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Not waiting for Chu Yan to ask, above the top of the mountain, the silhouette of the extremely sturdy Kunzu, appeared again.

“Everyone, announce the rules!”

The sound like a dull thunder drum sounded, the sound passed by, the mountains tremble, and mighty.

“Pay respects to Kunzu!”

The 1000 monster cultivator that gathered around the place of the altar, as well as the young men and women and the big brothers above the stone temple, were saluted together.


Kunzu was just nodded, and then his big hand waved, and countless Kunxia surged, condensing the huge beast of each and everyone in midair.

“This time, Kunshan Holy Tomb inheritance, according to the rules of the land of the demon ancestor, demon god, deep sea, 3 sirs in the sky, 9 designated beasts, you can enter directly without participating in the qualification battle!

“Each beast can appoint a clan elder as a help!”

The words landed, and Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly became shocked.

Comprehend qualification battle, you can also find a helper! ?

In this World, there are so unfair things! ?

Participated in various Secret Realm inheritance, and Chu Yan who was qualified to choose, is the first time to see such rules.

“Chu Yan, our Monster Race is different from your human beings. We have a strict rank and a high rank bloodline and a low rank bloodline. The status is very different! This is the rule of our Monster Race!

The Emperor Kun of course knew Chu Yan’s doubts, and accompanied this time, he will explain these rules to Chu Yan in detail.

“The so-called beasts are the existence of the Monster Race highest!”

“However, unlike your human Sect forces and families, our top level existence here does not refer to strength or innate talent, but bloodline purity!”

“The more pure Bloodline Monster Race is, the better it is to become the son of beasts of all races!”

“Of course, it is often the Prince of each Monster Race, and the bloodline is the purest! Just like … that guy!”

Kun Emperor raised his hand and pointed to the white robed youth who had just flirted with other Monster Races.

However, the finger just pointed casually, and the Kun emperor immediately took it back, and looked disgusted.

Turned to look towards Chu Yan and then explained

“Now among the monsters of Monster Race, the one ranked 1st is named … Li Tianhong!”

Speaking of which, the Emperor Kun stopped and looked towards the stone temple, the row of young monster cultivator, slightly sighed, then said

“3 Supreme Monster Race has fallen, didn’t expect. Today, among the 9 recommended beasts, my Kun family has no qualification!”

The Kun emperor smiled bitterly and shook the head.

3 The Supreme Monster Race, whose name is loud and bloodline noble.

However, the fact is that the three Supreme Monster Races have fallen.

The meaning of this decline is not just the decline of Sect and forces in the human world.

The most important thing is that the clansman of their 3 Supreme Monster Race … the number!

In Monster Race, maybe bloodline is respected, strength is heaven, but there is also a key factor that affects racial status, which should be quantity.

This is extremely important and represents the power of a race!

Martial Soul World, strength is respected!

This is not only about the human Martial Artist World, but it is more obvious than the respect for the strength of Monster Race.

Of course, this number refers not only to the number of individuals, but to the number of strong demon.

The more powerful monster cultivator, the more powerful that represents this race.

However, human Martial Artists can change the number of powerhouses of a sect or force through various factors such as cultivation and chance.

For example, when Chu Yan gave the secret books to Cangxiao Pavilion before, Chu Yan decided that it would not take long for a powerful Cangxiao Pavilion to be born in the Yin-Yang world.

However, such a World will only happen to the human Martial Artist World. If it is replaced by Monster Beast World, it is simply impossible.

Because the strength of the monster cultivator comes entirely from bloodline inheritance, and does not rely on external forces at all.

Monster Beast wants to be powerful, there are only 2 ways, one is to improve bloodline, and the other is to fight.

Therefore, for any Monster Race to become strong, it is necessary to increase the base of the race. The base is very large, and the probability of strong monsters will naturally increase.

Chu Yan and Kun Kun communicated continuously with Divine Consciousness, which made Chu Yan understand the rules of Monster Race more and more.

However, at this moment, among the demons, a strange sound suddenly sounded.

“Kunzu Sir, I have an objection!”

The word fell to the ground, and immediately caught the eyes of all the monster cultivators of 4 Ji, and looked at them all together.

You know, in such a solemn occasion, some people dare to speak indiscriminately, and it is only a Monster Emperor.

“En !? Objection !? Say …!”

Kunzu ’s eyebrows slightly frowned, and then loosened, Kun Kun ’s eyes looked extremely towards that open monster cultivator, shouted.

Status, bloodline, race, this is an absolute taboo in Monster Race.

And this monster cultivator, dare to dare at this time, provoked.

“For 9 beasts, I have nominated the qualifications of the three demon gods, I have no opinion, I also respect such demon rules, but …”

With a simple mind, the Monster Emperor who impulsively opened his mouth at this time has already felt this. With the eyes and pressure from all four directions, the expression starts to become tense.

“But that guy is not qualified at all!”

The word landed, and the eyes of all monster cultivators instantly softened, seeming to be completely forgiven. Under the impulse of this Monster Emperor, he raised dissent.

The next moment, all the eyes of the monster cultivator, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the white robed youth before the stone temple.

“Yeah, Tiger Clan, it’s not worthy!”

“We have so many Monster Races, he is the bloodline of the lion and tiger family, but only the top 30!”

“Yes, the top 30 bloodline is not worthy of being 9 big beasts!”

“The key is this guy, he’s misbehaving, and he’s making fun of it … so what!”

“Should be punished!”


For a time, the group was indignant, as if being charged with a gunpowder barrel. All monster cultivators were pointing at white robed youth, screaming loudly.

“About this …”

Hearing the anger of the entire Monster Beast, Kunzu also startedled.

“Hehe, you guys, even disagree!”

Not waiting for Kunzu to speak, but the white robe lion’s face started with a wretched smile.

Standing out one step, facing the angry eyes of the audience, a casual look, it seems that he didn’t care.

“Don’t embarrass Kunzu Sir, I will explain it myself!”

The lion tiger’s words not only did not calm down the anger of the audience, but also attracted countless sneer eyes.

Even Zilin Bing, Mu Uda, Tong Teli and other beasts standing on the side were sneering again and again.

This lion tiger, relying on the favor of Tongtian Sir, is unscrupulous and wants to kill him, there are not 10000, there are 8000.

“Cousin, you …”

A clan elder standing behind the lion tiger, complexion changed, just wanted to block it, but he directly hooked the head and refused.

“Cousin, there are some things that should make all demon understood!”

When the word came to the ground, the expression of the white robe and tiger changed instantly, and then looked towards the audience cultivator’s eyes, there was a sharp imposing manner.

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