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All dao chart aura, like a tide, rush to the Divine Spark all around.

As if by any force, the original dead stone Divine Spark began to tremble gently.

Their within the body, one after another ancient power, began to recover.

“Your Highness Chu Yan, many thanks!”

9 The spirit of Divine Spark, bowed to Chu Yan together, concealing the expression of gratitude.

“Hopefully, during this Battle of Divine Spark, among us, Divine Spark has enough luck to integrate with you, of course, if more, it will be better!”

Divine Spark’s words made Chu Yan speechless and shook his head slightly.

Shi En did not want to report, but Chu Yan this time to Divine Spark battlefield’s ultimate goal, of course, or for the Divine Spark in front of.

Others, Chu Yan does n’t know, but he knows himself, maybe he only needs to merge one. With his Divine Soul realm, he is very likely to directly break through.

“I am sorry!”

Seeing Chu Yan shaking his head, Divine Spark’s spirit quickly apologized

“The rules of this Divine Spark battlefield are already in operation, so everything must be carried out according to the rules, and we have no power to intervene!”

“Otherwise, we must all be willing to merge with His Royal Highness because of His great favor towards me!”

Just as Divine Spark’s spirit spoke to Chu Yan, all of a sudden, Chu Yan’s complexion changed and suddenly looked up towards the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

A large piece of lightning suddenly appeared above the sky in this space. The moment of appearance was like a thunderstorm dumping, and all the Divine Spark under the moved towards the gold enveloped down.

In a flash, a large thunderous sea threw all the Divine Spark in Jinshi in an instant.

Every golden stone Divine Spark, surrounded by these thunder and lightning, within the body The power that had just awakened was instantly suppressed.


9 Venerable Divine Spark spirit, watching the thundering tide in front of him, and all the suppressed companions, immediately roared.

They never imagined that they were about to succeed, and at this time, the spirit of Heavenly Dao would even throw in one hand.

“What’s the matter !?” Chu Yan was startled.

“The Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain, even here, has already set a seal ban. If there is a problem, it will directly seal all Divine Spark!” Divine Spark ’s spirit turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan, explaining.

“All Divine Spark !? The Battle of Divine Spark …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan was surprised for a moment. If all Divine Sparks were sealed, the battle of Divine Sparks would not be able to proceed at all.

“Not all, he left a few …”

Divine Spark’s spirit is dark, turning around towards the corner of thunder tide that covers the entire stone forest.

Sure enough, there were 7 8 very small Divine Spark stones, which were not affected by Refra.

Obviously, these 7 8 pieces of Divine Spark will eventually become Divine Spark fragments and enter the Divine Spark battlefield.

However, as a result, I am afraid that this battle of Divine Spark will be the one with the smallest number of Divine Spark fragments in the previous battles of Divine Spark.

Even, the top 10 are not enough points.

“It seems that they are guarding me!” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes and looked up at the sky.

Until now, the name of Heavenly Dao not at all found that Chu Yan appeared in this place.

But because of Heavenly Dao ’s spirit and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, they have already made plans. If Chu Yan really broke into the Divine Spark battlefield, I am afraid that this Restriction Seal will be launched, which will directly reduce the number of Divine Spark.

In this way, even if Chu Yan really got the first place, I am afraid that the final reward will also be pitiful, not enough to protect the gods!

Of course, as a result, all the genius elites who participated in the battle of Divine Spark must follow Chu Yan and bad luck.

“No! Must find a way!”

Chu Yan pondered, secretly thought, secretly thought.

For the battle of this time Divine Spark, inverse Divine Dao made many years of preparation, and if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.


In the next moment, in the hands of Chu Yan, the white light is like electricity, straight out, Clear Sky Sword took out, the sword is like a tide.

“His Royal Highness, useless …”

Seeing Chu Yan ready to come hard, Divine Spark ’s spirit became extremely bleak, hook the head, and told Chu Yan

“These seal powers are themselves refined by Hongmeng powers, and they are specifically used to deal with us, and your Highness, you haven’t been awakened by Source Power for a long time, and there is no power to contend with them!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan suddenly started.

Although he knew that the power of these seals was not easy to deal with, he never imagined that it was refined with Hong Qi Spirit Qi!

“Hmph! If that’s the case, don’t blame me!”

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and a large azure light on Chu Yan’s body turned into a towering silhouette, standing in front of Chu Yan.

“Front … Senior !?”

Chu Yan looked up, looked towards her side, didn’t expect, the green armor War God would appear.

“Ah! ?? Sir….… Pay respects to Sir!”

The emergence of the Green God War God suddenly let 9 Divine Spark spirits, pupils swelled, the whole Spirit Physique trembled, and quickly bowed to pay respects to.

These Divine Spark spirits are all made by God’s lost Divine Spark, and naturally there are some God’s memories.

Therefore, when they saw War God in the green armor, they recognized it at a glance. This is one of Swire Divine Race 9 Great Divine Venerable, War God Sir!

And here, most of God Divine Spark, before the damage, is almost under War God Sir.

“Yes, it seems that my dao chart started at the beginning …”

Seeing the Green Armor War God, Chu Yan suddenly remembered that his dao chart was a source of power from the azure Tianlian in the Sea of ​​Consciousness at the beginning of its birth.

In this way, the Source Power of Qingjia Senior should be exactly the same as its own.

“It’s very good to have War God Sir! Many thanks Sir!”

Divine Spark’s face almost cried with joy, this feeling of great joy and sorrow, let their spirit wisdom experience the roller coaster.

“Chu Yan, start!”

This piece of Heaven and Earth is obscured by Divine Spark’s spirit, and the green armor War God is no longer lonely and directly shouted.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, the Five Elements True Qi on his body was surging wildly, running the power of the dao chart, pouring into the Clear Sky Sword in his hands.


Drinking out the word, Chu Yan slashed down with a sword in his hand.

Almost at the same time, Green Armor War God also shot directly, spitting a large azure breath, and Chu Yan’s sword glow, merged into two.

Boom … rumbling!

The sword glow passed by Heaven and Earth, and all the thunder tide in the whole stone forest was cut by the sword glow and turned into nothing.

zi zi zi!

The exploded thunder tide turned into countless tiny electric flowers, 4 shots Heaven and Earth.

“Many … many thanks! Many thanks Chu Yan, many thanks War God Sir!” 9 respect Divine Spark very excited, looking at the stone forest that was restored to the beginning, quickly bowed and thanked.

“Chu Yan, their Divine Spark awake, contains the Grand Dao Rule, you pay attention to comprehend!”

Still in the next sentence, War God of Green Armor looked up at the sky, then turned into streamer, and returned to Chu Yan within the body.

“Shenjing Grand Dao Rule !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes glanced at him, and Antiquity had lost the seal cracked Divine Spark Divine Spark, and began to rekindle again, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Hurry up and sit down, Divine Consciousness unravels and comprehend with all your heart.

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