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When golden armor Divine Soul’s words landed, a path of golden light came out from between her fingers and shot towards Saint God, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy 3 people within the body.

In the next moment, in the space-time turbulent large cave in the distance, Spirit Qi, who had originally rushed to the gods and altars, suddenly split into three streams, and moved towards the Holy God Emperor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 Tuanqi exploded, exploding in them within the body, all invisible shackles, bursting out with a cha cha sound.

The aura of Saint God Emperor 3 started to rise wildly.

This time is different from the previous one. Because of the appearance of the altar of the gods, this Heaven and Earth rule has undergone tremendous changes.

Coupled with the appearance of the Space-Time big hole, Hongmeng Spirit Qi poured out.

Anyone who can get this Spirit Qi of Hongmeng will naturally break the rules of Heaven and Earth and restore their strength.

However, among the new continent, those who have the ability to attract Hong Qiong Spirit Qi, I am afraid that there are only 2 Emperor Xuantian and Golden armor Divine Soul beyond the Sealing God Boundary cultivation base.

It is a pity that this kind of mobilization cannot be interrupted or mobilized on oneself.

“Martial Sovereign Realm….!?”

Seeing this scene, all the practitioners in the field were shocked and looked at shock.

“Chu Yan, die!”

Holy God Emperor, Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao envoy, roared together, like a thunder, moved towards the altar of the gods.

Whole body up and down, exploding Lei Wei, skyrocketing, murderous aura billowing clouds.

The Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, which appeared on Saint God Emperor, is much more powerful than the Martial Sovereign Realm of the ordinary.

And now, Chu Yan’s Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation is still congealing and not forming.

If this time, the Three Great Giants attack Chu Yan, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Hmph! With you alone, you want to kill Chu Yan too !?”

Emperor Xuantian’s voice was like ice, cold shouted.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire new continent, a path of shocked Heavenly Thunder, exploded continuously.

In the sky above, a huge void crack appeared, and countless black streamers slipped out of it.

These black tides, dropping from the sky, like a Tianhe waterfall, all poured into the body of Yue Linglong on the altar of Fengshen.

hu! hu! hu!

A naked black tide visible from the naked eye gushing out of the altar of the god of demise, moved towards 4 directions in all directions.

Her cultivation base also instantly broke the rules and began to climb up.

However, it is strange that her within the body not only has the black magic energy rising, but also the white jade brilliance.

One black one white, two kinds of diametrically opposite aura, appeared around her at the same time, looks extremely strange.

Others can’t understand it, and they don’t know what happened, but the Empress Xuantian knows everything, and her face is full of surprise.

Originally, she just thought that Chu Yan’s innate talent is very good.

But now it seems that this Yue Linglong innate talent is only weaker than Chu Yan.

Most importantly, her bloodline within the body, because of the nourishment of Spirit Qi by Hongmeng, has undergone complete transformation.

“Demon … God … bloodline!”

Emperor Xuantian’s ice eyes contracted slightly, and a light purine uttered.

At this time, the black and white breath on Yue Linglong’s body became more and more intense, invading each other and intertwining, blending with each other.

“Demon God Nine Transformation!”

A light shout, Yue Linglong’s eyes, shot one black one white two divine lights, such as 2 handle Divine Sword, split open space, straight to Nine Heavens.


Behind her, one black one white 2 respected the body of Emperor Demon God, roaring in unison, screaming roaring.

A big hand waved, black and white magic color, like a tide, swept out, condensing the void.

A group of black and white magic qi, quickly forming like an adobe, twisted into a body of a demon, blood red eyes, holding a spear of magic flame, moved towards Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao spirit ambassador, and rushed away.

The magic power of this wave of monsters is obviously much stronger than before, and the magic breath alone has reached the realm of the deity.

Their power is by no means comparable to ordinary monsters.

On the one hand, Yue Linglong has become a real Demonic God Race bloodline from 9 Sovereign Body, and has the power of Demon God 9.

At the same time, the nourishment of Spirit Qi by Hongmeng makes Yue Linglong’s Demon God bloodline more pure and powerful.

“What a dark temple, dare to be against my Saint Heavenly Pavilion several times !?”

The Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao envoy, all furious, between the shape of thunder and lightning, played a path of Heavenly Might, and rushed the demon into the powder.

Their realm, after all, is much stronger than these single monsters.

“really strong !”

4 powerhouses who watched the battle in all directions, watching this scene, all looked surprised.

First, powerful monsters appeared, and then the power of Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao’s envoys also surprised them.

It seems that the power of all giants is recovering.

The might of this battle also began to exceed their understanding.

After all, they are watching the game, the cultivation base is still in Body Refining Realm, there is no recovery at all.

Therefore, in their eyes, the power of these giants is like their mortal, watching God fighting.

“Chu Yan, you must die today!”

Even if there were constant obstructions, Yue Linglong’s attack temporarily dragged out the Three Great Giants’ outbreak, but Holy Blood’s bloody eyes were still staring at Chu Yan and shouting loudly.

Uh …!

Holy Spirit’s whole body Holy Force, condensed into a lightning, fiercely cleaved.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This a lightning bolt exploded, and 7 or 8 monsters were blasted along the way.

“Not good !”

Yue Linglong complexion changed.

In the distance, Emperor Xuantian also twisted her ice eyes slightly, and her face was dull.

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, 10000 Heavenly Thunder suddenly burst on the 9th Layer, and a forest of thunder and lightning flashed, which surprised everyone Divine Soul.

A terrifying Heavenly Might swept across and enveloped the entire Heaven and Earth, letting everyone breathe, as if suppressed by Spirit Peaks, and heartbeat was stagnant.

It seems that this piece of Heaven and Earth is completely forbidden by powerful forces.

Ka cha !

A thick Thunder Pillar, dropping from the sky, turned into a huge thunder and lightning axe, breaking through the layers of void, moved towards Chu Yan underneath, straight down.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s ban on Divine Thunder was completely over.

Thunder axe passed, the void burst, layers of broken, endless Heavenly Dao rules, and Heavenly Might, all were bombarded.

This thunder axe, incomparable gigantic, overwhelming, just axe, has a Spirit Peak.


The emergence of this thunder axe did not directly hit the altar of Fengshen, but thunder turned and turned to the Spirit of the Holy Heaven.

Ka cha once, the thunder axe fell, and the lightning that was shot at Chu Yan was directly split into powder.

“Not good! Quick retreat!”

The face of the Holy Spirit was green, loudly roared, and turned to escape.

Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, no matter what Heavenly Tribulation, once appear, no one should interfere with Heavenly Tribulation, otherwise, they will be backlashed by Heavenly Tribulation.

Therefore, when the Holy Spirit attacked Chu Yan on the altar of the Divine God, it happened that Heavenly Tribulation appeared, which naturally attracted the anger of Heavenly Tribulation natural phenomenon.

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