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This is the a team that Daoist Sect has produced in the past 2 years.

Their mission is to detect Lei Tian continent and collect all intelligence and news related to the Battle of Divine Spark.

However, the entire Ten Directions Star Domain is now under the control of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, not to mention, this piece of the red battlefield where the battle of Divine Spark will soon be held.

“Must be careful, we must not fail!”

Little Captain’s eyes are full of eyes, and his eyes are all decisive.

At this time, he won this opportunity, and he must not miss it.

The exploration task of this time is the most important one in the history of inverse Divine Dao.

Against the Divine Dao of a total of 3000 squadrons, they finally won the first place and grabbed the task.

As long as they can successfully complete this task, then they can get a lot of rewards, even Supreme level cultivation technique and inheritance.

“This time, I must complete the task, Elder has promised me, will give me a 9th-level Spirit Seal, when the time comes, with this Spirit Seal, I will be able to promote the Great Emperor Realm Peak, and even try breakthrough Holy territory!”

The leather armor youth heard little Captain’s words, nodded heavily, all eyes were firm.

These people, everyone’s Martial Soul, are hidden or mortal Martial Soul, and are Innate’s talents for horses.

Because of this, the patrol of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion team almost passed by them, but they did not find them at all.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes!

This old saying gives them hope that they will be able to complete their tasks smoothly in no time.

However, without waiting for them to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, in a distant red mountain range, a dazzling rays of light suddenly rose into the sky.

“That is…..”

The leather armor turned his head suddenly, looking towards the crimson mountain range shrouded in clouds, his eyes trembling.

“Team … Captain …”

With a soft call, Little Captain hurried over and saw the young look of the leather armor and asked quickly.

However, following the eyes of the youth of leather armor, it was just a glance. When the pupil of Little Captain reflected the bright beam of light, the whole body shuddered fiercely.

After a short period of time, Captain’s eyes gave out a slender man’s eyes, and he suddenly reacted.

“Quick! The horse uploaded the news master!”

The same scene, not only happened on the horse squad of the inverse Divine Dao, but on the whole red ground, into 100 to 1000 all influence horse squad, all found that mountain range, suddenly raised a dazzling beam of light, all quickly sent back Sect.

Boom … Rumble!

Various communications on the skyline of Ten Directions Star Domain, when all directions are continuously shot, in the crimson mountain range, the dazzling beam of light, directed at Yunxiao, hit the Vault of Heaven, exploding a large area of ​​natural phenomenon.

Roar! roar! roar!

The natural phenomenon of starlight is like a megalopolis in the sea, with the sky as the curtain, which evolves a phantom of battlefields.

Countless Monster Beasts, Gods, Demon Races, on the illusion sky above the sky, unfold terrifying battles, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, all tremble.

Even if it is just an illusion, after a million years, monstrous might, it still shakes Heaven and Earth.

All influences of Ten Directions Star Domain, after receiving this shocking news, were all shocked and acted together.

At this time, inverse Divine Dao, the headquarters!

“The order, the battle of Divine Spark … start!”

A thunderclap-like patriarchal order was issued immediately and echoed among the orders of members of the first place.

“All members of the Tao, no matter where they are, return to the headquarters immediately!”

A series of orders, a path of communication, from the inverse Divine Dao headquarter, mad flow, flying to the four directions of Ten Directions Star Domain all directions.

At the same time, the land of forbidden gods, the main hall of forbidden gods.

The green wooden sword god, Divine Emperor, the god of the forbidden god, 3 people, sitting in the main hall of the forbidden god, the huge furnace all around, the eyes closed and the guard, the body all around, all full of breath.

In front of them, a dark swordsman was slowly spinning in the huge furnace.

This is a sword without a blade. Among the dark colors, there is a hint of dark gold. Even if it was burned by the strong Divine Fire for several years, it could not cover its original color.

The blade without the edge, even in the furnace of the instrument, the powerful blade of breath, occasionally spilled out, but it is to directly crush the void around all around, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

next moment, 3 green wooden sword gods, slowly eyes opened, looked towards in the furnace … Xuanyuan Sword!

“it’s time!”

The word spoke, the green wooden sword god, Divine Emperor, and the Lord of the Forbidden God. They looked at each other, all nodded, and there was a trace of grave expression in the eyes of the three.

shua! shua! shua!

3 people, 6 hands, resulting in a path of mysterious incomparable hand seal, just like howling wind and torrential rain into the furnace.

Boom … Rumble!

When the hand seal entered the furnace, it seemed to wake up and slept for 10000 years. The Great Desolate giant beast, there was a trembling sound of thunder throughout the furnace.

Immediately afterwards, countless Sword Qi burst out like a blooming lotus, blasting all around the void Heaven and Earth.

Whatever Sword Qi has gone through, whether it is the Heaven and Earth spirit source, or the Great Dao of Void, Heaven and Earth rules, are all twisted by Sword Qi into powder and stabbed into nothingness.

Divine Sword was born, 10000 methods to avoid!

This handle Divine Sword, enough to make 3 Divine Emperor, refined for nearly 2 years.

There are more than 20 divine corpse and 7 8 divine corpses. Until now, it has just been fully integrated with Xuanyuan Sword.

This time, Monster Race Kunshan Holy Tomb Tour, Chu Yan and Kun Emperor, in addition to divine corpse, also unexpectedly brought out these god realm corpses.

With these corpses of Divine Realm, Divine Emperor had to extend the time of quenching the torch Xuanyuan Sword.

After consuming a large amount of breath from 3 people, Xuanyuan Sword was completely refined before the battle of Divine Spark started.

As soon as this sword came out, it merged with Hong Qi Spirit Qi in divine corpse, plus the power of the Space-Time of the Kun family, the formidable power of this sword has reached Peak state.

“Everyone, get ready to start! According to the original plan …”

Qingjia War God’s voice suddenly sounded in the great hall, with a solemn tone.


The three Lords of Forbidden God did not hesitate, and nodded to answer.

shua! shua! shua!

In the next moment, in front of the 3 Divine Emperor, the void splits, and the silhouette of 3 people disappears on the spot.

At the same time, among the Ten Directions Star Domain, including Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Heavenly Dao, 3 Great Influence and 7 Battle Clan, the great Sect masters are all gathering the Sect elite powerhouse to start making final preparations.

The Divine Spark battle is on!

Like a field of howling wind and torrential rain that has been waiting for a long time, it will soon come, and the clouds will gather, and it will soon sweep the whole world.

The forces of each and everyone Sect, one of the Martial Artists, are all extremely excited and excited.

There are even some Loose Cultivator, small forces, have already started to go to the thundercloud continent of the 8th Star Domain, ready to take a look at this epic event.

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