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It seems to verify everyone’s guess. Above the sky, 10000 god illusory shadow disappears, but a new illusory shadow appears.

This is a group of enchanting postures of Xian Cai Mi Shang. There are 100 fairies on the sky, appearing above the sky.

A large number of flowers fluttered from the sky, and the whole sky became a sea of ​​flowers.

Immediately afterwards, there were 100 Goddess, holding various musical instruments, and started to play.

Xian Le fluttering, flying God girl, this scene fell in everyone’s eyes, and the surprise on his face suddenly became more intense.

In my ears, this Divine Comedy makes people feel calm, as if between Heaven and Earth, everything has softened and made Divine Soul soaring.

The blockbuster Heaven and Earth divine might, along with Xianle, keeps on surging 4 ways, between Heaven and Earth, it seems to reproduce God World Immortal Realm that appeared many years ago when Divine Race was not damaged.

“God … Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, all gone !?”

“Even Heavenly Dao rules, the origin of the Emperor Spirit, are gone!”

“Too terrifying! It is indeed a memorial to Heaven and Earth!”

“Only the power of Swire Divine Race can dispel the power of Heavenly Dao!”

“What power is this !?”


All the people present were stunned, but indulged in it. The only Lord of the Forbidden God above the sky, with a sad face, looked at the scene on the sky, and his eyes were sad.

“How many years … how many years …”

The voice of the Lord Forbidden God became a little choked, trying to say something, but after opening his mouth, it was in vain.

Not only is the Lord of the Forbidden God, other than 100000000 10,000 li, Ten Directions Star Domain pays attention to the giants in the Forbidden God Land, but they are all trembling, Divine Consciousness shaking.

The hundreds of goddess Goddess above this sky, although not at all any powerful divine might breathe the emperor, but it made them feel an irresistible feeling in their hearts.

This feeling is like the difference between Martial Artist and the difference of more than 2 3 Heaven and Earth Realm’s cultivation base, without Divine Consciousness exploration, just a glance, from Divine Soul to Fleshy body, will be suppressed .

Under this gap, they are afraid of Goddess who are just playing music.

“10000 gods come to the heavens, the gods perform the god song, this … this is the scene of the memorial to Heaven and Earth!”

The crowd below, whether it is the genius of the Great Influence or the big brothers, were all deeply shocked by the scene in the eye.

If there was a trace of doubt before, then now, it can be completely determined.

Especially the steps of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, as well as Ning Zhitian, who represents Heavenly Dao, were so shocked that Divine Soul was shaking.

In order to stop the spirit of Chu Yan, Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, how much preparation they have made and how terrible power they have invested are of course the most clear.

But now, that Chu Yan not only succeeded, but also triggered the grand scene of “Heaven and Earth Memorial”.

Boom … rumbling!

Just when everyone was shocked by the vision, suddenly, between Heaven and Earth, a path of thunderclap exploded.

The sound of a path of thunderclap is like a heavy drum sound, and together with the fairy music on the sky, fuse together, instantly makes the peaceful tune of fairy music become heated.

The music, from the original calmness and softness, washing the soul-like feeling, instantly became clamoring, like the tide of myriad beasts, rushing to the sky, and the mind became excited.

Xianle, like a violent wind and a shower, hit everyone’s heart and everyone’s blood, and began to boil.

In the immortal Xianle, with an invisible formidable power, there is no trace of Divine Soul, but it can make everyone’s Divine Soul change accordingly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, in the forbidden place, the silent colored mountain range that had been silent for 10000 years suddenly broke out.

a followed by the divine light of a, rushing out of the various mountain ranges, turning into a God light and rushing to the cloud night.

9 mountain colored, a total of 9 different colored beams, just like 9 Divine Sword of Heaven and Earth, after hitting Heaven, it seemed to hit something, rebounded back instantly, and fell back into the nine colored mountain range.

Thus, in the nine colored mountain range, a silhouette of one appeared from the mountain range, split open space, standing at the top of the mountain range.

These are 9 powerful and powerful gods with terrifying horror. Aura alone can make people feel that Divine Soul is like an ice cellar.

9 Divine Emperor, each seems to be able to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, just like the God of Heaven and Earth, standing on the top of the mountain, but it seems to be in control of the whole Heaven and Earth.

“This this….”

The Lord of the Forbidden Gods above the sky, a pair of god eyes staring at 9 mountain range gods, astonished expressions all over his face.

He couldn’t think of it. In the land of forbidden gods, all the nine forbidden god envoys who had been sleeping for countless years actually awakened.

Although, before God and Demon Great War, 9 Forbidden Gods left the Forbidden Gods Land and participated in God and Demon Great War. They all fell together, and only a ray of Remnant Soul returned.

However, this is 9 forbidden god ambassadors, at that time Swire Divine Race, established in the forbidden land, stationed Divine Race officials.

Boom … rumbling!

Just as everyone looked at the nine embarrassing emissaries with horror, suddenly, the nine embarrassing emissaries spoke together, roar towards the sky.

9 groups of blazing Divine Fire, waving Heaven and Earth, the whole sky, in the nine colored Divine Fire, began to burn.

Fiendgod was shocked by this scene.

“10000 Ancient Divine Road opens, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, Declare!”

The roar sounded, the Heaven and Earth tremble, and everything that went through the waves instantly fell silent.

It seems that this declaration, with the power of Supreme and Heaven and Earth 10000, must follow its orders.

Uh …!

Endless Divine Fire, turned into a wave of fire, came rushing straight to the 1000 world Xuan Bao tree, Chu Yan’s silhouette.

Engraved, Chu Yan, who is in Divine Fire, rises into the sky and rises into the air.

“Let the law follow, Divine Road, Pro!”

Drink out in one word, 9 messengers of the forbidden god, swing out at the same time, 9 divine runes, dropping from the sky, directed at Chu Yan.

Weng! weng! weng!

9 Where the divine runes have passed, Heaven and Earth 10000 spirits, all dissipated and avoided, 9 streamers, instantly submerged in Chu Yan within the body.

“God … divine might enforcement !?”

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Forbidden God’s eyes almost flew out. The whole person was shocked and his body was as tight as a rock and trembling slightly.

This impossible appeared, or, after the Divine Race of Swire, the “divine might enforcement” Ceremony, which has not appeared again, appeared again in front of him.

And this time is because of this Chu Yan!

“Change the sky …. change the ground !? Change … change the sky !?”

The Lord of the Forbidden God looked at the sky, wrapped in a nine colored Divine Fire, Chu Yan who was tempering Divine Physique, the whole person was completely shocked, and muttered this sentence repeatedly.


Suddenly, Chu Yan above the sky, Divine Fire shrouded in the whole body, exploded like a Fire Dragon, rising into the sky.


The sound of the dragon, resounds through Heaven and Earth, the huge Fire Dragon, blasts on the Sky Nine Heavens, and turns into a large Divine Fire wave, rushing Heaven and Earth.

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