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Chu Yan and Kun Kun went to Fox Race.

Along the way, Chu Yan kept looking at various materials about Fox Race, these all are 3 big guys, prepared for him in advance.

Fox Race, one of Antiquity 7 Battle Clan.

Different from the other 6 Battle Clan, the strength of the Fox Race family comes from bloodline inheritance, the inheritance strength of the similar to monster family.

In terms of cultivation, with this kind of bloodline inheritance, whether it is cultivation or battle, it generally far exceeds the powerhouse of the same level.

Even more, some bloodline clansman more pure, can also use bloodline race skills.

The origin of Fox Race is a little special. They use Nine-tailed Fox as Ancestral God. They will use some old and special secret skills, especially in their ability to reproduce, which is much stronger than other human forces.

Because of this, the other eight Battle Clan have always regarded Fox Race as alien, and even suspected their Human Race bloodline, and did not even recognize them.

And Fox Race is also very acquainted, almost in the state of the closed race, the development of each minding their own business.

“It is said that Antiquity Battle Clan existed before God and Demon Great War. If their 9-tailed fox Ancestral God really exists, would it have anything to do with War God Senior?”

Chu Yan has been thinking all the way. He is the first to study the data of the 7 Battle Clan.

After all, among the Ten Directions Star Domain, 3 Great Influence and 7 Battle Clan are the highest forces.

The fight against Divine Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion has always been in the dark, striving for the support of the 7 Battle Clan.

After a day, Chu Yan passed the endless Sea Territory and finally reached the territory where Fox Race is located.

Summoning Li Mingdao, the other party was surprised and gave Chu Yan a place to enter Fox Race Holy Land directly.

Uh …!

The silhouette of Chu Yan flew over the sky fox city and went straight into the mountain range of the holy fox in the distance.

After flying one hour again, I finally saw what Li Mingdao said, 9 Great hall.

The figure fell sharply and fell directly in front of the great hall. Chu Yan strode into the hall, but I saw that the whole great hall was already full of people.

didn’t expect, in such a short time, Li Mingdao actually called so many people.

It seems that Fox Race really takes his arrival seriously.

Looking up, in this 9th great hall, there is a big tree everywhere, growing in the great hall.

It’s just that these big trees are all like dead trees, with no leaves growing at all, and the trunk looks not like wood, but like some kind of metal.

In the tree body, a large amount of Spirit Qi overflowed, filling the whole great hall, which revitalized Chu Yan’s spirit.

Above the high position in the hall is the Fox Race patriarch, Divine Emperor!

The two sides of him are Fox Race’s Great Elder, with long hair and a shawl that is back, and Fox Race Great Protector, a leather armor, full of various Antiquity Spirit Seal.

Great Elder, Emperor Tianding, Great Protector, Desolate Emperor, all stepped on the powerhouse of Half-God Realm, with great strength!

The left and right stands in the hall are dozens of Saint Emperor powerhouses of Fox Race, as well as many Emperor Peak powerhouses, almost all of Fox Race ’s strongest battle strength, all together.

Of course, there are Chu Yan’s acquaintances, Fox Race Young Patriarch, Li Mingdao!

“Welcome Heaven Ranking Supreme Chu Yan, come to Fox Race!”

Above the high position, Fox Race patriarch, Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor saw Chu Yan, and immediately stood up and saluted.

The next group of Fox Race gangsters all joined hands as a gift.

“So formal !? Too polite!”

Seeing this posture, Chu Yan first started, and then bowed his hand in return.

“Under Chu Yan, I have met Fox Race Senior!”

This action and words suddenly made Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor’s applause, slightly nodded.

And beside him, Tianding Saint Emperor also smiled lightly, nodding his head in greeting, only the Desolate Saint Emperor, just watching, expressionless.

The entire Temple Mountain, all Fox Race gangsters, all eyes fell on Chu Yan, all kinds of Divine Consciousness swept, all with a look of shock.

They have not heard how many times Chu Yan has lost rumors of Saint Heavenly Pavilion 5 Heaven Ranking Supreme.

I originally thought that Chu Yan would be an arrogant, proud and arrogant person, but when I saw it today, there was no overbearing at all.

After all, at this age, such achievements can definitely be proud of Ten Directions Star Domain.

“Ha ha ha, big brother, long time no see!”

Li Mingdao just turned to Chu Yan with enthusiasm and greeted enthusiastically.

If it wasn’t for Father to set up his position and make it so grand, he would have gone out to meet Chu Yan.

“Li brother, long time no see!”

Chu Yan was very happy to see Li Mingdao and greeted him enthusiastically.

“Dogs don’t know anything about the world and act arrogantly outside, thanks to Brother Chu’s care!” Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor looked at Chu Yan, said with a smile.

At the beginning, Chu Yan battled Saint Heavenly Pavilion 5 Heaven Ranking Supreme, but he was on the scene, and he saw it with his own eyes, and the scene was unforgettable.

“Yuansheng big brother, this time I mobilize the whole family of Fox Race, all the Elder Hall Lord are here, or is the right thing!”

The Emperor Barren suddenly spoke to Fox Race patriarch, with a hint of anxiety on his face.


Hearing the words of the barren holy emperor, next to the Great Elder, he was also nodded.

“Brother Chu Yan! You have a good relationship with the children. If you are kind, I won’t say much. Please come this time. There is a major event that needs to be discussed with you!

Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor Speaking of this, he turned his head slightly, first glanced at the Barren Saint Emperor, and finally his eyes fell on Tian Ding Saint Emperor, gently nodded.

“Among the 7 Battle Clan, my Fox Race has been regarded as alien by the other 6 forces!”

Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor spoke to Chu Yan

“It’s all because of Fox Race’s Antiquity bloodline strength of Inheritance, and some powerful secret skills of the town clan!”

“Because of this, they even suspected that my Fox Race is a mixed race of man and demon!”

“Actually simply not!”

Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor’s gaze suddenly became fierce, and a strong sacred breath rose from his body, surging outside the body, a pair of eyes flashing with a mane, looking directly at Chu Yan, his face was very solemn.

“Actually, my Fox Race has been a guardian race since the Antiquity era!”

“Guardian race !?” Chu Yan startled.

Chu Yan has heard of guarding the race, and it is not particularly rare.

Some powerful giants or bigwigs, after being damaged, will leave inheritance or treasure.

For safety, let your clansman, or choose a racial force, as the power to guard the inheritance and treasure.

This is not a secret in Ten Directions Star Domain.

But that race and power is the guardian of racial power, but it is definitely a big secret.

Chu Yan didn’t expect, Fox Race will tell such secrets directly to this foreigner.

“Good! My family guards an ancient treasure!”

It seems that in order to prove the words of Emperor Tianding, Patriarch Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor, opened the mouth and said.

“Taigu Chongbao !?” Chu Yan’s expression sighed.

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