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A storm swept through the entire Ten Directions Star Domain.

“What !? divine fruit !?”

“Equivalent to Jinshi Divine Spark, you can directly break through the Divine Realm !? There is also the opportunity to seal God !?”

“Impossible !? Isn’t that nonsense ?! This is the effect of the Divine Spark battlefield!”

“Yeah! The new continent seems to have been stripped from the thunder-fire continent. In that case, is it …”

“God ah! This is not equal to, the next battle of Divine Spark, ahead of time !?”

“Fart! It should be, in the future Ten Directions Star Domain, there is an additional Divine Spark battlefield!”

“Very good! Hurry up!”


The sounds of all kinds of surprises resounded all over the continent, and every Sect force who had just returned from the new continent was still among the top gangsters.

Hearing this news, he was instantly excited.

“Ha ha ha, I was not eligible to participate in the Battle of Divine Spark, this is good!”

“Sure enough, there is no end to me, and give me another chance! This time, must break through the realm in one fell swoop!”

“Seal God! I want to seal God! Why only Chu Yan can seal God!”


The entire Ten Directions Star Domain, all the cities, and the mountain gates are all fried.

Because, before the Divine Spark battlefield, there may be some conditions and restrictions, but the new continent of this time is open, but there are no restrictions.

In other words, this Ten Directions Star Domain, anyone can participate and enter.

Even if you are an ordinary person and have not repaired Martial Dao, as long as you can get to the new continent, you can get involved once.

For all major Martial Artists, after the cultivation base and realm are suppressed, it means that everyone has returned to the same starting line.

Even if you are a Sect Master, after entering the new continent, it is no different from an Outer Sect disciple.

This absolute fairness makes all Martial Artists crazy!

For a time, Ten Directions Star Domain, which had just calmed down for a few days, shook again.

A large number of Martial Artists began to form droves, and moved towards new continent gathered.

This time, the number of people dispatched is probably Ten Directions Star Domain, the most in history.

From the Sect Master Elder to the sweeping mountain gate, as long as they are individuals, they are all recruited and transferred to the new continent.

Every Sect force has the most people dispatched.

Just thinking, when entering the new continent, the number advantage may be the biggest advantage.

Countless flying Spirit Treasures, like huge swarms of monster birds, cover the entire sky.

Among the major Chamber of Commerce, as long as it can fly Spirit Treasure, it has been sold out.

Even the Loose Cultivator alliance, which usually gathers in time, is unprecedented, and the entire alliance is assembled.

Time passed quickly, a large crowd of dark clouds gathered from all directions, moved towards thunder-fire continent on the four sides above the sky.

From the height, it looks like all the creatures in the world are like the 10000 rivers returning to the sea, moved towards where the new continent is gathered.

This is just the beginning!

All forces gathered in front of the new continent Sect immediately began to reorganize the army, and all the disciples of the gate were reorganized according to the clan.

At the same time, the high-level leaders of the Great Influence began to negotiate with each other and reached a huge number of various alliance agreements.

Some Sect forces, within an hour, reached a joint agreement with a dozen forces.

The new continent floats above the thunder-fire continent sky.

The thick boundary wall, even the divine powerhouse, is definitely impossible.

Even if there is such an existence as Emperor God and Heavenly Dao, it may take at least a few days to break through.

However, after a day, the new continent will start, it is not necessary at all!

Therefore, everyone is waiting patiently.

shua! shua! shua!

Above the sky, a path of sky-splitting sound rang continuously.

Inverse Divine Dao, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, 3 Great Influence, 7 Battle Clan, none were absent.

The entire Ten Directions Star Domain, except for some 3 4 stream forces, is still on the way to come, almost all the other gathered here.

Time passes slowly …

There were countless people gathered at the scene, but it was very quiet. Apart from some heavy breathing and a small amount of Divine Consciousness sound transmission, there was no movement at all.

Soon, half a day passed!

The huge new continent World, above the sky, suddenly trembles, and the entire Continent World trembles.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of thunderclap, explosion, new continent on the boundary wall, a void crack, slowly open.

In that way, it seemed like a Heaven and Earth door that suddenly opened.

Although the speed is extremely slow, everyone can feel that all the prohibitions and Heaven and Earth rules are slowly dissipating near the gate of Heaven and Earth.

As long as the door is fully opened, you can enter it.

Oh la la !

Some Sect forces in the distance, seeing that there was movement here, suddenly became unable to bear, with a large number of people, rushing forward.

“Returning Spirit Sect, follow me!”

Under shouted loudly, a Sect force far away from 10 li, a crowd of people surging, countless silhouettes, rising into the sky, moved towards the gate of the new continent Heaven and Earth.

Boom … Rumble!

Large crowds of people surged, causing a tremor in Heaven and Earth.

“Returning Spirit Sect, Level 3 forces in the Two Mountain domain !? There are so many people !?”

Some gangsters, recognizing the identity of Returning Spirit Sect, directly cry out in surprise.

At a glance, the crowd of Returning Spirit Sect has a population of no less than 100,000, and the crowd is like a wave.

This is just an ordinary 3rd Rate Influence, and so many disciples and doormen have been dispatched.

The key point is that some people found that there is Martial Artist of Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base in Returning Spirit Sect’s disciplinary discipline.

This kind of realm cultivation base, which used to be defending the city gate, may not be qualified, but now it will appear in Secret Realm Danger Land at such a high level.

“100,000 !? Look behind …”

Some bosses chuckled and reminded loudly.

Everyone heard and turned their heads to see, but I saw that behind the Returning Spirit Sect, there were still several waves of people surging forward.

This Returning Spirit Sect actually divided everyone into 3 echelons, surging forward like a wave.

This method of battle formation is exactly the attack formation of the army charge in the ordinary person world.

Really regard this new continent as the battle of ordinary person! ?

Everyone looked at this scene with a stunned face, their eyes flashing, all kinds of consciousness in their hearts, constantly flashing.

After all, they have never experienced the rules of this time.

Therefore, the methods and plans adopted by each Sect are all different. It can be described as all kinds of strange things.

“Look! The door is open!”

Just then, suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

At this time, everyone at the same time Divine Soul tightened and looked towards the gate of moved towards Heaven and Earth.

I saw that the huge crack of the boundary wall had been cracked at this time. It was the size of a city gate, like a Heaven and Earth gate, standing in the sky.

oh la la鈥?

A gust of wind blew out from the gate of Heaven and Earth, sweeping the audience like a mountain gate.

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