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There is always nothing wrong with the Green Armor Giant.

Therefore, Chu Yan did not hesitate, Divine Consciousness instantly converged, turned into a Divine Consciousness tide, flushed into within the body, and poured directly into Qi Sea.

Just in a flash, the tide of Divine Consciousness will completely occupy the entire Qi Sea, inside 3 Layer and outside 3 Layer, carefully probe it.

“This … this is not Qi Sea blocking! What is this !?”

Chu Yan saw the structure of Qi Sea, his eyes widened instantly.

“This is the prototype!”

In front of azure light flashed, the figure of the green armor giant appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“The prototype !? What prototype !?”

Chu Yan’s Martial Dao realm has reached the semi-holy realm, and the cultivation techniques he has seen are also quite a lot.

However, I have never heard of it, or seen it, that Qi Sea of ​​Martial Artist can store other things.

“Divine Spark prototype!” Green armor giant replied.

“What !? Divine Spark … prototype!”

Hearing this answer, Chu Yan’s pupils instantly enlarged, and his eyes were full of consternation.

You know, in his original Fleshy body, there is also a prototype of Divine Spark. However, that is why he abolished the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers and experienced countless life and death before he could easily condense.

But now, I have just arrived in the Yin-Yang world, just casually possessed a corpse, and even met a prototype with Divine Spark! ?

This … this probability is even harder than winning a lottery! ?

“No, he was dead just now!”

But for a moment, Chu Yan reacted immediately, looked at the Giant Armor, and said in surprise.

The prototype of Divine Spark is not a tangible thing, but was born by Martial Soul, Emperor Yin and Dao chart at the same time.

However, after the loss of Martial Artist, whether it is Di Yin or dao chart, including Martial Soul, all will disappear.

In this case, the prototype of Divine Spark should also disappear with it, and impossible remains for now.

“Good! He is dead! But …”

The green armor giant heard Chu Yan’s question, nodded, then turned around, looked towards the world in front of him.

“This is the Yin-Yang world! Everyone, Innate has the prototype of Divine Spark! And here, it is called … spirit vein!”

“Spirit vein !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

This name, in Ten Directions Star Domain, has never been heard of.

“Then Martial Soul, how many Star Rank !?”

Thinking about it, Chu Yan still believes that Martial Soul is the foundation. As long as his Martial Soul is strong, he is not afraid.

“Here … There is no Martial Soul!” The Green Armor Giant turned and looked towards Chu Yan.

“What !? No Martial Soul !?” Chu Yan was a little confused.

Martial Soul World, except for Monster Beast Demon God, almost all Martial Artists take Martial Soul as the foundation to start the cultivation road.

Without Martial Soul, how to communicate Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, cultivation! ?

Could it be …

“Yes! To be precise, the people here are not without Martial Soul, but never have anyone to awaken Martial Soul!” Explained the giant in armor.

“Many years ago, there was also Martial Soul powerhouse here, but they found that the more cultivation later, especially after approaching the Holy Land, the role of spirit vein is much more powerful than Martial Soul!”

“So, I don’t know when to start. In this Yin-Yang world, all people will not actively awaken Martial Soul, but concentrate on cultivation spirit vein!”

“Spirit vein is divided into Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang 4 levels, of which the highest level, and each level is divided into 10 Star, which is the same as Martial Soul’s Star Rank!”

Speaking of which, the blue armor giant stepped slowly and walked in front of Chu Yan, then said

“When you just cultivated, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi communicated through the spirit vein of the Fleshy body. Did you find that it is different from Martial Soul !?”

“Full innate, as one with Heaven and Earth!” Chu Yan blurted out without thinking.

The previous cultivation was very emotional and originally thought it was the reason for the spirit Qi in the Yin-Yang world.

Now it seems that it is because this body of Qi Sea comes with a spirit vein.

“After Holy Land, what is the difference between Spirit vein and Martial Soul !?” Chu Yan asked curiously.

“In this Yin-Yang world, there is a special holy technique called” Yin-Yang lineage “. This holy technique has no offensive and no battle strength. It has only one function, which is condensation … Divine Spark! “

The Qingjia giant explained that it seemed to know everything about the Yin-Yang world.

“Holy technique for condensing Divine Spark !? How is this possible !?” Chu Yan suspiciously.

What is Divine Spark! ?

That is Divine Realm’s most valued resource, even if it is 1 Star, it will not let ordinary Martial Artists encounter it.

If there is such a holy technique, I am afraid that Saint Heavenly Pavilion or Divine Realm would have been killed by the army.

“There is such a holy technique! It is Swire God World. It was carved on the Yin-Yang Heavenly Mountain in the continent of the Yin-Yang world! All continent everyone can see and cultivate!”

This sentence landed, and Chu Yan’s eyes lighted up instantly.

If there is such a holy technique, then just write it down and bring it back to Ten Directions Star Domain, then not everyone can condense Divine Spark! ?

It’s so easy! ?

“Don’t dream! That’s impossible …”

Seeing Chu Yan’s eyes glow, the blue armor giant seemed to be able to detect Chu Yan’s heart, directly opened the mouth and said

“This holy technique, although everyone can cultivate, can really succeed in cultivation. This is only one person in the history of Yin-Yang world!”

“And, still a woman!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan immediately started and asked.


“Xuantian Empress!” The green armor giant turned and looked towards Chu Yan.

“Emperor Xuantian !?” Chu Yan was stunned. The name seemed to have been heard there …

“If you want to cultivate into” Yin-Yang a “, you must have 2 conditions, one is to have 10 Star spirit vein, and the other is to make Yin-Yang fusion!”

“Since ancient times, in the history of the Yin-Yang world, the spirit vein of the 10th rank of Stars has appeared in 100,000, but the only one who can achieve Yin-Yang fusion is the Emperor Xuantian!”

“So, it’s easy and easy to say, hard and difficult, everything depends on your own!”

Speaking of which, the Soul Body of the blue armor giant became extremely dim, and the azure light flashed, turned into a streamer, and disappeared directly into Chu Yan within the body.

“In addition, if Spirit Qi cultivation is used by Hongmeng Spirit Qi, the effect will be doubled!”

The last sentence came down, the silhouette and aura of the blue armor giant disappeared completely on the spot, leaving Chu Yan alone.

“No matter, look at this Yin-Yang world first, and then say!”

After hundred breaths, Chu Yan was awake, a long whistle, a figure turned into a rainbow, rising into the sky, moved towards the valley, and flew away.

Just blinking, Chu Yan rushed out of the valley and flew into the forest.

However, when he saw the situation in the forest, he suddenly looked surprised.

“En !? So much …”

Because, in the forest below, there are dead bones everywhere, like a road, one end is connected to the valley, the other end goes deep into the forest, and there is no end at all.

It seems that there are countless Martial Artists fighting along a forest road, and all the roads are completely paved.

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