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Wuwu Forest.

Yin-Yang is one of the ten largest forests in the world. It was originally an ordinary forest. However, in the Antiquity era, a large number of prohibitions and spiritual arrays appeared in the forest of impertinence.

It attracted a large number of Martial Artists to explore, but in the end, after damaging a large number of Martial Artists, they rarely set foot on them again.

The original piece of ordinary forest has also become the famous Danger Land in the Yin-Yang world.

Now, this Huayang has been forced into desperation and rushed into the Wuxu Forest. He wants to use the prohibition spirit array of the Antiquity era to find life.

“Yes! Didn’t expect this kid, he actually understands the truth behind Death Land!”

Yang Dingtian was holding the golden armor in his golden armor. The golden glow flashed in his eyes, looking at the forest below, but applauded.

Hearing what he said, Mo Da Chong and Longxu Taoist around him twitched their eyes together.

Health! ?

Have a fart!

If that Huayang is really alive, the 4 Spirit Armaments and their faces will all be lost.

Never let him live!

“Everyone obeyed, gave me access to the forest and found him out! Kill!”

Mo Dachong was already very hot, and when he heard Yang Dingtian’s words, he was angered, regardless of the direct order.

“What !? Enter Wuwu Forest !?”

However, upon hearing the orders of Mo Dachong, Li Mu, Jia Shuiyu, Qingyun Emperor and Mad Tiger Emperor, all started together.

“Elder, this innocent forest, there is a Great Array that covers the entire forest. If you enter the Emperor Realm, you will die!”

“Even if it enters the emperor realm, it will not last long. It is said that when it seems to be half stick of incense, it will be eroded to death by mysterious power in the forest!”

“Yeah, why not wait for him …”

Several powerhouses heard Mo Dachong’s order, but they felt a little resistance and murmured against it.

After all, the fame of this Wuxu Forest is not small, and if you enter it, you can get out of it, less than 3%.

For a Huayang and Spirit Armament, to lose his life, it is not cost-effective.

Moreover, lost in this forest, Divine Soul is forbidden, and there is no hope of rebirth.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one wants to enter it.

After all, they know that even if Huayang is caught, the Spirit Armament of 4 handles, I’m afraid they can’t get it.

“You, dare to disobey me !?”

Mo Dahong’s face turned into pig liver, and his big hand turned, and a purple centipede appeared in his palm. His eyes were all bloodshot. Fiercely glared at Li Mu and others.

“No … don’t dare! Go in here!”

“Follow your orders, go in now!”

“Chong, kill Huayang!”


Seeing that Mo Elder was really angry, even the housekeeper’s soul-eating centipede was taken out, and Li Mu, they were so scared that their scalp was numb and rushed out, moved towards the forest.

In an instant, a crowd of people rushed into the forest, including 4 Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses and more than 20 Great Emperor Realm powerhouses.

All of them urge the body protection gang yuan to the extreme. From a distance, it looks like a group of fatty, moved towards the forest.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Their silhouette, which has just stepped into the forest, all kinds of prohibitions and killings rushing everywhere, constantly attacking them.

After all, they are all powerhouses, including 4 Holy Emperor Realm powerhouses, all shot together, all the forbidden and killing moves that came, shattered them, and ran all the way to the forest.

“Dragons in the sky!”

Seeing a group of powerhouse chasing over, Chu Yan hurriedly moved movement art, moved towards the depths of the forest.

Previously in the Spirit Armament mountain range, there were only a dozen powerhouses, but now the number has doubled. Obviously they called for helpers.

And Chu Yan also found that Shengdijing Powerhouse reached as many as four.

Although these 4 Holy Land powerhouses are all ordinary Martial Artists, they do not have leapfrog battle strength, but after all, there are 4 people, so be careful.

While running wildly, Chu Yan’s Snow Sword didn’t stop, Qilin’s pupil swept across, and as soon as he found the prohibition and Spirit Array, he cut it with a sword and inspired it.

This madness rushed through, and it was completely a spark with lightning. Everywhere I passed, there were all kinds of prohibitions and killing tricks, such as 100 flowers blooming, and broke out directly.

“Not good !”

Just as Chu Yan kept accelerating, suddenly, a spear array in front of him was violently exploded, and a path of red spear shadow that flew out, like a rain pear, covered half of the sky.

“The pupil of Qilin!”

With the 5-color streamer running in two eyes, Chu Yan urged the power of Qilin Martial Soul to turn Qilin’s pupil to the extreme, with a ghostly shape, flying under 4 times, constantly moving to avoid dodge, and constantly shuttled in 10000 spear shadows.

In a blink of an eye, a huge and terrifying spear array flew behind him.

“hu ….”

Chu Yan glanced back, suddenly relaxed, fortunately having the pupil of Qilin, otherwise just that moment, the consequences were unimaginable.

Now, the method used by Chu Yan, although effective.

However, as someone who provokes various prohibitions and Killing Formation, he must also bear the brunt of the first wave of attacks.

This is a very dangerous thing!

If it was before, the Martial Artist team who came to explore Wuwu Forest, who was the first Pathfinder, had several times the chance of loss.

After all, these prohibitions and Killing Formation in the forest, the hidden suddenness, are also one of the formable powers.

And those who chase behind Chu Yan only need to keep understanding, but don’t worry, any prohibition and killing will suddenly explode.

The reason why Chu Yan dared to do this was to rely on Qilin Martial Soul’s Life Source Martial Soul technology, the pupil of Qilin.

“Swing words!”

After chasing a power house in the Holy Emperor Realm behind Chu Yan, he was the first to enter the range of the spear formation. He was suddenly scared by the spear shadow of the sky, and the cold hairs were all erected.

Bang! Bang!

Countless spear shadows exploded, and the powerhouse that rushed over joined them. Dozens of people shot together. The huge spear array of formidable power was instantly cracked.

“Still running !? die for me!”

The escaped holy land powerhouse, although okay, was scared out of a cold sweat, watching Chu Yan rushing forward, suddenly furious, and shot directly.

call out…!

a fierce blade glow, broken through the sky, just like a saint thunder, moved towards Chu Yan’s back, straight down.

A few 10000 steps away, this blade passed by, and the towering trees along the road exploded the powder and sawdust flew.

“En !?”

Feeling the powerful sword power behind him, Chu Yan turned around, and Snow Sword was ready to resist in one fell swoop, but his sword power was still slashed out. Suddenly, the blade glow suddenly burst into a river of swords, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“What !?” Chu Yan suddenly changed the complexion.

He didn’t expect, this holy place powerhouse, under a rage, even if there are some moves, they will suddenly change.

This knife river, although its formidable power is not big, but it is a ranged trick. If it is resisted, it may be caught in it.

And this is also the purpose of the holy land powerhouse, as long as they can trap Chu Yan for a while, they can rush up and kill them.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan felt that the range of this knife river was full of 10000 steps. It was tricky to break through.

The most important thing is time!

However, at this moment, deep in the forest, a re-humming sound suddenly sounded.

“hmph! ”

“Tianbaozong, Roaming Dragon Mountain, you two sects, dare to step into my territory !? Are you provoking me !?”

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