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The green armor giant is very difficult to deal with, which Chu Yan also knows.

However, as I heard earlier, Divine Spark realm, but Divine Spark realm, seems to be divided into lower god and median god realm.

However, this War God title, in the end what realm, still can not hear.

“War God….”

Although I don’t know realm, but by listening to this title, Chu Yan also felt that I am afraid that this giant of green armor, and it is extremely not simple, is definitely not small.

After all, those who dare to take the title of War God and have no strong power as their foundation will definitely arouse the anger of the gods.

Looking at the eyes now, the long beard old man was so scared that his whole body was shaking, standing there like a petrification, and he didn’t dare to move.

For a time, the entire Dark Palace fell into silence.

Chu Yan was inconvenient to interject, and the blue armor giant seemed to disdain to talk too much to the old man.

The long beard old man in front of him was completely stunned, his eyes straight, and he didn’t dare to move.

“Mortal crime! Mortal crime!”

After about ten breaths, the long-bearded old man finally woke up, pouted, and knelt in front of Chu Yan.

“I don’t know that War God Sir is coming, and I have no intention to offend War God divine might, mortal crime …”

In this remark, Chu Yan said with a straight face.

Isn’t this change too big, War God Sir, just a name, can scare God Realm powerhouse like this! ?

“Do I still need the Heavenly Dao vow !?”

After waiting for a long time, the blue armored giant did not say anything, and Chu Yan looked embarrassed and could only ask.

“Hu…. No need! No more! Under the world, War God Sir’s golden mouth is ten times 100 times stronger than the Heavenly Dao oath!”

Climbing up from the ground and staring at Chu Yan, he confirmed that this time was Chu Yan’s opening, long beard old man sighed in relief, and quickly shook his head like a rattle.

The name of War God, that is the name of the sky name!

This title, Nine Heavens ten places, who dares to rebel! ?

Uh …!

Before Chu Yan spoke again, the long-bearded old man flipped his big hand, took out a piece of fire-colored Jade Talisman, and carried it to Chu Yan with both hands.

“This is the inheritance secret of the Tomb of the Unknown God, please accept it!”

Even if I knew that I was facing Chu Yan now, but the long-bearded old man walked in front of Chu Yan, his tense muscles twitched, his head lowered, and he dared not lift it.

This kid, with a spirit vein and Martial Soul, and the spirit of Five Elements, this kind of heavenly posture is the only thing in the world.

Now, even more terrifying is that behind him, there is the World God ’s First War God Sir. I am afraid that the future of the future will be to stir up the entire Divine Realm, Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Thinking of this, the long-bearded old man holding Jade Talisman’s hands shivered uncontrollably.

However, what he didn’t know is that Chu Yan’s within the body, not only War God, but also 5 Divine Beasts, I’m afraid the beard will be frightened.

“Many thanks Senior!” Chu Yan took over Jade Talisman and replied.

“Dare not! Dare! Should be, should be!”

Wiping off the cold sweat on his head, the long beard old man quickly explained, “This Jade Talisman, as long as it is Divine Consciousness cultivation, it’s easy!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, looking at Jade Talisman in his hand, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

I do n’t know, after having this secret method, can the prototype of Divine Spark in my Sea of ​​Consciousness be promoted to a real Divine Spark?

However, until then …

“Senior, I want to try it first!” Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“OK! No problem, I will help you protect the law. Dark Palace is absolutely safe here. I will close all entrances at once!”

Longsu old man heard, not afraid to hesitate, and quickly replied.

With that, the old man waved his big hand, a path of breath rushed out, moved towards Dark Palace 4 all directions, and flew away.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire Dark Palace shuddered and shook slightly, and soon calmed down.

As a result, all access to the Dark Palace is closed and no one else can enter.

Immediately afterwards, the silhouette of the long man’s old man began to blur slowly, and soon disappeared on the spot, hiding into the void.

In the Dark Palace of Nuo Da, only Chu Yan and the suspended ancient lamp are left, releasing the dim dim light.

“hu …”

After a long exhalation, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept away all around, simply explored a bit, then sat cross-legged under the ancient lamp and began to concentrate on cultivation.

……… ..

On the other side, in the city outside, the battle has just ended.

Boom … Rumble!

The mountain-like guardian spirit of Black Dragon, under the golden light and repeated strikes, finally Spirit Physique shattered, exploding the dark sky, rolling like a wave, sweeping the whole city.

The sound of dragon between Heaven and Earth resounded through Heaven and Earth, shaking everyone’s Divine Soul.

“I finally got rid of it!”

Heavenly Pool Elder’s eyes were crimson, exhaled, and he looked up at all around the square.

The whole corpse, blood flowing into a river, the whole square was completely stained with blood red, and there were corpses of minced meat everywhere.

After this battle, although the Black Dragon guardian spirit was exterminated, the price paid was really great.

Nearly ten experts died in the door alone, and elite disciple was nearly 100 injured.

If it weren’t for the mountain protecting treasure with the “Roaming Dragon Order”, I am afraid that the number of deaths and injuries will more than double.

“Push for me and break the door!”

Heavenly Pool Elder’s eyes were red and ordered loudly.


“Follow the order!”

The emperor Qingyun stained their blood, heard the drink order, and hurried to the door of the palace.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the top 100 powerhouses, they attacked together, strikes the hall of the great hall, and the whole hall was buzzing and trembling.

Time passed by enough breaths, great hall’s hand, standing tall, could not be broken at all.

“Everyone flashed away, order with Roaming Dragon!”

Heavenly Pool Elder calculates the time. Huayang has been going in for almost 5 minutes of time. If he is allowed to run or die in the Tomb of the Unknown God, then he cannot kill him by himself.

Therefore, Heavenly Pool Elder couldn’t wait at all and ordered urgently.

Soon, Emperor Qingyun and the others hurried to the side, watching the sky above, a dark golden dragon shadow swooping down, moved towards the temple gate fiercely and rammed away.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire great hall was shuddered by the dark golden dragon shadow, as if shaking the mountain.

Roaming Dragon makes it worthy of being the mountain protecting treasure of Roaming Dragon Mountain. It continuously hits the hall door. Under a path of gas explosion, the defensive prohibition placed on the hall door continues to consume. Finally, after an hour, I ca n’t bear it. Live, blast away.

The moment the hall door broke open, Heavenly Pool Elder and a group of powerhouses were suddenly full of ecstasy, unable to take care of the rushing energy that was still scattered in the 4th, and hurried into the great hall.

There is no stay, in the great hall, just a little pause, simply glanced at the murals around all, and then rushed to the back hall.

“Time Transmission Gate !?”

After the long corridor passage, there is the apse, the huge Transmission Gate stands, and it is extremely conspicuous.

“This … this is the door to the core of the Tomb of the Unknown God !?”

Heavenly Pool Elder’s eyes are full of mans, and his face is full of joy.

“Give me in!”

Can’t wait, looking at the Divine Breath Gate in front of him, Heavenly Pool Elder ordered to the mad tiger emperor around him.


Upon falling to the ground, the crazy tiger emperor was equally excited, and lifted his feet and moved towards Space-Time Transmission Gate.

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