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There is no doubt how savvy the genius practitioners present.

Someone called and quickly recognized the situation, all of them stopped fighting and gathered in front of the four Divine Spark altars occupied by Zhao’s genius.

“Please … hand over 3 Divine Spark Altars and Divine Spark, I will let you occupy one of them!”

An older powerhouse stood out from the crowd, bowed his hands, and said to the four Zhao genius.

It’s extremely polite to give courtesy first, and then leave room!

On the one hand, because of the strength of these four strange genius, the strength shown is too amazing. If you attack hard, you will definitely be injured and countless.

At the same time, if you give them an altar, you will also stay on the front line, and when you leave the Divine Spark battlefield in the future to figure out the other party’s power background, there is room for maneuver.

Occupy the Divine Spark altar, the prescribed time is one hour, almost three minutes of time.

If they do not agree, this time is enough to attack.

“hmph! ”

However, when he heard this kind of coercive language, the faces of the four Zhao genius sank at the same time.

“Depending on you ants, you deserve to talk to me !?”

Among the four people, a thin genius of Zhao’s face was disdainful, and even thought that these people were not even qualified to speak to themselves.

You know, even if they treat Steps, they are like garbage, not to mention these.

“Kneel down all for me, I can spare your life!”

If in the past, if someone dared to grab something from them, they would almost kill it without thinking.

But now, these people who are so trashy, if they kill them, spread them, and even let them be ashamed.

Moreover, for these Divine Spark, they really do not value it.

After all, behind these people, there are Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm, who never worry about Divine Spark.

“What !? You … dare to humiliate me to wait !?”

Hearing the words of Zhao genius, the elites of the world gathered in front of the four Divine Spark altars, all of them suddenly reddened and angered.

The one who can get here is the Peak genius, which is not the Great Influence. Usually, they are all eyes high above the top, and they are extremely proud.

How could it be tolerated, such humiliation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the next moment, the crowd was boiling, as if it had exploded. All genius cultivators broke out Qi Qi cultivation base and moved towards 4 altars.

These powerhouses can stand out in the first test and second test of the Battle of Divine Spark. From the top 1000000 genius, all the way to the 3rd level, the strength is certainly not weak.

Moreover, there are still a few 100 people, dealing with four. Although the opponent is strong, but his fists are invincible with four hands. Under the crowd, numerous attacks have exploded, and the crowd is like a tide, rushing to the top of the altar.

The situation was like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, the army was attacking, and the imposing manner was like a rainbow.

Various powerful cultivation techniques, imperial techniques, killing moves, Spirit Treasure strong soldiers, all shot out.

“Hmph! Courting death!”

Among the 4 people, 3 people looked at this scene, but there was no change in their complexion, but instead a look of laughter.

The Zhao Genius, who just spoke, raised his hand and directly shot.

Boom … Rumble!

Everyone can clearly see that the silhouette of Zhao destiny is turned into a horrible ominous wolf, just a jump, and before the crowds, the wolf claws waved the Spirit Treasure strong soldiers that struck the sky and all flew.

In both eyes, the green light flickered, a path of divine breath, like thunder and electricity, looking at the several Holy Emperor Realm powerhouses rushing in the front, and a sky Wolf scream was emitted.

Ao … ooo …!

The wolf howling sounded like a shock wave, and the people passed by.

The powerhouses of the 8th Layer of the Holy Emperor Realm that were at the forefront were shocked by the wolf sound, and their eyes suddenly cracked, and then burst. In the Seven Orifices, the blood was overflowing, and the whole human body was like a petrified, instant Stiff, moved towards under the altar.

When they rolled to the ground at the bottom of the altar, their pupils were enlarged, and their breath was completely cut off.


Zhao destiny didn’t mean to stop his hand at all. A pair of wolf paws waved, attacked like a tide, slammed into the crowd and exploded into the weather.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those Great Influence genius powerhouses, which were extremely powerful in the past, all became chickens and dogs at this time. They were attacked by a path of and continually damaged. The whole body was overflowing with blood and battered and exhausted.


Finally, someone couldn’t stand it, yelled, turned and ran.

With this opening, the soldiers were defeated, and all the powerhouses turned around and exited the four altars. From the distant li, looking across the distance, it was still a look of horror.

“This … this is too strong !?”

A group of elites with great influences all looked pale and were unbelievable.

Less than ten breaths time, killed 4 5 Holy Emperor Realm 8th Layer powerhouse, dozens of other powerhouses, these strengths, simply not they can fight.

Some geniuses who did not come to participate in the attack stood on the other altars, looking at this side, they all looked like a shock.

This is still the Divine Spark battle, which simply became a slaughter.

Moreover, even a fool can see that the one who shot just now did not do his best.

If this is done with all his strength, how many people have to die! ?

“Hmph! Come whenever you want, leave when you want to go … Is there such a good thing !?”

Zhao destiny imposing manner resembles a rainbow, and rises violently, a pair of wolf eyes turn from green to red, a red blood color, shouted loudly.

Today, he is using the blood of these people to let the world know that their Zhao’s strength.

However, just as he was about to shoot again, the mutation was born!

Boom … Rumble!

On the four Divine Spark altars, there was a loud trembling noise at the same time, but those originally suppressed opulent soul shadows suddenly burst out, and each and everyone made a roaring sky roar.

A large amount of Soul Power, gathered together, imposing manner like a tide, shook the Jade Ruyi Divine Item that suppressed them, trembling violently, backing 100 steps away.

In the next moment, all the soul shadows guarding the altar issued a tide of terror attack, moved towards the 4 Zhao Genius standing on top of the altar.

“En!? Still want to resist !?”

Among the four people, Zhao 4 li headed a brow, and coldly snorted out loud.

Zhao destiny, who was just about to chase down the world’s elite, suddenly turned around and hurried back to the top of the Divine Spark altar he occupied.

“The guardian spirit broke out, and its strength has improved a lot. Now it seems that I am afraid that it is the battle strength of Shenjing 2 Layer, which can be dealt with!”

Those genius cultivators all around, seeing this scene, all complexion changed, except that everyone’s face was filled with joy.

The four suddenly born heirs are too strong. It is better to be killed by the army of guardian spirits.

In this way, they can take the ready-made, no longer have to fill in their lives!

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