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The whole island fell into silence.

Above the dilapidated palace, countless ghosts screamed and gusts of wind swept through, bringing up a large film of Yin Fiend Qi.

Looking at these dilapidated palaces, Chu Yan can imagine how magnificent the former Dark Temple was, but now …

“Hmph! Timid people!”

The Lord of the Forbidden God stood beside Chu Yan, watching the dark Palace Lord disappear, coldly snorted out loud.

“It is rumored that this dark Palace Lord, who has passed the rule of ruling, has a biography of heroes, surpassing his glory, is to have a great future, and now it seems that it is merely this, and would rather live forever!”

“It’s even more ashamed that I dare to teach you, hmph!”

The Lord of the Forbidden God seemed extremely angry about Chu Yan ’s encounter, shouting again and again.

In a sense, the Lord of the Forbidden God and the Palace Lord of the Dark Temple actually exist the same.

The Lord of Forbidden God may be the last God World Inheritance Land of Human Race, and the Dark Temple is said to be the last fortress of the Demon Race.

However, the heart of the God of Forbidden God has never fallen through millions of years.

But now, the Dark Lord Palace Lord seems to have worn out his will.

“Senior, he is right!”

However, hearing the angry words of the Lord of Forbidden God, Chu Yan’s words, made the Lord of Forbidden God stunned.

“Chu Yan, don’t be influenced by him! The dark temple is destroyed, the responsibility is not on you!”

“Even if it’s not because of you, it won’t take long for Saint Heavenly Pavilion to still work and completely wipe out all the races and forces of Ten Directions Star Domain. It’s just a matter of time.”

The God of Forbidden God was worried, and quickly opened his mouth to explain.

“I know!” Chu Yan nodded, his eyes constantly sweeping through the ruins below.

“But fighting Saint Heavenly Pavilion is an option. We can’t force anyone to be like us, nor can I force anyone to choose to believe me!” Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“This …” The forbidden God suddenly started.

The Lord Forbidden God saw that Chu Yan’s face was calm and watery, and there seemed to be no fluctuation.

“Senior, you can rest assured! No matter how others are, my way, I will go by myself!”

The words landed, Chu Yan turned around, moved towards the way back, Tearing the Void, and returned directly to the Forbidden God.

shua! shua!

2 stream of light, across the sky, moved towards the north, just like 2 meteors, breaking through the sky and smog, moving all the way.

In the moment when Chu Yan and the Lord of Forbidden God left, above the ruins of the Dark Temple, one black one white 2 silhouettes were slowly displayed like ghost shadows.

These two silhouettes are the Palace Lord of the Dark God Temple and Yue Linglong in a white dress.

2 people didn’t speak at all, just stood there, looking at the silhouette of Chu Yan’s departure.

“Father…” Yue Linglong’s eyes were full of tears.

“Delicate, rest assured!”

Dark Palace Lord reached out and stroked Yue Linglong, comforted with a drowning face.


After an hour, Chu Yan returned to the core of the Forbidden Land, Avatar returned to the true body, and instantly became 2 in one.

And the moment Avatar entered the true body, Chu Yan sitting on the 1000-world Xuan Bao tree, gently eyes opened, slowly stood up.

In the sky all around in the tree, the Lord of Forbidden God, Divine Emperor, Kun Huang and Situ Yang stand side by side.

“Chu Yan, how !?”

Tianji Divine Emperor and the Lord of Forbiddenness looked a little nervous. When Chu Yan got up, he asked quickly.

“En!” Chu Yan chuckled, slightly nodded.

“Good! very good!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Tianji Divine Emperor exclaimed with excitement.

As one of the inverse Divine Dao 3 giants, Ten Directions Star Domain is a rare god powerhouse. If someone outside sees it, it will be amazed. What can make a god powerhouse so excited! ?

But now, not only Divine Emperor, but also the Lord of Forbidden God and Kun Emperor, have the same expression, looking at Chu Yan, his eyes flashing.

Because just now, two simple conversations conveyed a very important message.

That is, Chu Yan God Martial Source cultivation technique has been comprehend successfully, and then, only need to continue to improve, it can be completed.

At this point, speaking of which is simple.

But in fact, the reason why Tianji Divine Emperor makes them so nervous, as the green wooden sword god said before, the god Martial Source force cultivation technique is not everyone, can cultivate.

Now, Chu Yan cultivation has been comprehend successfully for ten days.

This shows that all their previous efforts have not been in vain, and Chu Yan has the qualification and potential to visit the Yin-Yang Temple.

When you arrive at the Yin-Yang Hall, you will have the opportunity to truly gain the power of the “Martial Source of God” and inherit the first magic of Human Race!

“Okay! Next, do as planned!” Tianji Divine Emperor said.

“This azure sword symbol, you close it!”

Tianji Divine Emperor took out a sword-shaped Jade Talisman and gave it to Chu Yan to say

“Before the god of green wooden sword, he used the self-knowing blood essence and a ray of Divine Soul to communicate with Yin-Yang Temple, a pass symbol made by refining!”

“With it, you can open the Space-Time road to the Yin-Yang Hall! It’s just …”

“In order to avoid the investigation by Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm, it would cost a lot to go to the Yin-Yang Temple!”

The words landed, and Chu Yan suddenly startedled.

“Great price !?”

“Good! Your fleshy body may not be able to withstand the prohibition of the Space-Time road. At worst, the fleshy body will collapse and fall down!” Divine Emperor’s expression in Tianji is extremely serious, and he spoke softly.

“In addition, once this sword symbol is urged, it will still be felt by the power of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm! It will definitely take action.”

“If you open the Transmission Array content in the normal way, you may not fully open the channel, Divine Realm’s will will come. So Aoki specially prepared this sword symbol to speed up the passing time!”

Tianji Divine Emperor’s explanation suddenly let the Lord of the Forbidden God present, their eyes lit up.

“In this way, there will be no loss of 10000! Very good!”

After listening to these words, Chu Yan also understood that for this time he went to the Yin-Yang Hall. Aoki and these big brothers really spent their thoughts.

“Okay, please trouble Senior!” Chu Yan bowed his hand and sat down cross-legged.

No matter how good the arrangement is, take the time now and the cultivation technique is the most important.

After all, once you reach the Yin-Yang Temple, you rely on this cultivation technique to gain the power of God Martial Source.

As Chu Yan once again fell into cultivation with all his heart, the Lord of the Forbidden God and Divine Emperor of Tianji also gathered together and began to continue to discuss.

After all, there is only one Chu Yan, and there is only one chance for the Yin-Yang Temple. 10000 can’t show any failure. In that case, all hope will be instantly destroyed.

At this time, Chu Yan sat on the 1000-basic tree, Divine Consciousness restrained, aura surging.

The cultivation of full-hearted cultivation of this Human Race Sect Master cultivation technique does not dare to be distracted at all.

The inheritance cultivation technique of this Human Race Sect Master is extremely mysterious. It is completely different from other cultivation techniques. Each word exists independently and integrates with other mysterious characters.

There is no specific meaning, but it contains Heaven and Earth. The mystery is extraordinary.

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