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Ghost-faced Saint Emperor’s face twitched more and more, and his eyes were fixed on the ancient silkworm that had begun to melt in the flames, and his lungs were almost exploding.

Since Chu Yan is the ultimate Pill Master, Saint Heavenly Pavilion doesn’t even know this, and also arranges this kind of Spirit Treasure, is this not a cracking a joke? !

“No matter what you are, you must die!”

The embarrassed ghost-faced Saint Emperor yelled and roared loudly, and Shengwei broke out again, holy technique ghost head, and instantly burst out.

Nine Revolutions Golden Pill Master, that’s just Pill Master. The cultivation base has only a half holy realm. Besieged by the 3 Great Saint emperor, he will definitely die.

After all, this gap in cultivation base realm is real.

Of course, Chu Yan’s leapfrog battle strength, they are very clear.

However, before they broke through the Holy Emperor, they were all in the Heaven Ranking, the famous leapfrog battle strength powerhouse.

Obviously, Saint Heavenly Pavilion attaches great importance to Chu Yan’s leapfrog battle strength, and sent him to siege his Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, fully considering this.

However, some disregarding their heads, they even forgot, Chu Yan is still a Pill Master.

Probably because Chu Yan has never used his pill technique since he was promoted to Ten Directions Star Domain. Even in the Pill Master industry of Ten Directions Star Domain, no one knows that Chu Yan is a Pill Master.

“Azure Dragon !”

Chu Yan shouted in his heart, azure light masterpiece all over his body, Azure Dragon Martial Soul roared out, and fuse together with Chu Yan’s figure instantly, for the body of a Divine Dragon, moved towards Nine Heavens, wandering away.

Longyou Nine Heavens, proud of the world!

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Whether it’s Azure Dragon Martial Soul or Qilin’s pupil, in this brief moment, Chu Yan was all urged to the extreme, bursting into shocking battle strength, long sword in his hand, straight out.

boom…! boom…! boom….!

The next moment, above the sky, the trembling Heaven and Earth’s gas explosions kept exploding, shaking the whole Vault of Heaven.

3 The Great Saint emperor surrounded Chu Yan from 3 directions, various holy technique killing tricks continued to be displayed, and Chu Yan held the long sword, Divine Dragon body protection, and sword light, and cut all the holy techniques in 3 directions into Youfan.

For a time, the war broke out and the sky shook.

At this moment, above the Nine Heavens, the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, the Divine Emperor and the Lord of Forbidden God, the battle between the 4 gods, and the sky below, Chu Yan and the 3 Great Saint Emperor The battle of war broke out to an incandescent level in an instant.

Below, whether it is the golden robe powerhouses in the 9th pavilion of the Holy Heaven, or the four sides of all directions, the nearby powerhouses who have heard the news are looking towards Qi Yan and 4 Great Saint fighting.

Countless pairs of eyes, without blinking, staring at Chu Yan closely, every time the word light swayed, it would cause them Divine Soul shudder.

One move after another, the 3 Great Saint emperor besieged Chu Yan’s encirclement and kept tightening, and Chu Yan was clearly in a disadvantageous situation.

However, the powerhouses who watched the battle, at this time, were stunned with thunder and thunder in their minds.

“Strong! Too strong!”

“It’s impossible! It’s absolutely impossible!”

“He … he’s a half saint, even playing 3 Great Saint alone !?”

“Is this battle strength too terrifying !? I feel that even if it is a divine powerhouse, this Chu Yan can fight !?”

“That is!”


4 All directions The cries of watching the battle continued to sound, and everyone was terrified look at the shocking battle strength from Chu Yan.

Although Chu Yan is still in an unfavorable situation until now, a half Saint Realm powerhouse, faced with three cultivation bases, is higher than a Holy Realm powerhouse between Heaven and Earth. The presence.

You know, they have never seen such terrible battle strength. Even in the historical records of Ten Directions Star Domain, besides God and Demon Great War, who can create such Legendary besides the Xuantian Empress ! ?

“Happy! Cool!”

During the war, Chu Yan was shouting again and again, making a roaring sky.

Faced with the siege of 3 Great Saint emperor like howling wind and torrential rain, that Chu Yan could still be like this! ?

Cool! ?

happy! ?

In all directions, all the powerhouses watching the battle twitched at the corner of their eyes when they heard Chu Yan’s words.

They didn’t know that Chu Yan’s battle was his battle to bring all the strength of the battle to Peak after he broke into Half-Holy Realm.

Chu Yan was so excited that the whole body of blood was boiling and Divine Soul was in the sky.

“Almost! It’s over!”

At the next breath, Chu Yan held the long sword, and the pupil of Qilin swept the 3 Great Saint emperors all around and spoke softly.


The ghost-faced emperor heard this sentence and immediately frowned.

What do you mean! ?

Could it be said that until now, Chu Yan, who was completely surrounded by them, has not tried his best! ?

What is about to be! ?


In the doubtful eyes of the ghost-faced emperor, Chu Yan’s holy breath began to weaken rapidly. Like a body True Qi has dried up and will be exhausted.

“Hmph! Bluff, really True Qi is not enough, is it ready to escape !?”

In the eyes of Divine Emperor, a clear comprehension flashed.

In his judgment, Chu Yan dared to be so arrogant. A person killed 90% of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion, probably because of his special means of escape.

Just like in the great hall of the Lei tribe, when the siege team arrived, Chu Yan’s aura was within 10,000 li.

Obviously, there is a strong escape method!

However, at this point, before the ghost-faced emperor, there was already preparation.

Now, there is ice confinement under the cloth of the Spirit of Heaven and Heavenly Dao above, and surrounded by their 3 Great Saint emperor groups below, which basically gives Chu Yan any chance of escape.

“Don’t let him escape, go all out!”

No matter what, the ghost-faced emperor will not let Chu Yan succeed. With a single order, the whole body of Shengwei suddenly broke out and shot again.

“Snow pole is frozen, 10,000 li Jingtian!”

Together with the ghost-faced emperor, the ice emperor of Chu Yan was besieged, and his hands became a pair of ice crystal hands. Shengwei doubled in an instant, and the snow-colored glaciers that appeared in front of him evolved into a terrifying 10000 years. Ice water, rumble crushed the void all the way, moved towards Chu Yan rushed away.

Along the way, Sword Qi, cut by Chu Yan, flew the ice chips from the iceberg, but the iceberg as a whole was not affected, and it rolled away at an alarming speed.

“Not good !”

Above Nine Heavens, the Lord of Forbidden God and Divine Emperor, the complexion changed at the same time.

This move is the unique skill of the ice and snow emperor, and the formable power is extremely terrifying.

Boom … rumbling!

Not waiting for the two gangsters to come to the rescue, the iceberg had already hit Chu Yan, the vast void collapsed instantly, Chu Yan’s body was directly knocked down by the collision, and moved towards the sky like a meteor.

pu! pu! pu!

A path of blood arrow, from Chu Yan’s upside down body, continuously sprayed out, swaying all the way to the sky, red, and half of the sky as blood.

At this moment, Chu Yan, who had just returned to war, was almost half away from Aura.

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