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Divine Realm’s respect, the conditions for opening, almost exceeded everyone’s imagination.

You know, the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, for 100,000 years, no one can enter God World.

But now, in order to recruit the god of the wooden sword, the Divine Realm has broken the rules and made such a condition.

If the green wooden sword god agreed, then he was the first Martial Artist in Martial Soul World to enter Divine Realm in 100,000 years.

Moreover, Divine Realm’s venerable promise, Divine Spark.

In this way, the green wooden sword god can break through to the power house of the god of one fell swoop and achieve Martial Dao Peak.

Under the sky, are there any more attractive chips and conditions than this! ?

Absolutely no!

Even if it is Saint Godly Emperor of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it is just a spokesperson of Divine Realm in Ten Directions Star Domain.

I didn’t qualify at all, and I was promoted to God World. Of course, Impossible gave Divine Spark.

After all, no one Divine Spark powerhouse appeared after the entire Martial Soul World, and until Antiquity God and Demon Great War and God World were closed.

So, whether it is Divine Spark or God World, these two conditions are conditions that will make Ten Directions Star Domain, any Martial Artist, crazy.

The green wooden sword god looked up at the Divine Realm, his brows twisted slightly, as if thinking.

“Could it be said that the green wooden sword is so tempting !?”

All the powerhouses and gangsters in the audience were stunned when they saw the expression of the green wooden sword.

It’s no wonder that for such a condition, for a Martial Artist, there is no possibility of rejection.

After all, any Martial Artist, after awakening Martial Soul and stepping into Martial Dao, has gone through 1000 difficulties and 10000 hardships, and has endured countless life and death risks. Is n’t the ultimate goal and goal for Divine Spark and the promotion to God World? ! ?

Now, the god of green wooden sword, heads-up battle against Saint Heavenly Pavilion, let Divine Realm fully approve! ?

In the forbidden place, Chu Yan and all the gangsters all looked up at the cloud screen, looking at the silhouette of the green wooden sword god, Sea of ​​Consciousness tremor.

Above the altitude of 10,000 zhang, the Lord of the Forbidden God is also looking sideways, looking at the green wooden sword god, still and silent.

No one can stop the green wooden sword god, nor can he stop him.

After all, the green wooden sword god is the master of the inverse god a, the number one powerhouse in the world, the strength is strong, already invincible in the Ten Directions Star Domain, it is difficult to enter.

If you do not advance into God World, then the Martial Dao cultivation base of the green wooden sword god has reached its peak, impossible has been further improved.

However, if the green wooden sword god agreed, the entire inverse Divine Dao may fall apart. Martial Soul World will no longer have strength against Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm for 10000 years.

However, if the green wooden sword does not agree, the current situation may be the result of damage.

One side is dead, and the other side is the avenue.

Such a choice is probably not difficult for Martial Artists all over the world.

“Chu Yan….”

Just when everyone thought that the battle was over, and there was no suspense, the green wooden sword god in front of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion mountain gate turned his head slightly, looked towards the direction of the forbidden land, and murmured.

“Senior, I’m here!”

Even if it was clear that there was a vast cloud of clouds separated, the green wooden sword god simply heard his voice, and Chu Yan agreed.

“You can see clearly !? Not only this battle, but also the faces of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm!”

When this sentence hit the ground, Chu Yan pupil light shuddered, and all the powerhouses and gangsters in the world had their faces together.

The faces of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm! ?

What does the phrase “green wooden sword” mean? ?

However, across a distance of 100000000 10,000 li, across the vast cloud curtain, Chu Yan closely stared at the eyes of the green wooden sword god, just for a while, Chu Yan’s original puzzled eyes instantly clear comprehension.

“Senior, I get it!” Chu Yan nodded.

The Kun emperor beside him turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

Including the Lord of the Forbidden God above the sky, he also looked at Chu Yan with a faint smile on his face, slightly nodded.

However, in addition to the two giant Position, the others present, including Ouyang Nantian, Yue Linglong, and all influenced giants, are all looking towards Chu Yan with a ignorant look, and looking at the green wooden sword god, all Silly.

“Understand !? Clear !? Understand what !? Understand what !?”

Everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, all flashed the same doubt, and they didn’t know what 2 people were talking about.

After another 3 breaths time, the green wooden sword god withdrew his gaze, turned his head towards the Divine Realm above the sky, looked the head, the smile on his face emerged, and this smile became more and more intense, and finally, directly evolved Laughing wildly.

“Ha ha ha, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Divine Realm, how many years, and finally wait till today! Ha ha ha… ..”

The green wooden sword’s laughter was terrifying, as if excited, completely lost self-control, divine might uncontrollably accompanied his laughter, and shook the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

“You agreed !?” Divine Realm asked.

Not only the venerable Divine Realm, including the countless recipes of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the powerhouses of the whole world, when they heard the words of the green wooden sword god, they were all stunned.

The meaning of this sentence is easy to understand!

The green wooden sword Gods showed that they were able to get Divine Spark immediately, and they could be promoted to God World and become Martial Soul World. Since Antiquity God and Demon Great War, the first place has become a god and was promoted to God World ’s powerhouse.

Therefore, it will be said that finally wait until today!

Since then, Ten Directions Star Domain has lost a first sword god, and God World has added a human powerhouse, which is a joyous situation.

“How many years! Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Divine Realm, you are also afraid !? You are also guilty! Ha ha ha… ..”

Disregarding all the eyes around all around, the green wooden sword god seemed to be completely immersed in the tremendous excitement and excitement, and continued to laugh loudly.

It’s just that the meaning in the laughter has changed.

“Afraid !? guilty !?”

Whether it’s Saint Heavenly Pavilion, or God’s Forbidden Land, or even the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, staring at all influence giants here, all are complexion changed.

The green wooden sword god said that Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm were afraid and guilty! ?

“Such favorable conditions, breaking the rules of solicitation, I am afraid it is not just because I am alone !?”

“However, you, the cold and stupid Spirit Physique, will never understand that I am waiting for flesh and blood humans!”

“You think that under this world, all human beings, like them, will go to be dogs for a bite !?”

“You think, the bone of Human Race has been cut by you !?”

“Ha ha ha…. Wait, wait … Human Race is about to rise!”

“What you said and done today is already telling me and telling the world that our Human Race is about to rise!”

“Ha ha ha… ..”

The earth-shattering laughter was like a piece of thunderclap, exploding the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

And it seems to confirm the words of the green wooden sword God. Between the entire Heaven and Earth, countless sources of martial arts, illusory shadow, reappears, are madly surging.

Some words, a burst of laughter, once again attracted the source of Divine Martial Arts, Heaven and Earth roar!

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