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Black robe is like a flag, flying against the sky, Chu Yan has a pair of blood eyes, and looks across Zhu Tian.

The strength of the whole body is fully integrated, and the imposing manner has skyrocketed, causing the big brothers in all directions to rise in a chill at the same time.

“Clear Sky Sword!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan’s sword slashed down.

At the same time, Chu Yan’s figure, like a black lightning, teleporting Heaven and Earth, flashed.

Almost every time, the sword glow from the sword in his hand will reap the lives of those big brothers, and it will never fail.

Except for some cultivation bases in the Great Emperor Realm Peak and the powerhouse of the Holy Emperor Realm, which can barely escape, the big brothers who are under the edge of the sword edge have no resistance at all.

Their body protection Gang Yuan, facing the sword in Chu Yan’s hand, is not much stronger than the paper.

By sword light, the body protection gang yuan collapsed, the imperial body all split up and in pieces, and the blood 4 splashed.

Sword Qi above the sky, every kill a big brother, but did not dissipate at all, continue to wander in the sky and heaven.

This move is exactly the same as before when Chu Yan dealt with the four Heaven Ranking Supreme.

So, all the big guys, watching the sword light above the sky, more and more, full of Heaven and Earth.

Like a blade of Beast Tide, the more it gathers, the more it swept through the land, the more deaths and injuries.

ah! ah! ah!

The sound of mournful scream, echoed in the sky all the time, and the emperor’s corpse shattered in the sky.

As the saying goes, one of the emperors was angry, and the dead body was 1000000!

And now, Chu Yan Divine Road is ready, the sword is raging in the sky, and the whole world is crowded, all changed.

In this battlefield of the sky, hundreds of gangsters were completely suppressed and turned into fish meat on a knife board, which could be slaughtered.

Moreover, that Chu Yan, the more killing his eyes, the more red his battle strength continues to improve.


The real fear rises in the hearts of every big brother.

At this moment, they have gradually realized that the Chu Yan in front of him, like the rising sun, sweeping the entire Ten Directions Star Domain has become established, simply not these people, they can stop.

This is the general trend!

The forces outside Heavenly Dao’s rules completely transcend their cognition and realm.

Originally, they thought that Chu Yan, even if the battle strength is even stronger, in the face of the cooperation of their 100 big brothers, there is no resistance at all.

But now, they have discovered that it is them who have no resistance! ?

Is this the might of path to Godhood! ?

At this moment, all the big brothers, looking towards Chu Yan’s gaze, all changed.

They began to awaken, and these people seemed to be used by Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and they were all used as cannon fodder!

“Retreat! Sect belongs, withdraw immediately!”

The big brothers who have reacted have lost their hearts of war, and there will be dead here, and Sect Elder directly orders it and sounds through the sky.

“Xuan Xuzong’s, all retreat!”

“The Jiyuan Pavilion belongs, leave immediately, no stay!”

“Return to Cloud Sect, immediately …”

Someone took the lead. The next situation was naturally a defeat in the middle of the mountain. Each and everyone was in a strong situation. In the face of Killing God-like Chu Yan, they dared not rush up again except to hurry to escape.

Even if he rushed up, facing the one black one white Two Swords in Chu Yan’s hands, it was only the death penalty.

In this way, it is better to save Sect strength, more important!

After all, even if holding the thighs of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it must be based on strength, otherwise, Saint Heavenly Pavilion will not look at you.

“What !? Retreat !?”

The big brothers present were stunned when they heard the Sect order.

After a war, more than 100 big brothers teamed up to round up a Chu Yan. In the end, it would be such a result! ?

However, they also know that the powerhouses present are the strongest battle strength in each Sect, and each loss is a huge blow to the strength of Sect.

Therefore, when retreating at this time, most Sect forces can still save some power.

“We withdraw!”

At the moment, the alive Purple Star Emperor and Wind Demon Emperor, with their own Sect’s men and women, turned around and left.

Before, Chu Yan, who was seriously injured by Chu Yan’s sword, was also preparing to Tearing the Void under the protection of several same sect powerhouses.

However, he didn’t even wait for him to get into the void channel, and behind him came a wave.

“Give me a stay!”

Chu Yan stepped out at a distance of 10,000 zhang, smashed a large piece of void, the whole body was nearly Peak, and the long sword was cut in his hand, just like God ’s ruling sword glow, fiercely cleaved.

Boom …!

The sword light, along with the newly formed void channel, including Saint Physique, the Holy Emperor of Heaven, are all covered.

Passed by a sword, the body of the Divine Heavenly Emperor, the last trace of body protection Sheng Gang, was exploded in an instant, and the whole person, moved towards the mountain range below fell.

And just surrounded him and tried to protect his same sect powerhouse, he was directly killed by Sword Qi and killed 2 people.

Uh …!

One sword cut down the Heavenly Saint Emperor, Chu Yan’s figure never stopped, flashed away again.

When he showed up from in the sky again, he had already arrived in front of Lingtian Emperor. At this time, the other person’s foot had stepped into the void channel.


No nonsense at all, Chu Yan raised his hand and chopped off. The Saint Rakshasa true body behind him, 2 Divine Prongs, shot out at the same time.


Emperor Lingtian’s body was instantly pierced by 3 Limang holes, his pupils contracted violently, his body was full of lifeless breath, full of frightened eyes, and finally staring at Chu Yan, he gradually lost his breath and moved towards the bottom.

“Purple Star, Fengmo, don’t go!”

Chu Yan received the sword, turned and roared, and Chang Xiao shook the sky.

One sword, one kills 2 Saints directly. The battle strength of Chu Yan has completely exploded and cannot be resisted.

All the big guys who were evacuating looked at Chu Yan who was killing intent behind him, all of them twitched and froze.

This Killing God!

Too terrifying too! ?

It’s okay to idle yourself, to provoke him to do! ?

The path to Godhood of the 1000 celestial treasure tree, even if Chu Yan can’t get it, they can get them in an impossible round.

Now, Chu Yan not only succeeded in comprehend path to Godhood, but the battle strength soared, but he chased them to kill, and directly forged the life and death feud.

On the other side, apart from 100000000 10,000 li, the various sects of various powers, including the giants of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, watched Chu Yan chopping melons and vegetables as a respect to the Holy Emperor, the Great Emperor Peak powerhouse kill, All of them almost vomited blood.

This is the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, placed in Ten Directions Star Domain, that is the existence of an Overlord level.

Each loss will weaken their strength by dominate Ten Directions Star Domain.

However, even if they are angry, there is no solution.

They were sent to deal with Chu Yan’s Supreme battle strength, and they were blocked by the green wooden sword god and the Lord of Forbidden God from the sky, and they were overwhelmed by themselves.

Right now, I can only watch Chu Yan, slaughtering like a hunt.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

Chu Yan turned around, looked towards the distant step shocking heaven and so on Heaven Ranking Supreme, killing intent in the pupil light, just like blood scared.

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