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All the eyes of the audience gathered in the sky and looked at the two silhouetted silhouettes.

In everyone’s mind, all doubts and puzzles.

If it is said that these two aura Divine Consciousness are exactly the same as true body and Avatar, then why pay with swords drawn and bows bent! ?

“Look at it !? Hurry up and Transcending Tribulation! She gave it to me!”

Emperor Xuantian’s face was covered with frost, turning her head to glance at Chu Yan in the new continent below, shouted

When speaking, her body all around, numerous ice crystals emerged, just like 10000 stars, reflecting the color of 5 ice crystals.


Chu Yan heard this, Divine Soul gave a shock, and immediately woke up.

Converging, Chu Yan’s eyes turned and looked at the new continent World in front of him, Divine Spark aura all over his body, and improved again.

Now, no matter how strong Divine Soul is, the main task of Chu Yan is Transcending Tribulation.

Only through the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation can the breakthrough reach the god realm and the strength be improved.

“I’m here, I don’t want Transcending Tribulation!”

The body of the golden armor, holding the Purple Gold color long spear, stepped out in one step, the spike tip swept, the golden light burst, and countless Profound Light surged out.

Wherever he went, the Heaven and Earth rule, the 10000-way avenue, was broken.


Next moment, Xuantian Emperor jade hand waved, all the ice crystals around her body turned into an ice crystal arrow, moved towards the body of golden armor, enveloped away.

Facing the mighty ice crystal arrow tide, the body of the golden armor did not retreat in a minute, striding like a thunder, each step stepped out, it was the spear grid file, and shattered all the ice crystals of the attacking body.

At this time, in the new continent below, a large sea of ​​spirit clouds gathered above the head of Chu Yan, and thunderbolt exploded.

Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, has begun to gather!

However, at this moment, the body of the golden armor was bright, his hands were reprinted, and when he raised his hands, a Divine Seal popped out.

Boom … Rumble!

Divine Seal is in the air, slamming into the new earth below.

The entire new continent, under the Divine Seal strikes, the rules of Heaven and Earth that had just gathered, were instantly smashed into powder, and 4 scattered.

“In my name, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, this child must not gather Heaven and Earth Thunder Robber!”

“In my name, the world is changing, this child must not merge …”


The body of the golden armor shattered the thunder cloud gathered by Chu Yan with a single blow, and then the jade mouth opened lightly, a path of Sanskrit Sanskrit, which constantly resounded between Heaven and Earth.

With her voice, not only Ten Directions Star Domain World, but even the new continent World, Heaven and Earth tremble together, and various Rule Power, the speed changes.

With the establishment of these new Heaven and Earth, the thunderclouds that floated all around Chu Yan’s head after the collapse began to quickly dissipate.

Moreover, the trace of intimacy brought to Chu Yan by the new continent disappeared instantly and was replaced by the same sense of total hostility as Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao.


Chu Yan didn’t expect, it will become like this.

You know, this new continent, but Emperor Xuantian, consumes a lot of divine might to build a new World.

It can be said that Empress Xuantian is the master of this new continent.

But now, even by just a few words, all Heaven and Earth rules have been changed! ?

“Look! Thundercloud is gone!”

“This … this Heaven and Earth rule has been changed !? Same as Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

“Then … who is that person !? Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s, or Divine Realm !? It’s so strong !?”


All around The big guys and ancient giants who watched were all in shock and their pupils shrank.

Although they did not know the identity of the golden armor silhouette, they knew what she had done just now.

“good, very good, excellent!”

In the great hall of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, there is a surprise sound.

“This new continent has just been bred, the Heaven and Earth law is in the haze, didn’t expect, she can even modify it, this is really good!”

Sacred God ’s face, with haze and clouds, full of face said with a smile

“Haha, that is, Chu Yan wouldn’t like Transcending Tribulation!”

“Whether it is Ten Directions Star Domain or the new continent, it is under Divine Realm and wants to be a country and dream alone!”

“This time, their hope is completely cut off, ha ha ha …”


Throughout the great hall of holy heaven, there was a lot of joy.

Golden armor’s shot will solve their biggest problem directly.

As long as the chance of Chu Yan Transcending Tribulation is cut off, other things, simply not a problem.

To achieve this basic condition, the plan that golden armor told them can definitely be achieved.

“Big … Sir, what should I do?”

The green wooden sword god and a group of giants were all surprised and asked.

The arrival of this golden armor, Divine Soul, Emperor Xuantian, completely exceeded their original plan, and there was no response at all.

“The rules must be revised!”

Emperor Xuantian ’s face was extremely cold, Divine Consciousness sound transmission and the blue wooden sword god, the Lord of the Forbidden God, they said

“Wait for the next time, I will revise the rules again. When Chu Yan Transcending Tribulation, if he shoots again, you will resist with all your strength and at least block her 5 breaths time!”

The remarks were stunned.

This simply is a way to do nothing. Even the Empress Xuantian, did not expect that the golden armor Divine Soul will appear suddenly, and the strength is not under her.

However, after all, it is Nine Heavens War God, the true body of Emperor Xuantian, even if it is a terrifying disaster, in front of her, she can’t let her have any mood swings.

It only took a moment for her to think of a countermeasure.

However, her Divine Consciousness sound transmission has just been issued, and mutation is suddenly born!

I saw that on the distant sky, several dazzling rays of light suddenly lit up.

These dazzling rays of light, shining brightly like a big star, will completely illuminate the whole sky.

Although it is not as bright as the sun, the rays of light make people dare not look directly.

When those rays of light were close, everyone’s eyes changed together.

Because, when aura hits, all powerhouses can accurately feel that it is the aura of the origin of Heaven and Earth.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, shot !?”

There is no doubt at all, in this Ten Directions Star Domain, the source of Heaven and Earth can be mobilized, except for Heavenly Dao, there is only Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

“Good plan! I want to completely ban my new continent, Heaven and Earth rules!”

Just with a thought, the Empress Xuantian penetrated all the abacus of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao.

Now, golden armor Divine Soul has modified the rules of the new continent, as long as the Ten Directions Star Domain’s Heaven and Earth source is entered into the new continent.

Then, the new continent has completely become a part of Ten Directions Star Domain, and all Heaven and Earth rules will be decided by them.

In this way, all her previous efforts, as well as Chu Yan’s hope to be a god, were completely cut off.

“It seems that you have discovered it! It’s not my fault …”

Golden armor Divine Soul holding the golden spear, looking at Emperor Xuantian, her jade lips lightened.

“It’s just that you are not mistaken! I am your worst enemy!”

When this sentence hit the ground, Empress Xuantian’s complexion suddenly changed.

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