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After this storm, everyone looked sad.

“Didn’t expect, Chu Yan has a thorough grasp of Xuanyuan Sword, but also … Fortunately, I didn’t talk to him before!”

Emperor Saint God twitched his face, slowly looked up, looked towards midair.

However, this glance is unforgettable forever.

Even, in 10,000,000 years, the fear on Emperor God ’s face for the first time, Divine Soul was trembling.

I saw that everything I looked at, except for a few holy peaks, still barely existed, everything else, including the sky and the earth, was all bombarded into powder, countless Space-Time turbulence, 4 waves surging .

In this turbulent space-time, there is no trace of air and Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, including Heavenly Dao rules, can not exist.

This sword seems to erase this piece of Heaven and Earth directly from the World!

These are not important!

What is important is that above the Holy Peak in the distance, the Holy Heaven Stele …

This monument that stands for 2000 years in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, representing Supreme authority, all taboos in the hearts of all Ten Directions Star Domain powerhouse, was cut out of a huge crack!

From the monument to the middle of the monument, it was cut into two. In the cracked mouth, countless holy lights breathed and madly surging.

This majestic and domineering, connected to Divine Realm, represents the heavenly monument of God’s will, Shenghui is lost!

The divine monument that was broken like broken bricks and gravel, not at all dimmed. On the contrary, a lot of holy light breathed out from the cracks, and a powerful force re-enveloped this side of the world.

“Fuck! There is still a space in this monument !?”

The Kun emperor stood in the distance and looked at this scene directly angrily roared.

“This space force is so powerful, it is completely beyond the strength limit of Ten Directions Star Domain! This … this group of magic sticks, the extreme shameless!”

This angry roar makes the faces of the veterans of the Divine Dao dignified.

Because not only the Kun emperor saw it, they also saw it.

In the beginning, the green wooden sword god fell to the end of fleshy body in order to cut through this holy stele.

Now, even if Chu Yan did it, he shattered the Holy Stele, but the result is far from what they thought.

Because, Divine Realm has long stayed behind!

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, didn’t expect it!”

The laughter of the Holy Spirit sounded, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all proud.

“Even if you have control of Xuanyuan Sword and want to destroy the Holy Heaven Monument, daydream!”

“Wait, waiting for my injury to recover, you must pay today!”

In the broken Holy Heaven Stele, a large amount of Holy Radiance breathed out like a tide, making everything between Heaven and Earth recover quickly.

These Hongmeng Spirit Qi are majestic, and it is not too difficult to restore them!

“It’s actually recoverable !? Isn’t that equivalent to failure !?”

The big guys against Divine Dao are all in shock and pale.

This sword, they have prepared for it for many years, costing countless efforts and costs, if this can not break Saint Heavenly Pavilion, then there is really no hope.

“Ha ha ha, Holy Spirit, you are the one who dreams!”

The emperor Kun Kun’s laughter sounded at the same time, which was more complacent and arrogant than the Holy Spirit.


Holy Spirit was hearing this, and suddenly turned his head to look around. The glance across his face, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

Sure enough, although a large number of Hong Qiong Spirit Qi rushed out of the cracks of the Holy Heaven Stele and restored all around Heaven and Earth, but the cracks of the Holy Heaven Stele did not mean to be restored at all.

“Holy Heaven Stele, today, it must be broken!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were thunderous, his whole body exploded, and he carried Xuanyuan Sword, stepped in the sky, moved towards the Holy Stone tablet.

The sword just now, mighty sky, just one sword, it cut off the Holy Heaven Monument, but behind that sword, the True Qi and power that Chu Yan paid, almost occupied most of his within the body.

Now, although the remaining power is not much, in a spurt of energy, it is enough to completely destroy the Holy Heaven Stele.

“Damn Chu Yan, you dare injure me! I … I fight with you!”

The Spirit of Holy Heaven couldn’t believe it. Under Chu Yan this sword, his body could not be recovered, and he was suddenly furious and roared wildly.

The next moment, the body of the Holy Spirit, rushed out countless holy lights, merged a large number of Spirit Qi all around, turned into a path of horrible killing tricks, rushed to Chu Yan like a tide.

Since his birth, he has never been so miserable.

Therefore, you must not spare Chu Yan, you must kill him! kill him!

Although the eyes of the Holy Spirit are blood red, it seems to be completely crazy, but the Holy Spirit’s shot is with a conspiracy.

His a path of attack, even a tide-like attack, was to force Chu Yan into the crack of the Holy Heaven Stele.

The space in that crack is beyond the strength limit of Ten Directions Star Domain.

That is to say, if you want to get rid of Chu Yan, there is only one possibility.

However, just as Chu Yan prepared to fight back, suddenly, a very majestic voice sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, enough! The holy sky is broken, Heaven and Earth return to the source, I am in the holy sky monument, waiting for you!”

This a sound sounded, suddenly let Chu Yan Divine Consciousness startled.

The voice is … War God! ?

Although Chu Yan has only heard this voice 2 or 3 times, he will never admit his mistake, and the aura of this voice is completely the same origin as Empress Xuan Tian.

“En !?”

Chu Yan groaned slightly, turned her head towards the Emperor Xuantian, opened the mouth and said

“Senior, your true body is in summon me, I will see him in the Holy Sky Monument, these people, give it to you!”

The phrase fell to the ground, Chu Yan’s whole person, turned into a Jinghong, moved towards the front, and broke away.

At the next moment, everyone saw that Chu Yan was pushed by a wave of attacks from the Spirit of the Holy Heaven, moving towards the crack of the Holy Heaven Monument and falling straight down.

“True body !? Inside the Holy Sky Monument !?”

Hearing what Chu Yan left, Emperor Xuantian was stunned.

“Pass my order, Chu Yan has been slaughtered, everyone counterattack, kill these rebellious people, calm the rebellion!”

The Spirit of Holy Heaven watched Chu Yan being slammed into the cracks of the Holy Heaven monument by himself, and suddenly shouted with ecstasy.

“What !? Chu Yan is dead !?”

Against the Divine Dao, a group of gangsters, when they heard the words of the Holy Spirit, their bodies shuddered, and their faces were unbelievable.

What’s the matter! ?

Just now, the Spirit of Holy Heaven has integrated a large number of Hongmeng Spirit Qi’s blows. With such a large formidable power, it really killed Chu Yan! ?

At this point, everyone was stunned there, simply unable to react.

“Chu Yan is dead, fight back the chaos!”

The big brothers and powerhouses on the side of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, but their spirits were roaring together.

According to Holy Spirit, if Chu Yan is really dead, then the rest of those who are against Divine Dao are not at all afraid.

“Ha ha ha, very good! Holy day, you this time, made great contributions!”

Emperor Saint God felt the aura of Chu Yan, disappeared in the cracks of the monument, suddenly ecstatic said with a big smile.

In the next moment, in his eyes, killing intent surged, whole body divine runes surged, and a large amount of Divine Strength gathered frantically.

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