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Drinking a word, Chu Yan punched out with a left fist, the Golden Dragon roared, 10000 dragons rushed out of the air, shocked Heaven and Earth void, shuddered suddenly.

When others are surprised, it is his chance to shoot, not to be missed.

Boom … rumbling!

In an instant, the sky of various sects treasure, the cards of various races, and the powerful attack of illusion, all exploded under the impact of the roaring Golden Dragon, turned into a torrential weather wave, 4 scattered.

You know, after Chu Yan’s cultivation base is upgraded, not only the sword power is improved, but also the formidable power of 10000 dragons is improved.

This Azure Dragon Martial Soul’s Life Source Martial Soul technique is more suitable and powerful for Chu Yan than the ordinary cultivation technique battle skill.

As long as Chu Yan’s cultivation base is improved, the 10000 strong dragon’s formidable power can also be continuously improved.

might of a single fist, suppress All Heavens Myriad Laws, it’s not difficult!

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

With a sword, he pointed directly to where another Zhao’s genius was. Now is a chance, no need to be polite.


Without waiting for the other party to react, I only saw a sword light and came across the sky. Fiercely chopped on the Zhao Genius, bursting a dazzling blood flower, and the whole body was cut into flesh instantly.

“Next, it’s you!”

Chu Yan held Clear Sky Sword, stood in the sky, turned his head towards towards the distance, and looked amazed at Zhao destiny.

“Are you … are you crazy! We are … I’m Clansman of Divine Realm Zhao Family, you dare to touch me …”

I don’t know why. Looking at the 7 younger brothers who had just died tragically and didn’t even stay in the capital city, Zhao destiny saw Chu Yan’s light eyes, and suddenly a chill rose in his heart, making his tongue tremble.

At this moment, his back was cold, and his face was pale, and there was still a trace of the original God imposing manner of aloof and remote.


However, without waiting for him to finish one sentence at a time, Chu Yan’s sword was already waving, and a black and white sword glow came out of the air and slammed straight over.


Even if it is a reaction, prop up all True Qi in the whole body as a body protection gang yuan, but in front of this sword light, everything seems to be in vain.

The sword light passed by, like a ox knife cutting an egg, the body protection Gang Yuan of Zhao Destiny cut his entire body, from head to toe, into two and a half.

For a time, the blood was flowing, the internal organs were thrown, and the two half-fan bodies were separated left and right, moved towards the endless Divine Spark battlefield under the dry bone pile, and fell away.

In an instant, the entire Heaven and Earth is quiet!

Everyone stood there, watching the two half-corpses of Zhao destiny, which had been falling from in midair and smashing into the ground.

When the two dull “bang bang” sounded, everyone present was shaking.

And those powerhouse gangsters who had just imposing manner like a rainbow, surrounded Chu Yan, and exhibited various Sect Protecting Treasure and race secret skills, stood there at this time, only feeling the sky turned, their neck seemed to be pinched , Even breathing became difficult.

“3…. 3 !! He …. He killed 3 Divine Realm genius!”

I don’t know who it was, and suddenly whispered, murmured.

This sound is actually not loud, but in this deadly scene, it is instantly heard by everyone, and the pupils are shaking.

Moreover, this sentence entered their Sea of ​​Consciousness, and even their Divine Soul began to tremble.

One punch and one sword, suppress the Spirit Treasure of the heavens, the powerful skills of all races!

Only 4 moves, killed 3 Divine Realm genius, Zhao’s imperial powerhouse!

Moreover, each one is an instant kill, and there is no chance of resistance at all.

Even more terrifying, Chu Yan killed these three people, and it took only a few breaths from start to finish. Until now, they have not responded.

This killing speed is really the same as killing chickens and dogs!

No wonder that before Chu Yan said that they were Divine Realm garbage, it seems that it is not just casually talking about …

A group of people stared at Chu Yan with terrified eyes.

Such strength, don’t say Divine Realm 2nd Layer, afraid of Divine Realm 4th Layer, also just this.

“You … you broke through the realm !?”

Zhao 10,000 li stared at Boss, staring at Chu Yan, his face was confused and asked in a loss of voice.

Such a result was totally unacceptable to him.

Unless, this Chu Yan hides strength, if it is a divine cultivation base, it can explain the past.

“God Realm !?”

Hearing Zhao 10,000 li’s words, the others present suddenly changed greatly.

impossible! ?

In the Divine Spark battlefield, it is restricted to the people below the cultivation base of Half-God Realm, that is to say, the highest cultivation base realm can only go to Half-God Realm.

Shenjing powerhouse, how could it come in! ?

However, this Chu Yan did not seem to come in by normal means, but forcibly broke in.

In the previous first test and second test, he did not see him participate in the assessment with everyone, but now he directly appeared in the battle of Divine Spark.

Could it be said that this Chu Yan really broke through to the realm! ?

For a time, countless Divine Consciousness rushed to Chu Yan like a tide, up and down, sweeping back and forth.

However, after some exploration, everyone’s face changed completely.

“Holy Emperor Realm 5th Layer!”

This result is unacceptable to everyone, and it is completely incomprehensible.

How did he do it! ?

“carry on!”

Chu Yan looked towards Zhao 10,000 li, aura on his body, began to rise slowly, Clear Sky Sword lightly lifted in his hand, ready to shoot.

This Zhao 10,000 li seems to be the lead among Zhao’s genius, then the next one is him.

“En !?”

However, just as Chu Yan was preparing to shoot, suddenly, in Heaven and Earth, a special fluctuation suddenly flashed.

This volatility gave Chu Yan a familiar feeling in his heart, as if there was one that he had encountered.

“Emperor Xuantian !?”

At the next breath, Chu Yan immediately remembered the body of the snow shadow in the Kunshan Holy Tomb.

Suddenly turning his head, Chu Yan looked towards a Spirit Peak in the distance behind him. In the shadow of the large forest, it was the place where the aura had just flashed.

“She’s actually here !?”

How did Chu Yan didn’t expect, Empress Xuantian even lurked in the Divine Spark battlefield.

What is she doing? !

Brows slightly wrinkle, Chu Yan certainly knows that this Emperor Xuantian is not here to drink tea and chat, or watch the battle. I am afraid there is a major event that is about to happen.


Zhao 10,000 li is so shrewd, seeing Chu Yan distracted, he immediately screamed, the power of the bloodline in his body burst out instantly, and his figure turned into a Jihong, moved towards the horizon, and flew away.

Don’t leave at this time. When Chu Yan turns around, he wants to leave. I’m afraid he can’t leave.

This Chu Yan is far more powerful than he imagined!

By now, he has fully understood that even if they are the Zhao genius, plus the entire cultivator, united together, I am afraid that they are not opponents of Chu Yan.

But in turn, this Chu Yan one man one sword wanted to kill them, but it was easy.

“Damn, this native wild land, this kind of character from here !?”

Zhao 10,000 li fled all the way, but in his heart hated and angry, he roared again and again.

At this time, the loss was great, and my face was also lost. I knew it was so early, and I should not come.

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