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Just now, when a probe Divine Consciousness was swept away, Chu Yan’s breakthrough was over.

After aura converged, everything in the Dark Palace gradually returned to normal, and everything was calm.

However, the most unsteady, but the long beard old man.

Because, Chu Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough is over, but he wants to explore Chu Yan’s situation, but finds another thing that makes him even more unbelievable.

“Holy Land 1st Layer !?”

Long beard old man can’t think of it, his Divine Consciousness detection, it is this result.

However, the cultivation base aura just now is clearly God Emperor Realm 5th Layer!

This is similar to his cultivation base realm, he is absolutely impossible to sense errors.

But now, Chu Yan’s body, the cultivation base aura, is definitely the 1st Layer of the Holy Realm.

He was a divine powerhouse, and explored the Martial Artist of the Holy Emperor cultivation base. It was simply impossible.

“This … what the hell is this !?”

The long beard old man with a dazed face looked dumbly at Chu Yan. The entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely messy.

It can be said that the strange things he has seen in his life are not as many as they saw today.

“This … what should I say !?”

Chu Yan slowly stood up, looking at the long beard old man, looking at the head, with a look of bitter smile.

It turned out that he was preparing to find a more suitable Fleshy body as soon as possible, so that he could continent 3 months of cultivation in the Yin-Yang world.

However, the time is very tight, 2 come to this Fleshy body because of the previous Cangxiao Pavilion, the degree of fit with his Divine Soul has increased several times.

Therefore, Chu Yan gave up the plan to replace the fleshy body.

However, because of this, this fleshy body is, after all, a corpse after being damaged.

Therefore, even if it is the amount of Chu Yan God Soul Power, the breakthrough has reached God Emperor Realm 5th Layer. This Qi Sea meridian with Fleshy body has little improvement.

In this case, if you change to a living Fleshy body without damage, it will not be so bad.

At least, Fleshy body can also reach Half God Realm!

Although it is not as good as its own fleshy body true body, the difference between a live fleshy body and corpse is still very big.

“Your Fleshy body, and Divine Soul’s cultivation base gap, is actually a Heaven and Earth Realm !?”

“No, without Fleshy body as the foundation, True Qi cultivation base impossible breakthrough!”

“However, you have a spirit vein and Martial Soul. Divine Soul is much stronger than Fleshy body, so this is the case !?”

“No, True Qi cultivation base is based on Qi Sea and Sea of ​​Consciousness, even Martial Soul, which can only differ by 3 to 5th layer realm at most. Impossible is a Heaven and Earth Realm!”

“Moreover, there is still a gap between the cultivation base of Heaven and Earth Realm, which is even more impossible! Could it be …”

“War God Sir !?”


The long man old man seemed to be really stimulated by Chu Yan and kept guessing, turning around Chu Yan for a few circles.

“Senior, in fact …”

Chu Yan was made by the long beard old man …. Headache, a little deep pondering, he was ready to explain, but he didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence in one sentence, and the mutation was reborn.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Above the head, above the endless sky, a path of dull percussion sounded through Vault of Heaven.

An immense force poured from the top of the zenith, all shrouded towards Chu Yan.

This kind of feeling seems to be directly locked by some kind of powerful will power, and cannot escape at all.

“Not good !”

Long beard old man also felt the power of this terrifying will, suddenly looked up, looked towards the sky, and cried out in horror.

Because, this is the will of Divine Thunder!

Chu Yan’s breakthrough success will naturally attract Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, and it is the highest kind.

What’s more, the monster-like Chu Yan in front of him, the Divine Thunder robbery he attracted, how terrible it would be.

Just thinking about it made the long beard old man’s face startled.

If it is the Divine Thunder robbery of ordinary days, maybe the long beard old man is not so worried.

After all, the power of Shenjing powerhouse is completely different from the previous realm.

To this realm, it almost existed side by side with Heavenly Dao, but also stepped out of the 3 worlds and integrated the Five Elements Cheng Cheng.

Because of this, of all Martial Dao realm, the highest Transcending Tribulation success rate is probably Divine Thunder.

However, the long beard old man glanced at Chu Yan again and confirmed that his Fleshy body cultivation base had only 1st Layer of Holy Land, and the corner of the eye was unable to bear twitched twice.

Such a situation, what’s going on! ?

The point is, this heir who has just inherited the secret law of inheritance will not be lost here immediately! ?

That … is not a joke! ?

However, without waiting for the old man to do something at all, Chu Yan’s body, a mysterious extreme force, rushed out.

Buzz …!

Five Elements breathes like a rippled water wave, rippling, melting into Heaven and Earth, moved towards 4 directions in all directions.

Less than ten breaths, the original Divine Thunder robbed the will, but slowly began to dissipate.

“My grass, what happened !?”

Sensing above the Vault of Heaven, that vast sea of ​​powerful will power disappeared to almost nothing, long beard old man can no longer be to bear, and burst into a straight mouth.

This is even more shocking than long ago when Chu Yan was shocked by Chu Yan continuously.

After all, before it was cultivation base breakthrough, it was Chu Yan ’s own power, but now, this is Divine Thunder robbery, controlled by the Heavenly Dao will of the continent of Yin-Yang, which can also be expelled! ?

Staring at the bull-like eyes and looking at Chu Yan with bloodshot eyes, the long-bearded old man was like a petrified, completely stunned.

Martial Dao World, cultivation base breakthrough, Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation will be recruited!

This is common sense, this is routine!

But now, another common sense and routine has been broken.

“Didn’t expect, Five Elements breath, there is such a wonderful use! Not bad! Not bad!”

Chu Yan, regardless of the long man’s almost crazy eyes, looked towards the sky, gently exhaled, and opened the mouth and said.

From beginning to end, Chu Yan cultivation is the way of heaven defying.

Therefore, when he stepped into the threshold of Divine Realm, all of the Heavenly Dao’s repressive effect on him seemed to begin to die.

If we say that other Martial Artists, when they break through the Divine Realm, it is possible to cross the three realms and merge Five Elements with Heavenly Dao.

Then Chu Yan is sure!

The road to heaven defying, from then on, there is no retreat!

Boom … Rumble!

It did n’t take long for the old man to respond, or Chu Yan to recover completely. Suddenly, in the Dark Palace, a mad thunder exploded, and the entire Dark Palace shuddered.

Above the walls of the Dark Palace all around, a huge gap was directly broken, and most of the walls collapsed.

shua! shua! shua!

In the dusty and sky-filled golden light, behind the notch of the wall, among the billows of dust, a silhouette of a connects to a, flashing continuously.

Mo Dachong, Yang Dingtian, Heavenly Pool Elder and many other powerhouses urged a golden Divine Dragon to hit the Dark Palace, break the gap, and appeared in the Dark Palace.

Behind them, follow the tide-like various sects powerhouse, which which is included Li Mu, Jia Shuiyu, Qingyun Emperor and Crazy Tiger Emperor, and the big brother of various sects.

Like a tide pouring in, the entire Dark Palace was completely filled.

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