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What a new continent there! ?

This is simply a building that no one has ever set foot on … a treasure trove!

There is no doubt at all, as long as you rush into it now and take away all heavenly materials earthly treasures.

These things alone are enough to break through the Divine Realm and become the Divine Powerhouse!

Moreover, among them, some Spirit Treasure bred by Five Elements are even more eye-catching.

Even those powerful powerhouse and various sects influencers are green eyes and turbulent.

At this point, the new continent.

In the past few days, Chu Yan sat on the Spirit Peak and felt the first change in the whole new world.

Including, the will of Emperor Xuantian and the will of golden armor Divine Soul, as well as the ubiquitous Heavenly Dao rules and 10000 sources of law in the sky and earth.

All of this has given him a huge gain besides him.

At this time, Chu Yan seemed to be sitting in a brand-new source, as long as he stretched his hand, every touch he touched was a brand new realm.

“The result of the confrontation …. Who won?”

Chu Yan pupil light flickered, looked towards all around Heaven and Earth, and my heart was equally puzzled.

Although he knew that the Emperor Xuantian and the golden armor Divine Soul were originally one body, one was War God fleshy body and the other was War God Divine Soul.

However, the power of the same root with different branches was now completely opposite.

All this is because of Divine Realm!

Just like Emperor Kun, Fleshy body was also sealed by Divine Realm, only a hint of Divine Soul returned to Ten Directions Star Domain.

Even before, when he came to help him Transcending Tribulation, he had to borrow the Fleshy body of his ancestors to temporarily restore the body of Tian Kun.

However, now Divine Soul of War God has been completely refined by Divine Soul and has completely become Divine Realm’s minions.

Not only is Fleshy body true body, but also Divine Soul’s body, for Chu Yan, their power is too strong.

In particular, both of them turned into Myriad Dao Laws and the source of will to engage in confrontation.

This level of battle completely surpasses Sealing God Boundary and directly reaches the God level, which is not something he can peep at all.

Boom … Rumble!

Suddenly, above the sky, countless divine lights exploded and turned into a thundercloud, pouring down the downpour.

Among these rain silks, there is also a very rich spiritual source. With each drop of rain silk, it falls into the soil of the new continent.

10000 things grow and become crazy again in an instant.

Even under Chu Yan, the originally bare Spirit Peak began to grow a lot of Spirit Grass fairy plants.


Chu Yan didn’t understand it, and his face was full of doubts.

2 big guys are fighting, why there will be the Heaven and Earth spirit source to sprinkle and nourish this new continent! ?

At the next moment, Chu Yan’s pupil shuddered suddenly, and the whole body’s cold hair fell instantly.

Because, he suddenly felt that the wandering Heaven and Earth Law Power around him suddenly began to penetrate into his body frantically.

These Heaven and Earth rules are extremely powerful.

After rushing into Chu Yan’s body, there was a fierce conflict with Chu Yan’s own cultivation base True Qi and various forces.

Chu Yan’s battle strength is not weak, but in the face of such terrible Heaven and Earth rules, he has no strength to fight back.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a loud noise, True Qi of Chu Yan within the body, and various forces, were constantly crushed into powder and quickly dissipated.

Chu Yan’s cultivation base aura, from Half-God Realm, began to drop continuously.

“How is this going!?”

Before Chu Yan finished speaking, his cultivation base realm had fallen to True Martial Realm.

True Martial Realm! ?

That was his cultivation base realm when he was in Vast Heaven Continent, and even the lowest Martial Artist in Ten Directions Star Domain.

The key is that Chu Yan’s cultivation base has dropped significantly, and it has not stopped.

It’s just that a few hours have passed, and all the cultivation base True Qi of Chu Yan within the body has disappeared.

The entire Qi Sea has completely become an empty existence.

In other words, now Chu Yan, the cultivation base has been lost and has become an ordinary person … ordinary person.

Those Heaven and Earth rules in Chu Yan within the body, 4 places, are like a ban, which completely bans Chu Yan ’s Fleshy body and cultivation base.

“No way… ..!?”

Chu Yan’s eyes shrank instantly, and the whole person Divine Soul shuddered.

Could it be said that Empress Xuantian was defeated! ?

Now, I am completely suppressed by the golden armor Divine Soul, and it is directly scrapped! ?

Not only is there no chance to seal the gods, even the cultivation base is banned, completely cutting off the road of Martial Dao! ?

At the thought of this, Chu Yan’s eyes instantly froze, completely unacceptable!

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

“What are you still doing?”

Hearing this sound, Chu Yan Divine Soul shuddered suddenly, woke up suddenly, looked up towards the sky, his face full of surprises.

Because he was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of Emperor Xuantian.

“Hurry up and build an altar to seal the gods!”

When the second sentence sounded, it was already in Chu Yan’s ear.

Suddenly turned his head to look, only to see the side, a Xueying woman stood still, looking at herself sternly.

The face is covered with frost, smooth, soft and glossy skin, and a pair of eyes, like the Blue Star Sea, extremely bright.

This way, let Chu Yan startled!

Compared with before, the present Empress Xuantian can’t see the slightest trend of Overlord. It seems to be an ordinary lady who is more ordinary but slim.

Then, what attracted Chu Yan’s eyes most was the location of the chest in front of the white skirt Qianying, a faint azure lotus blooming like a flower.

“You … you are Senior !?”

Chu Yan froze and asked.

He knows that the azure Tianlian in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World is the blue armor giant.

The appearance of the blue armor giant is not the true body, but a form of illusion.

Now, in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the azure sky lotus in the Lingyun Sea has disappeared.

But that very familiar aura has already merged into the body with the body in front of her, and she is completely integrated into one.

In other words, the Emperor Xuantian in front of her is the Emperor Xuantian after the fusion of azure Tianlian in her Sea of ​​Consciousness World! ?

As if she didn’t hear Chu Yan’s question at all, Emperor Xuantian just looked at Chu Yan quietly without saying a word.

To answer this question, it seems very …

“Yi!? Your aura !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept away and found that the Empress Xuan Tian in front of him also had no aura.

“Divine Soul and I have no way to take each other! This battle is a tie!”

Emperor Xuantian was replied.


Hearing this answer, Chu Yan was stunned.

“Good! If we continue to fight, there will be no results at all, so we have modified the Heaven and Earth rules each!”

“Now, in this new continent, the Heaven and Earth rules are a bit … chaotic!”

Empress Xuantian said that her face changed slightly.

“Not only us, any Martial Artist, cultivation base aura entering this new continent, will all disappear and become ordinary person directly!”

“Without Martial Dao, without cultivation base, no battles can occur! Do you understand !?”

After this explanation, Chu Yan finally showed a sudden look.

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