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Regardless of whether the two emperors, such as Chu Yan kill Golden Dragon and other emperors, were lucky or otherwise.

Anyway, now, under the sword tide of hiding the sky and covering the earth, 4 or 5 big guys are lost, absolutely hard power.

Moreover, under a sword, 4 5 big men were divided into corpses. In these scenes, the deterrent force is absolutely terrifying.

For a time, the rest of the gangsters who escaped looked at Chu Yan in front of him, with terrified expression on their faces.

“This speed, this battle strength, has improved more than several times!”

A group of gangsters looked at Chu Yan from afar, all eyes twitched and their faces pale.

didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s cultivation base is not just a breakthrough for a few days. This soaring battle strength is even more terrifying than cultivation base breakthrough level.

“Chu Yan, you really are a genius! But today, you must die!”

In all directions, a few silhouettes flew by, but it was the Elder of Ten Directions Star Domain who was a great influence.

Four people, Zuntian Saint Emperor, spiritual river Emperor, Purple Star Saint Emperor, Wind Demon Emperor, etc., surrounded Chu Yan from 4 directions, and a murderous aura appeared.

These four Elders, from different forces, are all attached to the strong Great Influence of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

All of Diwei, trembling like tide, makes all the void around tremble.

Seeing that there were 4 Elders coming up, the scared witless group of gangsters who had just been killed were brave and followed up.

For a time, Emperor Wei Qi surged, forming a great tide, blocking the entire piece of Heaven and Earth.

Chu Yan was surrounded in the middle, and there was no retreat from top to bottom, left or right.

“Chu Yan is in trouble!”

On the other side in the distance, Yue Linglong in the war, seeing the situation on Chu Yan’s side, suddenly a small face full of anxiety, startled.

You know, the top 100 people who surround Chu Yan are all gangsters. There are more than a dozen of Imperial Capital alone.

This kind of battle strength, even if it is the 5th Layer of Holy Emperor Realm, I am afraid that it is not invincible.

Boom … Rumble!

The 4 Elders, such as Zun Tian Sheng Di, took the lead in the shot, and the emperor’s power exploded like a huge peak, tumbling like a cloud, surging Heaven and Earth, moved towards Chu Yan.

Before 4 people, I saw Chu Yan’s battle method, so this time, all of them used ranged tricks.

In an instant, one side collapsed, heaven falls and earth rends, like a respect Ominous Beast, destroying one side Heaven and Earth.

“Clear Sky Sword!”

In the hands of Chu Yan, a long sword is like a mansman, a light shout, a sword is cut.

For the current Chu Yan, no matter how many enemies there are, he only needs to stare at a place from just a few directions to impact breakthrough.

This is, let you go a few ways, I will go all the way!


By sword glow, a huge block of the emperor’s great tide surged directly into a gap, Chu Yan’s figure, like a sharp arrow, shuttled through the gap, instantly breaking through the 4 Elder’s range attack, appeared in In front of the spiritual river emperor.

Clear Sky’s sword is Chu Yan strongest’s Sword Skill!

This move does not appear in any of Sword Art and Emperor’s Art, it is entirely a sword move created by Chu Yan.

Therefore, when Chu Yan’s cultivation base was upgraded, the formidable power of this move “Clear Sky” also instantly increased.

Perhaps, the four Elders tried their best to use the strongest move, which could cause some trouble for Chu Yan.

But now, the four Elders are just worried, Chu Yan uses the Space-Time secret skill again and escapes behind them, so he adopts this kind of scope blockade attack.

As a result, it seems that there are no directions in all directions on Chu Yan 4, but in fact, it is Heaven and Earth who let me go.

Passing by a sword, with 100 pairs of eyes, shrinking at the same time, all the big guys watched the seal of Chu Yan breakthrough, appeared in front of the spiritual river emperor, all complexion greatly changed.

“How can this be!?”

Of the 4 Elders, 3 are all Saint Emperor Realms, and shot at the same time, that Chu Yan was so easy to break through! ?

“Do you still think that I am still the former me !? It is the one who has been bullied and trampled by you !? ha ha ha….”

Chu Yan’s laughter is trembling, like impudent, it is more like declaring the world.

“Today, I will use your blood to sacrifice this Heaven and Earth to worship the sword in my hand!”

In a word, on the Clear Sky Sword in Chu Yan’s hand, a black glow was shot from the sky.

This sword glow, from yin to suppleness, has no violent prestige. It seems like Demon God, wielding a shadowless sickle, will reap all the souls in this world.

“Vicious soldier blasphemy!”

In the pupil of the spiritual river emperor, watching a black sword glow, from far away, the whole person was completely exploded.

With a roar, the serpent sword suddenly burst out 10000 rays of light in his hand, and fiercely threw it.

This move is the famous battle skill of his spiritual river emperor. He enters the military with soldiers. The cultivation base and Spirit Armament double the battle strength at the same time.

Sorry …!

However, what made him didn’t expect at all was that the oncoming black sword glow seemed to have infinite magic power, and the sword snake passed by the sword prestige directly split the whole snake snake into 2 pieces.

Moreover, the strange sound is not the sound of metal fracture at all. Rather, it is like a piece of metal that has been completely corroded and broken like rust and iron.

Clear Sky Sword, this is Divine Weapon!

After Chu Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough reached the semi-holy realm, the formidable power of Clear Sky Divine Weapon was also completely inspired.

Even the Emperor Artifact high grade Sword Snake is impossible to block Hao Heavenly Might.

“die for me !”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan within both eyes, blood light soaring into the sky, Clear Sky Sword, rays of light in hand, changed instantly, from black to white, a strong extreme burst of sword power, an outbreak, like a round of Sun God The sword, fiercely cut to the spiritual river emperor.

“It’s up to you to want to kill me spiritual river emperor!”

As the Great Elder, the spiritual emperor, the spiritual river emperor at Ten Directions Star Domain is known for its battle strength and very ruthless.

Seeing Chu Yan this move, broke his Spirit Armament, the move was imminent, the spiritual river Great Emperor suddenly roared, the whole body Emperor like a volcano eruption.

The spiritual river Emperor’s Demi-God decision is the sect protecting cultivation technique of the Lingxu Cave, known as the Supreme body protection cultivation technique.

So, even if the sword glow of a slashing his snake sword, moved towards the top of the head and fell down, the spiritual river emperor did not have any fear, roaring and roaring, and greeted him with his palm.

“Dongtianhua virtual palm!”

With a palm out, the void trembles, the palm seal is empty, and it instantly evolves into a big mountain, colliding horizontally, slamming toward the falling sword glow.

“Palm seal is like a mountain !? Interesting…. However, still die!”

Chu Yan looked at this mountain-like palm seal, the pupil light shimmered, and was a little surprised at the strong trend of the Ten Directions Star Domain, but the killing intent on his face did not weaken in any way. Yan Yuelie.

“Hmph! Under the sky, even the Holy Emperor … Hmm !? What’s the matter !?”

The spiritual river emperor took a shot. He heard Chu Yan’s words and suddenly got what he wanted to say, but he didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence, but his face changed suddenly.

I saw that the palm seal, which turned into a mountain, collapsed.

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