next moment, Sword Domain began to shrink in the sky, two divine lights sword glow continued to expand, and turned into 2 world destroying divine light, dropping from the sky, moved towards the bottom 4 people fell straight down.

Boom … Rumble!

Jianwei moved, all directions The void was completely shrouded in Jianwei frenzy, and the whole Heaven and Earth was shattering.

“Tianah! Really strong Sword Intent!”

“Under this sword, they are over!”

“Look over there, Chu Yan stands up!”

“This … is this a breakthrough !?”


As the sword tide in the sky fell, no matter whether it was the Lord of the Forbidden God on the sky, or the genius and the big brothers all around, they all looked surprised.

There are even some big brothers, unable to bear in horror, start to retreat.

“No retreat, punch me, kill!”

Golden Dragon Holy Emperor’s huge formidable power against Chu Yan this sword, the mind was also trembling, but when someone saw retreat, he immediately roared loudly and ordered an attack.

There are fewer and fewer Thunder Mountain above the sky, and it will not be long before they can be completely destroyed.

At this point, the important moment has come.


Yue Linglong was shouted in unison, with the Tianmengjun and Murphys, just like a river embankment before the turbulent tide, despite the surging waves, like the steel city wall, it was blocked.

These Thunder Mountains are the Chucending Tribulation machine for Chu Yan. If they are all broken by them, Chu Yan will not be able to normal Transcending Tribulation.

For a time, above the sky, it became a battlefield.

Under the war, the blade light sword shadow of the sky, the magic tricks of strikes, strikes all directions, the sky shakes.

Boom … Rumble!

A thunder mountain fell and was blown up by Chu Yan on the 1000-world Xuanbao tree, raising his hand, a lot of lightning, and 4 overflowing.

On the other side, the united genius and gangsters finally broke through the gap of Yue Linglong’s defense line. Under the crazy shot, they also smashed a thunder mountain at the same time.

“There are only 9 seats!”

The gaze of the forbidden God swept the 9 10,000 li thundercloud in the sky, his face deep.

Not only is the Lord of the Forbidden God, except for 100000000 10,000 li, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, those hidden giants, watching this scene, are breathless and nervous.

At this time, the situation will change at any time and the final result will be determined.

“Hmph! Heaven and Earth is right, 10000 law is the sky! Chu Yan, I want to be under my eyelids, and participate!”

This thunderous sound sounded, but in endless in the sky, sounded like a thunderous sound.

Above the sky, in the 9 10,000 li thundercloud that originally covered the sky, a huge gap was suddenly split, and a sunlight like Divine Sword broke through the clouds and shone down.

Everyone looked awkward and looked up together, even in the Sword Intent frenzy, the suppressed Ning Zhitian, the complexion greatly changed, quickly bowed to saluted.

Because, this is Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao’s will, come in person!

“God, Heavenly Dao spirit of Ten Directions Star Domain, shot!”

The whole genius and the gangsters, all complexion greatly changed, looked towards the sky with horror.

However, the genius and the big guys present were all Peak Direction Star Domain Peak Influence Peak existence. For the shot of Heavenly Dao spirit, although surprised, but not surprising.

After all, whether it is all forces in the world, or Heavenly Dao, or Saint Heavenly Pavilion, no one wants Chu Yan comprehend path to Godhood.

Therefore, when the situation is critical, Heavenly Dao’s spirit is completely reasonable.

Moreover, among these 9 10,000 li thunderclouds, this is Heavenly Might’s will, and only the spirit of Heavenly Dao can affect it.

Heavenly Dao 10000 law, the rules have been completed.

Even the spirit of Heavenly Dao, it is impossible to overthrow all the rules, act wilfully.

However, the rules between Heavenly Dao ’s spirit and Heaven and Earth are one after all, so it has a huge impact on 9 10,000 li thundercloud.


a light shout, among 9 10,000 li thunderclouds, 9 thunder mountains buzz and tremble, the formidable power descends at the same time, and at the same time a thunder mountain explodes directly.

The original 9 thunder mountains were instantly destroyed by the spirit of Heavenly Dao.

As a result, Chu Yan’s resources for Transcending Tribulation are missing one more, and the time is even less.

“hmph! ”

At this moment, above the sky, a heavy coldly snorted sound suddenly exploded.

“Heavenly Dao Spirit, you have enslaved the 9-party Star Domain for a full million years. Now, you still want to reach out to my forbidden land! Do you really think I don’t exist !?”

10,000 zhang Above the sky, the breath of the wind and the clouds on the Lord Forbidden God suddenly exploded.

From beginning to end, the Lord of Forbidden God, who stood still and watched, lifted his right foot slightly and stepped out in one step, but it was before 9 10,000 li Leiyun.

“Get lost!”

With a heavy drink, raising his hand was a horrible divine might blast out, and the spirit of Heavenly Dao that broke through the thundercloud and appeared directly blasted into nothing.

The power of God’s powerhouse is so horrible!

With just one trick, the power of Heavenly Might, which has been bred by the Spirit of Heavenly Dao for a long time, directly shattered.

“Cang Lan, have you already made your choice !?”

Above the sky, the location of the disappearing Heavenly Dao spirit, above 9 10,000 li thundercloud, the voice of Heavenly Dao spirit sounded.

“If you have to help this Chu Yan, then I will let you, the forbidden land, turn into fly ash! Since then, Ten Directions Star Domain has only 9 squares, and there is no Ten Directions Star Domain!”

The voice of Heavenly Dao ’s spirit is extremely cold, but it is like a path of Heaven and Earth Divine Thunder. On the endless Vault of Heaven, it explodes and rolls away, as if gestating a more powerful and terrifying Heavenly Might.

“Destroy my forbidden land !?”

Hearing the voice of Heavenly Dao’s spirit, the Lord of Forbidden God smiled suddenly.

“It’s up to you to say this kind of thing! There is a species, although try it!”

When the word fell to the ground, the Lord of the Forbidden God waved his sleeves, and a large breath of gas poured out into a purple wave, rushing across the place, above the Vault of Heaven, that piece of Divine Thunder Heavenly Might, the dry disappeared Clean.

The Lord of the Forbidden God condenses Divine Spark’s Divine Powerhouse, which is the true God Powerhouse.

Over the past few million years, although sinking into the Endless Star Sea along with the Forbidden God, his cultivation base has not stopped for a moment, constantly moving towards Martial Dao Supreme Realm in the endless darkness and silence.

Competing with Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain is definitely on the same level.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The horrible thunder suddenly sounded. In the all directions of the four sides of the forbidden land, the sound of thunderbolt in the endless Vault of Heaven exploded.

The sky shook like all thunderbolts in the world, all moved towards the forbidden land.

Endless in the sky, above the vast Vault of Heaven, a trace of Heavenly Dao Rule Power was born and began to flood this piece of Heaven and Earth.

On the continent of the forbidden land, some mountain range rivers, forest plains, under this powerful Heavenly Might, began to crack.

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