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The turbulent waves swept across the Central Square.

two sects Dozens of gangster-level figures, working together, only completely suppressed the self-destruction power of the two holy powerhouses.

However, even after the suppression, ten breaths passed and ten secs powerhouse died under Self-destruction.

“Two Senior, Divine Soul Mingjian, no matter what my relationship with Cangxiao Pavilion, but your sacrifice, will certainly make the people who killed you, including Sect, pay the price of blood!”

Chu Yan’s voice resembled a Hong Zhong, resounding through the audience, his eyes were as cold as ice, looking straight at Heavenly Pool Elder, and a group of experts from Roaming Dragon Mountain.

“Roaming Dragon Mountain, I will find you!”

In a word, Chu Yan turned directly and waved his hand. The 4-arm Spirit Armament suspended in front of him, simultaneously out of the dazzling soldiers, shot at the front door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

4 Handle Spirit Armament, hit the great hall door in turn, like a heavy buckle, making a heavy muffled sound.

Everyone outside the square in the distance, watching this scene, all complexion changed.

Because, the temple gate looks like a wooden structure, even if it is an ordinary iron soldier, under the urging of True Qi, it should all be broken directly.

But now, the 4-handle Antiquity Spirit Armament hit the gate, but just buckled it, leaving no trace of it.


Just as everyone was surprised, the hall door slowly opened, and a large black mist poured out, drawing the silhouette of Chu Yan at the entrance of the hall directly into the hall.

After peng sound and Chu Yan’s silhouette disappeared, the hall door was closed directly and everything was restored to calm.

Just like the scene just now, it never happened.


Heavenly Pool Elder and other gangsters watched as Chu Yan entered the hall, his face suddenly changed.

That temple door is the entrance to the Tomb of the Unknown God, and the 4-arm Spirit Armament is the key to the tomb.

Now, Chu Yan with 4 Spirit Armament enters the Tomb of the Unknown God, which can no longer be changed.

“Great Elder, Huayang has entered the” Tomb of the Unknown God “!”

Heavenly Pool Elder immediately frowned deeply, looking at the direction of the hall gate with a dark face, his face full of anger.

However, this is the end of the matter and there is no other way but to report it truthfully.

At this time, all around a path of eyes, also with a strange color, looked towards Heavenly Pool Elder.

There was a hint of blame in the eyes of the senior men of two sects.

After all, if before, Heavenly Pool Elder did not insist on doing things alone, if he had to play the majesty of Great Sect and trade directly with Huayang as a hostage, maybe now it simply won’t be the result.

“Heavenly Pool!”

Over the city, a majestic voice sounded, it was the voice of the head of Roaming Dragon Mountain.

“This time, you are fully responsible!”

“Give you another chance, immediately use the Roaming Dragon order, break the entrance to the Tomb of the Unknown God, recapture the 4 Spirit Armament, kill Huayang, and bring the secret secret of inheritance back to Sect, otherwise … Mountain Regulations!”

Thundering thunder exploded, echoing the sky, suddenly leaving Heavenly Pool Elder’s face pale.

Now, he really regrets it!

“Roaming Dragon Order !?”

All around the powerhouse, when I heard the voice, I looked towards Heavenly Pool Elder, and my face was full of consternation.

Because, Roaming Dragon Lingye is the mountain protecting treasure of Roaming Dragon Mountain!

didn’t expect, this time Roaming Dragon Mountain even brought the “Roaming Dragon Order”, it seems that the secret method of inheritance in the Tomb of the Unknown God is really a ambition.

“But … follow orders!”

Heavenly Pool Elder looked up and looked towards all around. He wanted to say something, but when he thought of the anger of the head just now, he did n’t dare to say anything, and quickly accepted the order.

According to the plan before they came, this Roaming Dragon order was prepared to deal with the other side’s envoy.

But now, Huayang has appeared, the other side is still hidden in the dark, and it is even possible that in the potential Spirit Treasure, he entered the “Tomb of the Unknown God” with Huayang!

Now that the other shore envoy has n’t appeared yet, use the words “Roaming Dragon Order” to let the enemy understood the cards, when the time comes The other shore envoy prepared to be prepared, for those of them, there might be a lot of them risk.

But now, Heavenly Pool Elder has a felony, and even if he has a heart to speak, he dare not speak at all.

Wiping the cold sweat from his face, Heavenly Pool Elder looked up and looked towards all around.

In the great hall, the door of the hall was closed, Huayang had entered it, and on the square, the main battle experts of two sects were still fighting the Black Dragon, the guardian spirit.

“Qingyun, Mad Tiger, immediately urge Roaming Dragon to order!”

The original Qingyun Emperor and Mad Tiger Emperor who set up the Forbidden Array are now fine. Heavenly Pool Elder ordered directly from them.

“Hurry up!”

With a cry, Emperor Qingyun and Mad Tiger Emperor quickly accepted the order and led people to start the battle again.

Originally, mountain protecting treasure Roaming Dragon was urged, and there was no Array.

However, the head of the Roaming Dragon Mountain is extremely cautious and cautious. They are worried that the Roaming Dragon will be robbed by others, so they only ask that this time Heavenly Pool Elder they bring the Roaming Dragon order to the Tomb of the Unknown God. Array.

This Array is a very special Transmission Array method, not at all what is special, but when the Roaming Dragon makes danger, you can use this Transmission Array to fly directly back to Roaming Dragon Mountain main sect.

After all, the reason why the Roaming Dragon is strong is precisely because of this mountain protecting treasure.

“Fast speed, deal with this Black Dragon first, and then break the door! Quick!”

Heavenly Pool Elder is extremely anxious now, hoping to complete the task as soon as possible, and constantly urged.

“Yes! Elder!”

Poor Emperor Qingyun and Mad Tiger Emperor, hurried by Heavenly Pool Elder, sweaty, and quickly arranged the Spirit Array.


Over time, above the square, a dazzling golden light rose into the sky, blasting straight to the Black Dragon guardian spirit in the center of the square, exploding the golden dragon and the dragon roaring.


At this time, on the other side, Chu Yan was shrouded in black mist. After entering the hall door, not long after landing, he felt a huge rumbling sound and the sound of the dragon roaring behind him.

“They started !?”

Chu Yan stood in the great hall, turned his head towards towards the gate of the temple, and murmured.

The ground beneath my feet was trembling slightly, obviously Heavenly Pool Elder, they were using shocking means to deal with that Black Dragon.

“here is….”

No matter what they do Heavenly Pool Elder, they have nothing to do with Chu Yan for the time being, so Chu Yan just froze for a moment, then turned around and looked towards the hall in front of him.

Those outside the temple have already started. Although they are the first step now, they must do so as soon as possible.

All around the walls, all kinds of murals are everywhere. You can easily find them at a glance. These murals should have a lot to do with the unknown God who left the secret of inheritance.

“This direction …”

After passing through the great hall, Chu Yan came to the apse, and soon found the a portal.

Above the gate, Space-Time is distorted and Divine Strength overflows.

Even after the endless years, the Divine Strength on the door of Space-Time, but not at all disappeared. It can be seen that this nameless God, the strength of his life, even if he did not reach the God level, but in the gods, I am afraid Extremely terrifying existence.

Striding out, Chu Yan stepped into the Divine Strength Transmission Gate.

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