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7 respect silhouette, shock the world!

In this brief moment, all the bigwigs and giants, the dusty memories, seem to be opened instantly.

According to legend, Martial Dao’s prosperous Great Ancient Era, when the Fiendgod 3 clan stood, among the Human Race, there are 7 powerful powerhouses.

They used Supreme Magical Powers and the cultivation base to protect the human race.

Even Divine Race and Demon Race, when faced with these 7 Human Race superpowers, also have a fearful heart.

However, under the Vault of Heaven, the Star Domain 10000 clan, the interests drive, there must be disputes.

With the loss of a great power in Human Race, the 7-in-one Human Race executives were missing, and the origin of Human Race began to fade.

Great Ancient Era has fallen, Human Race is extremely weak, and is constantly being eroded by Divine Race and Demon Race.

Before the loss of the last Human Race giant energy, the soul of the old has merged with the Divine Soul of the remaining 6 people, and evolved to create the “Big Dipper 7 kill” star array.

I hope to use this to guard the final dignity of Human Race.

With the “Big Dipper 7 kill” Great Array and other 3 Great Town clan Supreme Treasure, humans barely survived the Antiquity era, but eventually lost to the Antiquity God and Demon Great War, completely became a vassal for God World.

Despite this, compared with the demons that have been slaughtered by the whole family, Human Race has at least a chance to breathe.

However, after 10,000,000 years, under the deliberate control and operation of Divine Realm, Human Race gradually became Divine Realm slave, which was trapped in Ten Directions Star Domain.

At this moment, when Big Dipper 7 killed Great Array and appeared in front of the world again, this section of the dusty memory gate also seemed to loose.


7 The roar of human beings, like the roar of the origin of race, is shaking.

7 Dazzling bloody soldiers slashed directly into the Vault of Heaven, fiercely slicing above the sky of Emperor God.

Boom … Rumble!

The sound of the thunder, the god-like screen of the sky, Supreme Laws of Will, was slammed by 7 bloody soldiers, and it continued to burst.

It is as if these seven soldiers were chopped on a majestic mountain, smashing a large number of rocks, swaying and spreading the sky.

For the first time in countless years, the prestige of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and the Divine Realm have been shaken!

“This… how is this possible!?”

All the world’s powerful tycoons and giants, complexion greatly changed.

Since the Ten Directions Star Domain has been recorded, it has always been how much powerhouse was lost before Saint Heavenly Pavilion, but it has never been recorded. Who can really shake Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Big Dipper 7 kill, Megatron!

Above the sky, the green wooden sword god held Black Sword, looking at the sky, azure robe, flying like a flag.

His eyes, like Sun, Moon and Stars, were shining brightly, his back straight, proud and loose, and seemed to be shouldering the world.

might of a single sword!


Emperor St. God looked at Divine Realm’s canopy under his feet, forcibly being shattered, and suddenly roared.

“Aoki, how brave you are! Even dare to disrespect the god! Do you think that by virtue of this, you can fight the god!”

Emperor Saint God landed on the ground. In his eyes, golden light 4 shot, and his body overflowed with a majestic aura.

At the same time, above the sky dome, a divine light, dropping from the sky, fell straight on Saint God.


The majestic and majestic divine might, in this brief moment, rushed out of Saint God.

Divine Realm, come!

“The power of ants, paranoid heaven defying! Penalty!”

This sentence exploded, billowing clouds, 10000 thunderbolt exploded, the distant Heavenly Mountain vein, rumble trembling.

Supreme’s Divine Realm’s power is like a raging tide, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

This kind of power is far beyond the power of Martial Artist and even more powerful than Heavenly Dao.

Saint Heavenly Pavilion Above the holy peak, the holy heavenly monument directly inserted into the sky dome, the vast power like the master, was released between Heaven and Earth.

The entire Martial Soul World, Ten Directions Star Domain, was instantly suppressed by this powerful force, fiercely.

Even all forces genius and gangsters who are far away in the land of forbidden gods only feel that within the body Qi Sea instantly stagnate, and their Spirit Power connection between Heaven and Earth is completely cut off.

The power of Divine Realm is terrifying!

“Master … Master …”

Infinite Divine Emperor and 7 Peak Master, looking at the completely different Saint God Emperor, all look blank.

Although they suspected that Divine Realm Supreme was coming, they had never seen it before, and they only looked at it dumbly.

However, the only thing that is certain is that the breath of the Master they are familiar with is completely different.

Beyond 100000000 10,000 li, in the land of forbidden gods …

“Divine Realm, here !?”

The spirit of Heavenly Dao lives above the 9th Layer, looking towards Saint Heavenly Pavilion, looking at the scene in the cloud, complexion slightly changed.

This force is powerful!

Has exceeded the power of Heavenly Dao’s true body.

Within the scope of Ten Directions Star Domain, this is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, only Supreme Divine of Divine Realm came down to suppress Aoki in person!

“Chop! Chop! Chop …”

In front of the mountain gate of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a green wooden sword god stands with a sword, azure robe flying, a pair of sun and moon stars, looking at a God God who changed aura without any support.

Big Dipper 7 killed Great Array, responded to it, and cut out 7 bloody sword glows again.

From the moment Aoki stepped into Saint Heavenly Pavilion, he knew that Divine Realm would definitely come.

What I need to do now is … kill!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

7 Scarlet soldiers, with the force to cut through the Vault of Heaven, fiercely split on the Divine Curtain.

However, with the slashing of the 7 blood-colored soldiers, the golden light at 7 o’clock on the Divine Curtain bloomed to dissolve the 7 blood-colored soldiers.

Like 7 bubbles breaking open and disappearing into the void, there is no ripple.

All this, Big Dipper 7 kills Great Array, no matter how hard it is!


Saint God, a pair of eyes completely filled with golden light, looked at the green wooden sword god, the sound of majestic and overbearing sounded.


A word of exit, Emperor Saint God raised his finger, and at the foot of the Divine Curtain, the endless raging tide of the raging sea came out like a flood peak, grabbed a large wave of golden waves, moved towards the green wooden sword god .

“7 Soul kill, cut against God!”

The green wooden sword saw the golden wave of the sky, and his body flashed sharply, rushing to 7 illusory shadows, Black Sword in his hand, and he was high and fiercely cut out.

Boom … Rumble!

8 Bingmang, collided with Golden Honglang, but it just crashed on Tianfeng, and exploded in an instant.

Golden Hong Lang did not stagnate at all, and rushed madly, directly to Aoki and other 8 people.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The silhouette of 8 people, hit back together, the green wooden sword has a mouth, spurt a mouthful of blood, and 7 kills the incarnation, which also trembles at the same time, and the imposing manner is greatly reduced.

Divine Realm, the power of one blow, directly broke the “Big Dipper 7 kill” Great Array.

The green wooden sword stands on the sword and looks up towards the sky. The face of Emperor Saint God is full of aloof and remote, as if looking down on the ants.

“I … want to lose this day! 7 soul … kill!”

The green wooden sword god, his eyes full of red, bloody robe flying, the sword in his hand was raised again, 7 incarnations around him, and the aura was violently raised, and the sword was raised again and all were cut out together.

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