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Saint Heavenly Mountain, Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

The ancient mountain range of endless vicissitudes, a piece of golden, just like the mountain range cast by gold, rolling, divine splendor Yiyi.

At this time, before a huge Spirit Peak in the mountain range, a silhouette appeared in the sky, looking towards the Spirit Peak in front of him, but his face suddenly changed.

The Spirit of Taoism, Heavenly Dao will incarnation as Ten Directions Star Domain, in this Martial Soul World, there are already few things that can make him so surprised.

Of course, the Spirit Peak in front of you is one of them.

“This is … Ancient Great Array !?”

The eyes of the Taoist Spirit swept away, and it was clearly seen that under the thin appearance of this Spirit Peak, there was a huge altar like a mountain.

Moreover, the entire Spirit Peak altar is all around and there are more than 100 gates leading directly into the interior of Spirit Peak.

At this time, one team after another, Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, escorted a large number of Martial Artists, and through these gates, walked inside Spirit Peak.

These tide-like Martial Artists, cultivation bases are extremely low, all are below the imperial realm, and the highest cultivation base is only the semi-imperial realm.

“They … this is the bloodline festival !?”

Taoist spirit both hands forming seals, a little calculation, it is completely clear, this Spirit Peak altar, there are a large number of low rank Martial Artist, why will appear here.

Inside Spirit Peak, among the huge altars, where low rank Martial Artist is driven by Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, each and everyone jumps into the blood pool of the altar all around and emits a mournful scream sound, which will soon melt away Pile of dead bones.

The whole altar, after attracting the blood water all around the blood river, the color of the whole altar became more purple.

This scene, if it is seen by an ordinary person, will definitely think it is Hell Ten 8 Layer.

However, the spirit of Heavenly Dao, aloof and remote, was just a little surprised.

“Good! Bloodline picks up the Great Array!”

Suddenly, next to the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, a void crack suddenly broke open, and the tall golden robe silhouette stepped out of it.

“Long time no see, Taoist Envoy!”

Hearing the voice, the Heavenly Dao envoy turned his head, looked towards the coming person, but found that it was … God God!

Emperor Saint God of the golden robe, from the last meeting, aura was more powerful, terrified breath, surging all directions.

“Emperor God, what are you doing !?”

Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy is the Supreme existence of Ten Directions Star Domain. For this mass slaughter of creatures and Martial Artist’s creatures, he is extremely disgusted and can not help but frown.

“These are my Zhao Family clansman!”

Emperor Saint God looked towards below and lined up, Mu Na entered the team in Spirit Peak, expressionless said.

“What are you doing !? With so many clansman, the loss is not small!”

Heavenly Dao’s envoy looked at St. God’s Emperor, his eyes full of consternation.

Whether it is the Great Ancient Era, the Antiquity era, or now, that ethnic family does not attach great importance to its own clansman bloodline.

But now, this God Emperor, even treats his clansman bloodline so contemptuously, it is like trivial ant.

“With these bloodline, I can connect the Great Ancient Era and Antiquity eras and revive the strongest group of elites among the clansman!”

“Now, I need you to help me, cover this Heaven and Earth, don’t let the aura here leak out!”

Emperor God looked towards Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy and said.

“Resurrection of Antiquity era and Great Ancient Era … Zhao Family clansman !?”

Heavenly Dao Soul Emperor didn’t expect, Emperor God God still has this hand.

“OK, no problem!”

After a little deep contemplation, Heavenly Dao envoy nodded directly without any hesitation.

“Heaven and Earth is vast, 10000 ancient and 1000 souls, with my bloodline as a guide, reincarnation gathers again and annihilates the universe!”

Emperor Saint God did not hesitate, the whole body divine might rush out instantly, both hands forming seals, moved towards the Spirit Peak altar before watching, directly hit a huge Divine Seal, hit the Spirit Peak.

“Soul Road, open!”

Boom … Rumble!

Above the sky, countless thunderclap falls, slicing on the huge Spirit Peak, all the shells of Spirit Peak are blasted into powder.

The huge purple red altar reveals itself in the dust.

Including the altar, all the creatures instantly turned into flesh and blood, and were directly swallowed by the altar.


The majestic mysterious power, from the top of the altar, is like a shock wave, rippling, moving towards the horizon of all directions in 4 directions, spreading out.

“Everything! Hidden!”

Heavenly Dao spirit envoy also shot at the same time, hitting a Spirit Seal and shooting straight at the sky.

In an instant, a large number of thunderclouds gathered from all four directions and completely covered the sky within 4 li of the Heavenly Mountain.


After a few breaths, on the top of the huge altar, a roar exploded, and a huge beam of light completely illuminated the whole Heaven and Earth.


Ten Directions Star Domain, Fox Race, Temple.

The time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost 2 years, and quietly passed.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged in this temple and closed his cultivation like a stone sculpture without moving.

In 2 years, everything in this temple has disappeared.

And Chu Yan’s aura also disappeared, like an ordinary person without any cultivation base.


Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly opened, and in his eyes, lightning suddenly appeared, the violent aura, like a awakening volcano, rushed out of him and swept the entire temple.


After a long exhalation, Chu Yan closed for two years and woke up completely.

After two years of retreat, Five Elements True Qi has been fully consolidated, and Chu Yan has also tempered the essence of 2 Five Elements.

Although the essence of Five Elements is not as powerful as Spirit Qi of Hongmeng, it is more suitable for combat use. Once integrated into the martial skill, the formidable power is extremely strong.

This is the War God of Qingjia, in the past two years, a method of teaching Chu Yan, War God.

And just right, Chu Yan also has the spirit of Five Elements, can temper the essence of Five Elements, and exert this War God method.

Now Chu Yan, a cultivation base, has reached Peak state.

Not only got the Spirit God rare treasure, tiger roar cloak, but also learned the method of War God, a battle strength, soared again.

If in the past, Chu Yan had only stepped up to Half-God Realm battle strength, then now he has no problem dealing with the 3rd Layer of God Realm.

Of course, this is under the premise of using War God’s method.

“Senior, I … I’m out!”

Chu Yan walked out of the gate of the temple, and the two Fox Race guards outside the door looked at Chu Yan with a stunned expression.

Chu Yan directly took out Jade Talisman and sent a path of consciousness.

“Chu Yan, great!”

Soon, the reply of the summons was the voice of Divine Emperor.

“All members of the reverse Divine Dao have been gathered, 8 Heavenly Dragons are preparing for the army, and all other forces are also ready!”

“It is estimated that there are still two days left, and over there, the natural phenomenon will completely break out on the battlefield!”

Hearing Divine Emperor’s words, Chu Yan’s face suddenly froze.

“2 days!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s pupil light became extremely powerful in an instant.

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