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ka cha! ka cha!

A burst of sound rang out, and the Heavenly Dao seal on Chu Yan 3 was bound by layers and exploded.

In less than a moment, more than half of it fell.

The cultivation base aura of Chu Yan 3 also began to rise slowly.

Within the body True Qi rushes, nourishes the long-dead Meridian, all three are refreshed, and the cultivation base quickly returns to Martial Sovereign Realm.

Martial Sovereign Realm !

Such cultivation base, in Ten Directions Star Domain, is equal to 3rd Rate Influence Outer Sect disciple level.

Basically, in Ten Directions Star Domain, it is impossible to move.

But now, with the new continent, the situation is not much different.

You should know that in this new continent, everyone ’s cultivation base has been suppressed to Body Refining Realm, which is slightly stronger than the Heaven and Earth Realm of the beginner Martial Dao ’s Body Tempering Realm.

In Body Refining Realm, Martial Artist within the body produces True Qi and urges cultivation techniques, which greatly increases its strength.

And now, in the whole new continent, even the God Powerhouse, here is just Body Refining Realm, and True Qi cannot be used, all relying on the strength of the Fleshy body.

Therefore, Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base is almost invincible here.

“This time, I see who else can grab heavenly materials earthly treasures with me!”

Yue Linglong stood up, his face full of coldness and a smile.

After all, among the new continent, the preciousness of heavenly materials earthly treasures is much stronger than Ten Directions Star Domain.

Especially just a few divine fruit and spirit medicine were born, but it is equivalent to the effect of Divine Spark.

Now, with Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, it is much easier to snatch.


Chu Yan stood up and just moved 2 times, his face suddenly changed, suddenly turned his head and looked at it.

what’s the situation! ?

True Qi pours into both eyes, Qilin’s pupil runs, and one glance across, Chu Yan suddenly shows a look of surprise on his face.

Because, Yue Linglong, who hasn’t seen for a long time, the aura cultivation base on his body has completely changed at this time.

A strong evil spirit made Chu Yan extremely sensitive.

“You! Cultivation Demon God 7 polar body !?”

Not only Chu Yan, but also Empress Xuantian felt Yue Linglong within the body, that powerful magic breath.

“En!? You can see it all !?”

Yue Linglong did not answer the counter-question, but already indicated the answer.

The 7 pole Demon King pole of the Demon God Fort is their dark temple, the biggest secret.

Chu Yan has a powerful pupil technique and is familiar with her aura. It can be seen that she is not surprising.

However, this Emperor Xuantian seemed to see herself for the first time, and she could see it! ?

This secret, even if it was Saint Heavenly Pavilion, did not succeed if it was tried by various means.

For nearly 100 years, in the entire dark temple, except for father and several Supreme Elders, other disciplines have no qualifications at all.

“The 7-pole Demon King body, then advance to the 2nd level, is the 9th-level Demon God body!”

“It was the Great Ancient Era, the imperial cultivation technique of the Demon Race. Once it was repaired to the Great Accomplishment, it could make all the monsters in the world think that the command, even if it is the abyss, it will acknowledge allegiance!

Emperor Xuantian’s voice was soft, and she slowly began to explain.

“Demon … Demonic God Race !?” Chu Yan’s face started.

The Dark Temple, Yue Linglong, is a descendant of the Mozu! ?

“You within the body, there really is a demon bloodline!”

The Emperor Xuantian brows slightly wrinkle, originally Antiquity God and Demon Great War, although the whole demon clan was lost, but such a huge monster strong clan, absolutely impossible to lose in one battle.

Therefore, everyone knows that the devil must have descendants and residual bloodline, which has been preserved.

“Good! What do you want !?”

Yue Linglong didn’t deny it, but looked towards Emperor Xuantian.

“I have something here, I will give it to you! It is also a divine offer, a creation!”

While speaking, Emperor Xuantian raised her hand, a Zhan blue jade bottle flew out, moved towards Yue Linglong and left.

“this is….”

Yue Linglong complexion changed, took the blue jade bottle in his hand, and his face was stunned.

However, when she opened the bottle cap and Divine Consciousness stepped in, the whole person suddenly retreated in shock.

“Magic … blood essence of Demon God Your Majesty !?”

Such things, not to mention Ten Directions Star Domain, even in Divine Realm, is also a treasure of heaven defying.

Moreover, the Dark Temple looked for such a treasure, for some 10000 years, but could not find it at all.

didn’t expect, now it’s so easy, I got it!

“Such a thing, I got it after chasing a descendant of the Mozu back then. I thought about it and stayed, but didn’t expect it. I am also destined today!

“The 9-pole Demon God body is an authentic Demon God. I hope you will not lose the name of the Demon God!”

The words of Emperor Xuantian said that Yue Linglong and Chu Yan started at the same time.

What do you mean by that? Demonic God Race does n’t seem to mean legendary, but …

“Senior, the demon is not …”

Chu Yan glanced at Yue Linglong and saw that she was also puzzled.

“Not a demon!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to finish talking, Empress Xuantian shook her head and interrupted him directly.

“Accurately, it should be called … Demonic God Race!”

“Martial Dao, it’s just a dead thing. Why is there a difference between righteousness and evil? There are only righteousness and evilness, just people!”

“In this piece of Martial Soul World, interests, fame and fortune, there will be right and evil.”

“Demonic God Race is originally a branch of Divine Race. The way of cultivation is different from Divine Race.”

Speaking of which, Empress Xuantian stopped and looked at Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, whether it’s this World or Martial Dao’s origin, you must look at it and feel it, don’t listen to people and clouds, because those rumors are people with heart, and they want to let everyone know before they will spread!”

This remark, Chu Yan startled.

“So that’s how it is, the way of God Realm, not ordinary Martial Dao, the same reason!”

Bright light glittering in Chu Yan’s eyes, clear comprehension in his mind.


Emperor Xuantian hearing this, laughing nodded, and turned her head towards towards Yue Linglong.

“Treasure like this, you have a destiny, whether you can break through to the 9-pole Demon God body, it depends on yourself!”

“This … this really makes me promote to the 9-pole Demon God body !?” Yue Linglong looked stunned, but there was still some reaction.

“You … why give it to me !?”

Yue Linglong seemed to be suspicious of Emperor Xuantian and had some vigilance.

After all, she was the first time to meet Emperor Xuantian. Such a ceremonial gift, even if she tried her entire strength of the dark temple, she could not get it.

But now, the opponent sends out his hand so easily, inside …

“I’m just for Chu Yan. I know that you will help him, so let’s integrate!”

Emperor Xuantian did not give much explanation. After all, the drop of “Demon God blood essence” has no problem, as long as it is integrated, you can feel it.

“Many thanks!” Yue Linglong finally thanked.

She glanced at Chu Yan, the spirit eye flashed in spirit eye, this Chu Yan, cultivation innate talent is amazing.

Even if she tried her best to enter the Demon God Fort with her life, and cultivated a 7-pole Demon King body.

But when he came out, he found that Chu Yan had already begun to prepare to be a god.

As a result, the distance between Chu Yan and her is getting farther and farther away.

And now, with this drop of “Demon God Emperor blood essence”, she can catch up with Chu Yan.

Therefore, she simply couldn’t refuse!

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