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Between Heaven and Earth in the Forbidden Land, giants one after another appeared continuously.

When the Lord of the Forbidden God appeared on the sky, moving towards the sky and flying straight away, the green wooden sword god that appeared with it waved his hand and enveloped a large sky.

A group of gangsters from the Saint Heavenly Pavilion forces, seeing the green wooden sword god appear, immediately dropped Chu Yan and chased after the green wooden sword god.

“God ah! What’s the situation …?”

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s, and Divine Dao’s, is this going to be head-on !?”

“I depend, it looks like, will this become 100 10,000 years ago, that big game !?”

“Fart! Impossible, without Divine Realm’s participation, at most a few 10,000 years ago, the level of war in Ten Directions Star Domain!”

“However, that battle almost swept through the entire Ten Directions Star Domain ah!”

“Look, since the reverse Divine Dao came out, the situation is complicated, we are still careful!”


The giants of Ten Directions Star Domain and Great Influence that originally appeared looked at the terrifying battle in the sky, Divine Consciousness like a net, enveloped Heaven and Earth, and carefully observed the situation.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s comprehend path to Godhood brought about the opportunity for change and began to upgrade.

So far, Ten Directions Star Domain, almost half of the top powers, has been stirred up.

“Haha, let’s go, destroy Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

A group of powerful Martial Artists flying from the sky, such as a group of wild clouds, swept in, and as soon as they appeared, they directly fought against Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

This group of gangsters, obviously belonging to the inverse Divine Dao forces, has a clear goal, a battle intent is monstrous, and obviously has been dormant for a long time.

Saint Heavenly Pavilion started first, and ordered the world to attack.

Against the Divine Dao, the green wooden sword and other gods led the team to a shot. A big battle was inevitable.

These forces belonging to the inverse Divine Dao are actually always watching.

Until I saw the success of Chu Yan comprehend path to Godhood, I made up my mind and followed Divine Dao to fight against Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

However, at this time, the Great Influence giants who gathered around all around the Forbidden God are by no means one case at a time, but no fewer than 100 cases at a time.

There are still many of them, they have chosen to continue to wait and see.

After all, Chu Yan comprehend path to Godhood was successful, but now facing the joint ruling of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao spirit.

Although the reverse Divine Dao came forward, no one knows what the final result will be.

If the inverse Divine Dao can’t stop the spirits of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, then Chu Yan will eventually be damaged, and everything in front will be turned into nothingness, meaningless.

In the final analysis, the current situation still depends on the strength of the anti-god Dao Sect against the spirit of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao.

“The Lord of Forbidden God has joined the battle !?”

In all directions, all the gangsters observing the situation watched the scene where the Lord of the Forbidden God took 4 horror silhouettes, and opened the mouth and said in horror.

The next moment, everyone’s eyes, turned their heads together, looked towards in midair, the nine colored Divine flame on his body, and the gradually disappearing Chu Yan.

“The gods of the green wooden sword and the Lord of Forbidden God both went to intercept the group of big brothers in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, then Chu Yan …”

This group of gangsters, after only a short time, judged the situation on the field.

Against the Divine Dao, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, the three forces played, triggering a battle of high-level strength.

In this way, Chu Yan had to face the siege of hundreds of powerhouses alone.

“Haha, Chu Yan, wait to die!”

Above the sky, the Golden Dragon Emperor looked at Chu Yan and laughed loudly.

Although the reverse Divine Dao shot, but after all, he faced Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao spirit joint, almost by the strength of a sect, against the whole world.

To deal with the battle strength of the Giant level is already stretched, so Chu Yan can only rely on himself.

At this moment, all the genius and gangsters present, after they figured out the joints, their eyes brightened.

Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Ten Directions Star Domain’s Heavenly Dao, both offer rewards.

If this can kill Chu Yan at a critical time, it will affect the overall situation, and the rewards will be less! ?

“Good chance ah! Kill Chu Yan!”

Suddenly, I didn’t know who it was, and I roared impulsively.

This roar suddenly made the genius and the big brothers who were still red eyes wake up together.

“The Lord of Forbidden God has left, and there is no one against Divine Dao. At this time, it is absolutely fine to kill Chu Yan!”

“Getting it together and killing him!”

“Hurry up and stop waiting!”

“Kill Chu Yan, maybe the 1000 Realm Profound Tree will appear again!”

“Good! Start!”

Over the sky in the forbidden land, hundreds of great powerhouses roared in unison, and countless Diwei rolled like a tide.


In a word, all the great powerhouses rushed out.

Although this time, Chu Yan’s cultivation base, from the Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer, has rushed to Half Step Saint Boundary.

However, he has just improved, the cultivation base is not stable, and he can display several battle strengths! ?

Even if he can play battle strength, Half Step Saint Boundary, among the powerhouses present, there are many holy powerhouses.

Including the Golden Dragon emperor who rushed to the front, is the serious 5th Layer powerhouse!

In addition to the Peak powerhouse of other forces, there are a few hundred people, and it can’t deal with a half and a half! ?

Regardless of Chu Yan’s battle strength, the more steps it can be, it is only the step. In the face of the tide-like Peak powerhouse, there is no suspense.

The wall is pushed down by everyone. Under such an absolute advantage, the powerhouses no longer have any scruples, and they simultaneously outweigh the prestige.

“Not good !”

Ouyang Nantian and Yue Linglong’s face changed in unison.

Including Situ Yang and Shen Shengjie, the four people had just gone through a great battle, which was very expensive at this time, but still clenched their teeth, close to Chu Yan, and desperately blocked the tide from all around.

However, even with Ouyang Nantian’s shot, the four players only blocked one side of the enemy, and the other three sides of the powerhouse tide were completely unblocked and directed at Chu Yan.

“Let this battle prove me!”

In the middle of the sky, Chu Yan ’s eyes, gold and silver two colors flashed, watching the crowd in front of him, and the Golden Dragon Holy Emperor, Chu Yan a long whistle, long in his hand The sword waved forward.

Uh …!

In the sky, a laser flashed, Chu Yan’s sword in his hand, like a breaking edge of the breaking formation, and a glow of sword, passed straight to the powerhouse frenzy.

“How dare you not escape !?”

The big guys at the scene watched Chu Yan go backwards and forwards, but even one person rushed towards the 100 powerhouses, and he was shocked.

Not only the big guys watching all around, but also the powerhouses who rushed to Chu Yan also had an unexpected expression.

This Chu Yan, a person, a sword, even wanted to single out their 100 powerhouse! ?

This is simply crazy! ?

Does he think that this is a battle with ordinary genius, and can win with innate talent and hole cards! ?

You know, among the top 100 powerhouses, all of them have Great Influence, cream of the crop’s battle strength, and even many of them are at the Elder level.

Some of these Old Guys have lived for more than 10000 years. How can the combat experience and means be comparable to those of the genius.

Like Ningtian the Great, who lived against Divine Dao, lived for millions of years, his cultivation base was stuck in the Great Peak, but he really wanted to get started. The 5th Layer of the Holy Realm is not necessarily his opponent.

why! ?

Because of the accumulation of cultivation base from millions of years, and the continuous cultivation of various powerful emperors.

The quality is not enough, the quantity comes together. Once it is added to the million years, even if it is an ordinary Spirit Armament, it can also be tempered into a peerless Divine Weapon!

This Chu Yan doesn’t seem to understand the situation in front of him!

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