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Seeing the ice tide hit, Chu Yan reacted in an instant, and countless Five Elements True Qi broke out directly, raising his hand was punched out.

“break for me !”

10000 The dragon is strong enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, punched out, even if it is the Holy Power Peak powerhouse, it is also impossible to withstand.


Fist Gang collided with the ice tide, exploded the weather waves, violent surplus, 4 scattered rush.

Amidst the sky and waves, the snowy shadow stood still, but it was not hurt at all.

Moreover, even her snow skirt didn’t break a bit, and rose against the wind, white clothes like snow.

At the next breath, the snow shadow was like an arrow, and it shot out, moved towards Chu Yan and rushed straight away.


Chu Yan didn’t expect at all, he moved this 10000 Dragon Power, but was so easily blocked by the opponent, his eyes flickered.

This woman’s cultivation base, also known as Peak, is 4th layer higher than her own cultivation base.

However, Chu Yan’s current Divine Soul cultivation base has already broken through the realm of the gods. Under the circumstances, the cultivation base and the opponent are not much different.

The most important thing is that Chu Yan’s battle strength, in Ten Directions Star Domain, has never encountered an adversary.

Now, it was a surprise attack by a person with similar cultivation base and easily resist oneself.

“What !? It’s okay !?”

Not only Chu Yan, but also the Kun emperor on one side, his face changed suddenly.

He spent time with Chu Yan for a while, and naturally understood Chu Yan’s battle strength.

Even just now, Monster Race has a few 100 monster cultivators, including 8 big beasts. For Chu Yan, they are like trivial ant.

Such battle strength, in Ten Directions Star Domain, there are people who can match it! ?

Who is this snow skirt woman? ?

Although the emperor Kun Kun kept urging Kunmu, he wanted to catch up with the silhouette of the snow skirt woman to see who the other party was.

After all, with such a powerhouse of battle strength, absolutely impossible is an unknown.

The most important thing is that here is the Kunshan Holy Sepulchre. The ones that can appear here are probably related to Monster Race.

However, King Kun has never heard that in Monster Race, there is a person such a powerful Banshee Saint!

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Seeing the other party rushing, Chu Yan waved Clear Sky Sword in his hand, with the body Five Elements True Qi, majestic and explosive.

The powerful Five Elements True Qi, poured into the sword, turned into the sky Sword Qi, straight away.

Chu Yan’s eyes became very sharp, and the battle intent in his heart rose like flames.

You know, the Yin-Yang community and his Rakshasa True Qi have been completely transformed into Five Elements True Qi.

Logically, Five Elements True Qi is close to True Qi of Shenjing Powerhouse. Formidable power is more than ten times higher than the original Rakshasa True Qi.

However, even under such circumstances, she was still blocked by the woman.

So, who is this woman? ?

“Sky Bing!”

The snow shadow woman is cold all over, even Shengwei aura, with a chilling bone, like a god of ice and snow Goddess, dropping from the sky, with a monstrous attack, and rushed to Chu Yan.

Where she passed by Xueying, even the sky was filled with ice crystals all over the sky, and the temperature of the entire void fell sharply.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan wields a sword like an electricity, a sword like an electricity, cuts into the void, twists the sky ice crystal into powder, and rushes out without inferiority.

Boom … rumbling!

The powerful ice tide melted by the sky and snow collided with sword light again, and exploded at the same time, Sword Qi and Bing Ling, 4 shots flying.

Under the watchful eyes of Kun Huang and the white robe, the two were directly on the sky, starting a terrifying battle.

In less than ten breaths time, there were 100 moves in the full confrontation, but they were all evenly matched.

However, because of the confrontation between the two, the entire hall of the Holy Sepulchre was full of cracks and endless waves of tumbling.

Although Chu Yan 鈥檚 cultivation base is weaker than the opponent 鈥檚 4th Layer, Divine Soul realm, including within the body Five Elements True Qi, is no weaker than the opponent 鈥檚.

Therefore, using the power of Saint Rakshasa, every time Chu Yan made his sword, he directly attacked the opponent’s ice tide, and did not fall down at all.

However, to Chu Yan’s surprise, none of the unique skills used by this Snow Shadow woman seem to be owned by Ten Directions Star Domain.

Even, her True Qi aura seems to be a bit out of place with Ten Directions Star Domain’s Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

Who is this woman? ?

Before the Green Armor Giant, suddenly issued a warning, very nervous.

However, in the moment when the snow shadow just appeared, the blue armor giant flashed back to Chu Yan within the body instantly, aura was completely restrained, and even Chu Yan could hardly feel it, the aura of the blue armor giant in Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness.

It seems obvious that the blue armor giant is deliberately avoiding this woman.

“No, I have to find a way to break the seal of God’s Heaven!”

At this time, Chu Yan had not forgotten that the ancestor of Sheng Kun was still suppressed.

Now, the snow shadow woman who suddenly appeared is extremely powerful. If something regenerates, she is pinned by the snow shadow woman and she loses her mobility.

Therefore, we must first release the ancestors of Saint Kun, even if something happens, we can still deal with the ancestors of Saint Kun.

Uh …!

After making up his mind, Chu Yan body flashed, just like a lightning flashed above the sky.

Moreover, the sound transmission has been given to the Lord of the Forbidden God before. Presumably they are now also looking for a way to break into the ancestral land of Monster Race.

At this time, Chu Yan must take advantage of the fact that he can still cope with it, and first release the ancestor of Sheng Kun.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was almost when Chu Yan turned and rushed to the Heaven Seal of the God on the sky. That seal instantly sensed Chu Yan’s hostility and immediately moved.

The blockbuster Spirit Seal shone down, and at the same time moved towards Chu Yan and Xueying two people shone down at the same time.

For “Fengshen Tianyin”, whether it is Chu Yan or Xueying, their power has reached the level of threatening it. Therefore, no distinction is made at all, and they are suppressed.

“With you, I want to stop me too !?”

The snow shadow in midair issued a tenderly shouted silhouette without any stagnation, and directly waved the jade hand. The ice tide fell in the sky, and it also enveloped Chu Yan and “Fengshen Tianyin”.


When Chu Yan saw the person of Xueying, he attacked himself and “Fengshen Tianyin” at the same time, and suddenly there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

didn’t expect, this Snow Shadow Avatar was so reckless, regardless of the situation in the battle.

Now, whether it is him, Xueying, or Fengshentianyin, it is almost evenly matched.

Under such circumstances, it is definitely not wise to attack two other opponents with one’s strength.

I am afraid that even the lowest cultivation base Martial Artist will know this most basic combat experience.

The powerhouse of the Peak cultivation base like Xueying, if you do n鈥檛 even have such basic combat experience, then it can only show that she is not really a body coming, but is a Avatar.

“Good! The opportunity is coming!”

Chu Yan’s eyes shined suddenly, his eyes fixed on the “Fengshen Tianyin”, the whole body Shengwei endless outbreak.

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