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The Lord of Forbidden God, Kun Emperor and the others, his face changed instantly, as if sensing something, he suddenly looked up.

“Hmph! Do you think that this time comes only us, Great Influence !?”

Jin Sheng Peak Master, Monster Sect Sect Master, and all influence continent giants, all smiled.

Boom … rumbling!

The sound of taunt has just landed, next moment, a large thundercloud in the sky, scrolling together, moved towards the Divine Spark battlefield below, crashing down.

These thunderclouds are completely different from thunderclouds normally seen. It seems that they are completely controlled by power, constantly twisted and deformed, and slowly evolved into an incomparable gigantic thunderbolt gate.

This gate, transformed by Heavenly Thunder, is imposingly magnificent in its imposing manner, and its appearance makes everything and everything in Heaven and Earth extremely weak.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion will !?”

The face of the Lord Forbidden God suddenly changed.

How powerful the will of Saint Heavenly Pavilion is, based on the power of Divine Realm, and has accumulated countless years, the power of which completely exceeds their cognition of these divine powerhouses.

“Forbidden God, you still know that there is my Saint Heavenly Pavilion !?”

A very majestic voice sounded. In the door of thunderbolt, a large golden light came out, and two silhouettes stepped out of it.

Walking ahead is the Lord of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Emperor Saint God.

What followed was the mastermind of Ten Directions Star Domain, Heavenly Dao.

The last thing that appeared was the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and the Spirit of Holy Heaven.

“Emperor God !?”

The face of Lord Forbidden God, Kun Emperor, Divine Emperor and the others, instantly changed, and he could n’t believe it.

Emperor Saint God of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, saying that it is now Ten Directions Star Domain number one powerhouse, is not excessive.

But this Saint God Emperor, for countless years, sat in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, deterred the whole world, almost never left Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

didn’t expect, today, actually came in person!

More importantly, he brought the will of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and brought the Heavenly Dao spirit!

“Emperor God, Heavenly Dao spirit messenger !?”

“God, that’s Sir God of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, incarnation of Divine Realm!”

“Heavenly Dao Soul ah! Heavenly Dao incarnation of Ten Directions Star Domain, also appeared !?”

“This … this … is to kill Chu Yan !?”


Watch the powerhouse in the audience, and there is a person, the giants. After seeing this scene, all the hearts were shaking, and 10000 thunder in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Now, they finally understood, Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao’s determination to kill Chu Yan.

Those big guys and giants who originally rushed to the sky and prepared to participate in the fight to help Chu Yan’s side, all stopped in a hurry, turned around and retreated.

In such a terrible situation, simply they can participate.

If you still rush to the cloud now, you are dead!

“Forbidden old ghost, this is over!”

Kun Huang’s complexion, a piece of iron blue, low sound transmission.

Not only Kun Kun, Fox Race’s Divine Emperor and many Elder powerhouses, but also all looked scared.

This is the will of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, as well as Holy God Emperor and Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy!

Almost represents the Supreme power of Ten Directions Star Domain, just with these 2 Ruler Level giants, it is enough to kill them without the hands of those 7 Battle Clan.

Divine Soul, the Lord of the Forbidden God and the others, in this brief moment, became extremely low.

Originally, according to the plan of the Lord of Forbidden God, as long as they blocked the time of the half stick of incense, Chu Yan could smoothly integrate Divine Spark.

When the time comes, with the help of Kun Huang’s Space-Time ability, leave here directly.

But now, the emergence of these three terrifying existences has made his plan to completely soak.

Even if he does not want to fight against it, at most it can support a few ten breaths.

Moreover, in this way, the losses on their side will be extremely huge.

“This is trouble!”

There is no way for the Lord of Forbidden God to just hook the head, his eyes full of bitterness.


In an instant, Heavenly Dao’s enlightenment sounded like Heaven and Earth thundered like thunder.

Countless Heaven and Earth rules, like 10000 flowers blooming, appear in the sky and turn into a massive terrorist intention.

The Spirit of Holy Heaven and Heavenly Dao will naturally not sit back and watch. They all shot together. The powerful attack, like sky rage, suddenly appeared on the sky.

The attack of 2 Spirit Physique alone made the Lord of Forbidden God feel like a world destroying storm, moved towards them and suppressed them.

“Put it!”

“For as long as you can, you can’t stand it, you can take them away with King Kun!”

Seeing the monstrous attack fall, the Lord of Forbidden God shouted.

In the face of such a situation, there is no way at all. This battle of Divine Spark, which has been prepared for many years since Chu Yan ’s awakening dao chart, is the result of their countless efforts.

At this moment, only one blog can be desperate!

In any case, must give Chu Yan more time, maybe there is a silver lining.

“it is good!”

The Emperor Kun and Divine Emperor heard the words, nodded, and immediately summoned the people of the Tian Kun family and Fox Race, and they shot together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heaven and Earth riots, everything is trembling and bursting, mountain range within 10 li, the earth, the cracks are densely intertwined, and 1000 holes are created.

On Spirit Peak all around the Divine Spark battlefield, although it has withdrawn to watch the battle, it is still swept by this wave of violent fighting, and all the big brothers who watched the battle are almost directly swept away.

Even some weak cultivation base powerhouse, directly True Qi retrograde, blood energy tumbling, open mouth spouting a bit of blood.

The confrontation at this time is much stronger than the last time.

Moreover, the battle situation has also been completely reversed. The Spirit of Heavenly Dao, the Spirit of Holy Heaven plus the Spirit of Heaven, and the Three Great Giants shot, they will banish the Lord of God and completely suppress them.

Roar! roar!

Suddenly, above the endless Vault of Heaven, a large stream of purple air rushed out.

Without any warning, these purple air rushed to the battlefield, turning into a giant monster-like silhouette, fist prints and giant palms, waving together, turning the 3 huge attacks into all the powder.

Sudden help, let the forbidden God’s Lord suddenly stunned them.

This is the helper who suddenly appeared from there! ?

“Hongmeng Spirit Source and Chaos Spirit Source !?”

Holy Spirit looked at the Purple Qi giant in front of him, his face started, but he soon reacted, his face full of laughter.

“Heaven and Earth, Lingyuan, even wanted to help this Chu Yan !? Good! Very good! It seems that I was too polite to you before!”

Not only the Spirit of Holy Heaven, but also the Heavenly Dao Spirit and Heavenly Dao Spiritual Emperor around him are all laughing faces.

Heaven and Earth Lingyuan suddenly appeared, although they surprised them a little, they were not surprised.

Even more, there was a bit more joy on his face.

After all, even if these native Heaven and Earth Lingyuan shot Chu Yan to help, what meaning does it have! ?

On the contrary, they have left a handle for them. When the matter is resolved in the future, they will be able to blame the teacher and squeeze the Heaven and Earth spirit source more to get more benefits.

“Sure enough, even Heaven and Earth will not stop at Chu Yan ah!”

On the other side, the Lord of Forbidden God and Kun Kun, as well as Divine Emperor, they looked at the Purple Qi giant, but they were full of spirits, and their battle intents all over the body.

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