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Chapter 2659

Regarding the secret of the entire Martial Soul World, this sentence immediately caught Chu Yan’s attention.

The green wooden sword god and Xuanyuan Divine Emperor glanced at each other. Then, the green wooden sword god nodded and Xuanyuan Divine Emperor looked towards Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Martial Soul World has gone through the Primordial era, Great Ancient Era and Antiquity era, and is now the fourth era!”

“The alternation of these times, the rise or loss of countless races, the powerhouse is like the stars in the vast Star Domain, countless!”

“But whether it’s brilliant or bleak, Martial Dao is declining!”

“Taking my Human Race as an example, it was conceived from the Primordial era, prospered in the Great Ancient Era, and completely decayed after the Antiquity God and Demon Great War!”

“However, compared to Divine Race and Demon Race, my Human Race is already too lucky!”

“At least, the racial bloodline can be continued, so that the ethnic group will not be extinct!”

“And it is those who are now Divine Realm! Those shameless alien sticks!”

“But, apart from hatred, we must see the essence of everything!”

“It’s like, why did they become the master of Martial Soul World!”

“Not only them, including the Primordial era, the Great Ancient Era, the Antiquity era, the masters of any era, have their reliance!”

“This is … Divine Soul Source!”

“Divine Soul’s power !?”

Chu Yan heard, suddenly the complexion changed.

At least, for the first time since he stepped into Martial Dao cultivation, he heard this power for the first time.

Until now, people’s Divine Soul only affects Divine Consciousness, but the impact is not great.

It seems that Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness is much stronger than ordinary person, but it does not mean that his Divine Soul is much stronger than others.

It is only because of his Pill Refining Master’s identity, plus some secret skills, that his Divine Soul is several times the same level as Martial Artist.

Moreover, Divine Soul, it seems that there is never a method of cultivation, but as the strength increases, it slowly increases.

However, Chu Yan has another photocopy. It seems that every time when he is in danger, it is 5 Divine Soul Martial Soul, helping him to keep Divine Soul.

Because, in Martial Dao, fleshy body damage can be reshaped, but Divine Soul must not be damaged.

Once Divine Soul dissipated, Martial Artist was really damaged!

This truth, not only Chu Yan understands, almost all Martial Artists in the world know.

Putting it that way, Divine Soul seems to be really important, but there is no cultivation that matches it. This seems …

Chu Yan’s brow, gradually lightly wrinkle, looked towards Xuanyuan Divine Emperor.

“Divine Soul is the only source that can be integrated with Hong Qi Spirit Qi!”

Xuanyuan Divine Emperor’s words suddenly let Chu Yan the whole person, completely stunned there.

Hong Qi Spirit Qi is the most powerful of all the Heaven and Earth spirit sources known at present, and none of them.

Because they are extremely rare, many Martial Artists have never seen Spirit Qi in their lifetime.

However, Chu Yan has seen it!

“Who can master the Spirit Qi of Martial Soul World, can become the master of this World!”

“Master !? Want to master Hongmeng Spirit Qi !? Putting it that way, among Divine Realm, there is Hongmeng Spirit Qi !?” Chu Yan exclaimed.

“Good!” Xuanyuan Divine Emperor nodded.

“In fact, Hong Qi Spirit Qi, as the origin of Martial Soul World’s Spirit Power, not only Divine Realm, but also Ten Directions Star Domain, but by Divine Realm’s magic sticks, using secret methods, continuously extracted into Divine Realm.”

“The free and scattered Spirit Qi, also sealed by them, is difficult to be discovered by ordinary Martial Artist!”

“Moreover, there is Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain, which also controls part of Hongmeng Spirit Qi!”

“Many layers of control, our entire Ten Directions Star Domain, Martial Artist counted as 100000000 10000, can obtain Spirit Qi, such as phoenix scales!”

“With these Hongmeng Spirit Qi, Divine Realm and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, we continue to cultivate super powerhouses and firmly grasp the entire Martial Soul World!”

Speaking of which, Divine Emperor of Xuanyuan stopped and looked towards Chu Yan.

“So now, you understood !? Why is Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s strength greater than 3 Great Influence 7 Battle Clan, more than ten times more powerful!”

“So that’s how it is! Hong Qi Spirit Qi….”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered slightly, his eyebrows pondered, and his heart gradually understood.

“In the Antiquity era, I was against Divine Dao and the prestige of the Human Race family, which had already occupied the situation, and defeated Saint Heavenly Pavilion. It was not our opponent at all!”

“However, Divine Realm later shot and supported Saint Heavenly Pavilion as their puppet.”

“Since then, for millions of years, we have been against Divine Dao and can only be in the state of the hidden world, but it is difficult to compete with them positively.”

“It’s not that we are developing slowly against Divine Dao, or the forces of the entire Martial Soul World are developing slowly, but because, Saint Heavenly Pavilion is developing too fast!”

“It took only 10000 years for a weak force to rise completely and become a Ten Directions Star Domain strongest force!”

“People with clear eyes know that this is Divine Realm’s backing, but Saint Heavenly Pavilion has never sent Divine Realm powerhouse to intervene in Ten Directions Star Domain, so Saint Heavenly Pavilion is strong there?”

“It’s … Hongmeng Spirit Qi!”

“They Saint Heavenly Pavilion, by giving Divine Realm a dog, they get some Spirit Qi!”

“With these Spirit Qi, among the Saint Heavenly Pavilion, like Saint God, it took only 1000 years to cultivate to Divine Emperor!”

“They got Hong Qi Spirit Qi, Divine Soul is extremely powerful! It is not comparable to Martial Artist of the same level!”

“Now, it is clear that Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao have joined forces, and the rules of Martial Soul World have also been changed!”

“Next, in order to contain you, I am afraid that the entire Martial Soul World, all Martial Artist cultivation, will be more difficult!”

Xuanyuan Divine Emperor finished, looking at Chu Yan, his eyes full of anticipation and dignity.

“Don’t this Ten Directions Star Domain, ordinary Martial Artist ever get a chance to get Hong Qi Spirit Qi !?” Chu Yan asked.

“No! Say no, in fact there are, you can say, everyone has!” Xuanyuan Divine Emperor shook his head.

“Both !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! Every Martial Artist born in Ten Directions Star Domain will get a hint of Spirit Qi! Call it Innate Spirit!”

“This is a higher level beyond Ten Directions Star Domain, Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm. Supreme will decide that even if it controls Martial Soul World, it cannot be changed!”

“Is it …?” Chu Yan pupil light flickered, as if thinking of something.

“Yes! It’s Martial Soul!” The green wooden sword god suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Chu Yan, didn’t you find it ?! I battled Saint God the Emperor, and finally the fleshy body collapsed, and I didn’t urge Martial Soul!”

The green wooden sword God’s words suddenly made Chu Yan and the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness tremble fiercely, like 10000 thunderclap explosions.

Not bad!

The green wooden sword God did not use Martial Soul in the last battle!

As a Martial Artist, the biggest reliance is Martial Soul, and the battle of heaven defying the green wooden sword god, from the beginning to the end, to the loss, did not use Martial Soul.

Even now, Chu Yan does not know what the Martial Soul of the green wooden sword god is!

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