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Sun and moon two days, evolved into a fuzzy silhouette, holding a large sword, standing in the range of 1000 realm of Xuanbao tree spirit cover, the blade pointed directly at Chu Yan true body.

At this moment, even if the genius and the big brothers in the distance, see this scene, they are all complexion greatly changed.

“This … what’s going on !?”

“God, that is the Spirit of the Holy Heaven! The Holy Spirit of the Holy Heavenly Pavilion has evolved!”

“I am grass, this … this aura … is it a god body !?”

“It’s over! Chu Yan this time is over! Saint Heavenly Pavilion even the Divine Body of the Holy Spirit has been cast out!”


The sudden change of the sky occurred in a flash, from the sudden emergence of the sun and moon in the sky to the appearance of the holy sky, less than 2 to 3 breaths before and after.

The key point is that the Spirit of the Holy Heaven passed through the Spirit Mask of the 1000 Realm Profound Treasure Tree and killed directly in front of Chu Yan.

“Fuck! It’s calculated!”

Above the sky, facing the disappeared 9 10,000 li thundercloud, the face of the Lord of Forbidden God suddenly became somber.

How did he also didn’t expect, from beginning to end, these 9 10,000 li thunderclouds were just the bait set to lead him out of the 1000-world Xuanbao tree range.

And the spirit of Heavenly Dao actually worked with Saint Heavenly Pavilion to calculate himself!

What made him unacceptable most was that such a calculation was actually successful.

Now, he has left the range of 1000 Realm Xuanbao Tree, and the Holy Spirit took the opportunity to kill Chu Yan. At such a long distance, even if he wants to be rescued, it is absolutely faster, but the other party is very close.

“Chu … Chu Yan!”

Above the sky, due to the disappearance of 9 10,000 li thunderclouds, Yue Linglong, who had stagnated in battle, several of them looked towards 1000 world mysterious treasure trees, and each complexion greatly changed, and their hearts shook at the same time.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion, do not want to stop me!”

Chu Yan’s pupil light, staring at the obscure golden body 10000 steps away from the opposite side, the whole body of Diwei broke out, and Clear Sky Sword in his hand released all the Sword Intent, and fiercely cut it out.

This sword glow, formidable power is incomparable. The moment you shoot, everyone can see that it is no worse than the sword that suppresses the 4th Heaven Ranking Supreme.

In the face of the final key, Chu Yan also broke out with all his strength and wanted to break this last barrier.

However, as the word glow passed by, the fuzzy gold body on the opposite side was motionless, with a sneer and disdain on his body, slightly raised his hand, gold blade in his hand, and the knife rushed out.


When the swords collided, and the sky was violent, Chu Yan’s silhouette retreated close to thehundred zhang, and his mouth spouted a big mouth of blood.

But the other party’s obscure gold body, still holding a gold blade, was exposed to the sky’s violent waves, completely motionless.


too strong!

This so-called Holy Heaven Monument Spirit, the evolved god body, is obviously not at the same level as Chu Yan.

Everyone can see that the fuzzy silhouette is the legendary spirit of the Holy Heaven in the Holy Heaven Stele.

This Holy Spirit is the treasure of the town pavilion given by Divine Realm when Saint Heavenly Pavilion rises, a Spirit Physique without fleshy body but with divine power.

And this Spirit Physique represents Divine Realm’s will and can communicate with Divine Realm.

It is usually hosted in the Holy Heaven Stele as an intermediary between Divine Realm and Saint Heavenly Pavilion. However, in the event of a major crisis, Saint Physique will leave the Holy Heaven Stele and become a powerful Holy Spirit of Battle Strength.

And now, this vague silhouette with a gold blade in front of everyone is … the Holy Spirit.


Chu Yan was covered in blood, holding Clear Sky Sword, roaring upwards and waving his sword again.

The sword light passed by, but the oncoming, but the tsunami-like storm of swords in the sky, in an instant, was blasted back again.

The cultivation base of the Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer, even if the battle strength is still stronger, in the face of the Holy Spirit with divine strength, it is simply impossible to defeat.

This scene fell on everyone’s eyes, and there was nothing but sadness.

At this point, looking at holding Clear Sky Sword, once again consolidating Di Wei, ready to charge Chu Yan, even the genius and the big brothers who are enemies are shaking their heads.


That ’s almost a bit!

Even less than half a step away, Chu Yan can complete the road to the gods, create Legendary, and open up a whole new era.

However, all this, under the joint calculation of Heavenly Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, finally fell to the ground, and there was no hope.


However, at this moment, above the sky, a shocking beast roar suddenly exploded, shaking the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

I saw that a large goldfish with a big slap suddenly jumped from the sky under the 1000-world Xuanbao tree and moved towards the sky.

7 The color of the ray of light, like a wave of the sky, pulls a large wave, like a sea of ​​ray of light, suddenly appears.

In this sea of ​​glowing light, the figure of the goldfish skyrocketed.

In less than one breath, a huge beast resembling a mountain appeared in the sky above the 1000-level Xuanbao tree, and appeared in the sight of everyone.

This is a huge giant kun, golden light all over the body, cruising in the 7-color glow, the whole body is all kinds of divine runes and talisman, just like God kun, traveling between Heaven and Earth.

This Tian Kun, of course, is … Kun Kun!

From the beginning to the end, it did not participate in any battles, but was entrenched in the 1000 World Xuanbao Tree, devouring the Divine Source of the tree body, and restoring its own strength.

Although the power of Divine Source on the 1000 World Xuanbao Tree made it very nostalgic, but seeing Chu Yan is in danger, how could he sit back and watch.

“Damn Saint Heavenly Pavilion, disturbing the emperor’s cultivation, courting death !?”

This roar, just the sound of kun, turned into a monstrous sound wave, like a shock wave, condensing but not scattered, like a sound column, fiercely hit the Holy Spirit.

peng sound, the Spirit of Saint Heaven was attacked by this Divine Consciousness, and directly flew close to ten zhang before standing firm.

“Tian Kun !?”

As soon as he looked up, his face looked stunned towards the sky, a huge monster bathed in the sea of ​​7-color glow like mountains, even if it was the Spirit of the Holy Sky, all complexion greatly changed.

“Fuck, fart! Laozi is Kun Kun!”

Hearing the words of the Holy Spirit, Kun Kun immediately roared, a pair of lightning 4 overflowing Kun Kun, stared at the Holy Spirit, shouted sharply.

“Don’t you dare to move people in this emperor’s hood !?”

This sentence landed, and everyone’s eyes twitched together.

What a joke! ?

King Kun! ?

Monster Race 3, one of the Supreme Supremes, is also the emperor of Tiankun! ?

From beginning to end, no one noticed that the little goldfish that had been following Chu Yan was so terrifying existence.

This day the Kun race, but in the past, mixed with the ancient Divine Race, even if it is one of the other Dragon Race 3 Supreme Dragon Race, in the flourishing period, are not Kun race opponents.

The other, the legendary Peng Race, which can be swallowed up even by Heaven and Earth Fiendgod, is said to have been damaged by the whole family.

Among Monster Race 3 Supreme, the strongest Peng Race, followed by the Tian Kun tribe, and finally Dragon Race.

After Antiquity God and Demon Great War, this Monster Race 3 Supreme, basically did not appear in front of the world.

But now, a head of Tiankun appears alive, and it is still of the Tiankun tribe … the emperor! ?

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