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Seeing the Lord of the Forbidden God and Empress Xuantian leaving, the faces of Kun Kun and Divine Emperor of Yuan Sheng changed in unison.

By now, everything is over.

They completely didn’t expect, forbidden God, they still have such a horrible backhand.

Fortunately, they gritted their teeth to the end.

Now, with the support of Emperor Xuantian, after the Chu Yan seal, the chance of breaking Saint Heavenly Pavilion has been greatly increased.


At this time, in the Divine Spark battlefield below, Chu Yan’s body, a mysterious force, rushed out.

The large divine light, like a wave, surged around Chu Yan.

“This is … Divine Spark fusion is complete !?”

Kun Huang and Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor, all with startled faces, rushed over to look at the Divine Spark battlefield.

“Chu Yan, start to condense Divine Spark !?”

In all directions, all the watching powerhouses and gangsters flew up, moving towards Divine Spark battlefield gathered.

Now, the terrifying battle is over, everything has returned to peace, the crisis is lifted, they naturally dare to lean over again.

Boom … Rumble!

Chu Yan’s within the body, Shengwei is like a tide, as if 10000 thunderbolts were born in his within the body, and there was a constant sound of muffled sound.

Pieces of breath breathed out of the Divine Spark battlefield, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s imposing manner is like a sky, sitting like a Spiritual God, and his whole body is like divine light, reflecting Heaven and Earth.

The next moment, that powerful breath, burst out.

Holy Emperor Realm 6th Layer!

Holy Emperor Realm 7th Layer!

Holy Emperor Realm 8th Layer!

… ..

Holy Emperor Realm 9th Layer!

Just in the blink of an eye, less than ten breaths time, the cultivation base aura on Chu Yan, from the 5th Layer of Shengdi Realm, rushed all the way to the Peak of Shengdi Realm.

“Holy Emperor Realm 9th Layer !?”

At this moment, whether it was Kun Kun or Divine Emperor, looking at Chu Yan in front of him, all looked astonished.

There are also 4 directions in all directions. Those watching the powerhouse and the big brothers are all full of astonished expressions.

This is the first time they have seen Chu Yan cultivation and breakthrough cultivation base …

However, this cultivation … too terrifying too! ?

Under this world, there is still such a cultivation and breakthrough cultivation base, rushing through the 5th layer realm in one breath! ?

Boom … Rumble!

As if in the Divine Spark battlefield, all the breath, the savings reached the limit, and once again burst out a heaven shaking earth shattering.

Next moment, Chu Yan’s body, 10000 divine light, rises into the sky.

“Half-God Realm!”

All of a sudden, the breath in the Divine Spark battlefield disappeared like a tide, and instead, only Chu Yan’s breath flowed between Heaven and Earth.

“Finally finished!”

Chu Yan’s eyes opened slowly, a divine light, overflowing from his eyes, long spits out one mouthful of impure air, and the corners of his mouth were light.

Fused with all the Divine Spark fragments, Chu Yan, who has been in the cultivation, has not stopped and moved, but everything that happened just now has been sensed by Divine Consciousness.

Very dangerous!

Almost a bit, the whole fusion process will be interrupted.

But now, everything is over, his integration cultivation is completely completed.

“The power of really strong!”

Chu Yan slowly raised his hands, holding his hands lightly, a trace of strength swimming in his palm, condensing and not spreading.

“Now, Thunder Tribulation is missing!”

Half-God Realm is not Chu Yan’s end point at all. What he needs now is Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation. After recasting the Fleshy body, it can be where water flows, a canal is formed, and a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

“God … day ah!”

4 all directions, all the watching powerhouse and big brothers, looking at Chu Yan, all looked scared.

You know, before, Chu Yan used the cultivation base of the 5th Layer of Holy Emperor Realm to dare to play against the Power Realm of God Realm.

Now, cultivation base breakthrough reaches Half-God Realm, to what extent will Chu Yan’s battle strength be horrible! ?

“Divine Spark …”

With the next breath, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is restrained and looks to the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, his own dao chart and Divine Spark young pill.

I saw that my own dao chart completely enveloped Divine Spark young pill. Two forces rushed. It seemed to want to merge, but it was out of tune.

It turned out that the liquid Divine Spark young pill, after fusing Divine Spark fragments at this time, had completely condensed into crystals.

“It’s just one step away! But …”

Although Chu Yan is very clear that he urgently needs Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, but after so many Divine Spark fragments, Chu Yan also found that his Divine Spark seems to be completely different from other Divine Spark.

A special aura continually overflows from Divine Spark. Like an endless treasure, it will be completely opened.

“Divine Spark has some signs of variation!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, surrounded by Divine Spark and dao chart, carefully explored.

Called, Chu Yan’s cultivation base arrived at Half-God Realm, only one step away from God Realm.

In the Divine Realm, the Divine Spark within the body is the root of all power.

Therefore, any abnormality is critical to Chu Yan, and there is no sloppyness.

Therefore, the strange situation of Divine Spark makes Chu Yan worried.

Because, logically speaking, Divine Spark should have no effect until it reaches the Divine Realm.

But now, this Divine Spark in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness has released countless breaths and is slowly connected with everything in Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Not only the dao chart, including the 5 gods and gods Martial Soul, Emperor Seal, Pagoda Hall, and the whole body of Meridian flesh, Qi Sea dantian, all released by Divine Spark, blending with each other.


A huge force seems to be awakening within the body, making Chu Yan full of power all over his body.

This feeling, like the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, is his field. Being in it is as if you are Heaven and Earth yourself, and Heaven and Earth is yourself.

All power and spiritual sources are inexhaustible and endless.

Buzz …!

Just as Chu Yan aura Bengbai, a sense of body strength broke out, suddenly, in the Emperor Seal, a vague illusory shadow rushed out.

It was a fancy silhouette, appearing on its own Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, and began to evolve continuously.

The illusory shadow, one trick at a time, seems to be cultivation a very complicated cultivation technique.

“you are….”

Chu Yan was a little surprised and startled.

Chu Yan is clearly aware of the power of Emperor Yin, but this Emperor Yin has also been transformed, but it does not seem to be autonomously transformed, as if it is controlled by what force.

“Feelings, feelings, don’t miss …”

The next moment, Emperor Seal, the obscure illusory shadow, the voice of a 缥缈 came out, echoed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Uh …!

Without waiting for Chu Yan to react, the fuzzy illusory shadow disappeared instantly and returned to the Imperial Seal.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Yin returned to normal and released a faint golden light, as if nothing had happened just now.

“What’s the situation !? Let me feel … Is it …”

In Chu Yan’s heart, there was a sudden chill.

This emperor seal was so out of the ordinary. In the holy tomb of the inverse Divine Dao, after awakening the emperor seal, did any mutation occur?

Or, what Antiquity might possess! ?

Putting it that way, not all of his own is in his prying eyes! ?

“Who the hell is this guy?”

Chu Yan brows tightly knit, although a little unexpected, seems to feel no trace of hostility.

“Blue armor giant, did not respond to him, next must ask, see who are you !?”

After making up his mind, Chu Yan slowly closed his eyes and began to recall the illusory shadow, the special evolutionary cultivation technique he saw just now …

Boom … Rumble!

Almost in Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness body, just following the movement of the illusory shadow, the entire Divine Spark battlefield, 10000 thunderbolt burst suddenly, giving out the roaring thunder of Heaven and Earth.

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