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Chu Yan entered the crack of the Holy Heaven Stele, which everyone saw.

And now, those Spirit Treasure spirits that have burst out of the cracks of the Holy Heaven Monument are now like this.

What does this say! ?

It shows that they were in the cracks of the Holy Heaven Stele, and there was a battle.

Of course, the total impossible is that they beat themselves.

In this case, there is only one possibility …

That is, Chu Yan did not lose!

“The master is mighty! Brothers, follow the master … fight! Go to ah!”

This roar, like a thunderclap, sounded through the sky.

All the inverse Divine Dao powerhouse, were suddenly stimulated by a sentence, blood boiling, ao ao called to rush upward.

The war broke out in an instant!

On the other side, among the heavenly steles …

The azure light in the sky will disperse all the golden light.

Even when standing outside the Shengtian Stele, you can see that the entire Holy Stele is glowing with azure light. The original appearance is very different.

Chu Yan himself, looking at the War God who dissipated in front of him, even saying goodbye, hasn’t come yet to say.

With the disappearance of Green God War God, his skin, skeleton, flesh, and blood became crystal clear.

One after another huge divine might, released, even the void around all, trembling with horror.

At this moment, his fleshy body strength reached a terrifying level.

At this level, Chu Yan felt the terrifying fleshy body power, and even Chu Yan didn’t even know what level this reached.

But at the very least, Chu Yan can be sure that it does not use any cultivation base. With this Fleshy body, it is not a problem to resist the Peak Powerhouse.

Moreover, Chu Yan can clearly feel that the power of Fleshy body seems to be suppressed by what power.

As his own cultivation base improves, the power of Fleshy Body can continue to increase.

Martial Dao cultivation, Fleshy body is the foundation!

For this reason, any Martial Artist who stepped into Martial Dao is very clear.

Therefore, for each level of cultivation base, Martial Artist must consolidate the Fleshy body and increase the strength and strength of the Fleshy body, so that the next cultivation base realm can be cultivated.

But now, after Chu Yan has the body of War God, it seems that he no longer has to cultivate the fleshy body alone.

The power contained in this body is like a volcano, connected to the vast earth, endless.

After all, this is the fleshy body of Divine Realm 9 Great Divine Venerable.

Although millions of years have passed, the Fleshy body has been hit hard, far less than the original fishing period, but Chu Yan was shocked by this power alone.

If the body of War God is not damaged, the current Chu Yan, Fleshy body realm alone, may have reached God Realm Peak, or Earth Rank.

Now Chu Yan, with 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls, got the body of War God, holding Xuanyuan Sword, who is the enemy in this world! ?


In the next moment, in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, a path of azure light spot, flying all over the sky, moved towards the sea of ​​spirit clouds.

In less than a moment, these azure light spots evolved into a huge azure sky lotus in the sea of ​​spirit clouds.

The edge of each lotus leaf is a color, and the lotus in the middle is full of the size of a disc, and it is very gorgeous.

“This … this is War God spirit vein !?”

Chu Yan’s face was full of consternation.

Spirit vein is the spiritual source of cultivation in the Yin-Yang world and has the same effect as Martial Soul of Ten Directions Star Domain.

Therefore, Chu Yan is no stranger to spirit vein.

After all, he also spent some time in the Yin-Yang world, but …

This spirit vein is too strong! ?

The gradation of spirit vein is similar to that of Martial Soul, but Chu Yan can accurately judge that this War God spirit vein is probably the strongest in Yin-Yang within the realm, there is no one.

The next moment, countless azure light stars, gush out from the huge War God spirit vein, above it, it evolves into a vast star chart, buzzing and running.

“This is … 9 domain stars !?” Chu Yan startled.

Divine Realm is divided into 9 domains. After reaching God Realm, the star map will be born independently.

The size of the star map determines the order of the star map.

Boom … Rumble!

The star map is vast, releasing a lot of Power of Stars, all poured into Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

In an instant, the original blue sky and white clouds disappeared quickly, and large stars shining out, completely replacing the original Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

The sky full of stars casts a lot of starlight, which makes Chu Yan’s power begin to skyrocket.

Sealing God Boundary 9th Layer!

God Realm 1st Layer!

God Realm 2nd Layer!

God Realm 3rd Layer!

God Realm 4th Layer!

… ..

God Realm 9th Layer!

Imposing manner Crazy skyrocketing, Chu Yan’s body, a path of Force of Primordial Chaos, Great Desolate brute force, let Chu Yan’s power doubled.

This soaring cultivation base power not only made Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, including his Divine Soul and Fleshy body, all degenerate.

The most dramatic change is … Divine Spark!


At this moment, Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

boom…! bang! bang!

The Xuantian Empress Xueying was like a sky, and a pair of jade hand waved, releasing the edge of the ice crystals in the sky, constantly impacting that respectable spirit artifact fairy soul.

Under the powerful force, she alone blocked more than 20 spirit artifacts and spirits.

Below her, the army on the Saint Heavenly Pavilion side and the inverse Divine Dao army, such as two flood tides, collided together, and a terrifying battle took place.

Although the army of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, under the might of Saint God, believed that Chu Yan had been damaged, all of them were in a strong morale, and the imposing manner was like Hong.

However, the battle intent against the Divine Dao side is only stronger than them.

As a result, this big scuffle, against the Divine Dao side, has always dominated.

“Heavenly Dao…. You just look at that !?”

Holy God Emperor’s face was dark, not far away, watching the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy and Heavenly Dao Spiritual Spirit, angrily roared.

Up to now, his hole cards have been exhausted, but all the spirit artifacts and spirits are blocked by the Emperor Xuantian.

The army of Saint Heavenly Pavilion was suppressed by the army of Divine Dao. If this continues, the final situation will be extremely unfavorable to him.

Therefore, he can only resort to external forces and looked towards Heavenly Dao Soul 2 people.

“Don’t you say, Chu Yan is dead !? As a result, my mission and purpose have been achieved!”

Heavenly Dao spirited sneaked and replied.

As the Heavenly Dao of the Ten Directions Star Domain, whether it is the Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s horse, or the Divine Dao’s horse, they are the creatures of his Ten Directions Star Domain. Whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with him.

Emperor Xuantian and Emperor God are both from Divine Realm and will leave sooner or later.

So, after the end of the war, as soon as the two gods left, Ten Directions Star Domain returned to their hands.

How perfect this is!

Without Chu Yan, there would be no people who competed with them for control of Ten Directions Star Domain, such as those of the green wooden sword gods.


Emperor God, of course, knew the Selfish calculations of Heavenly Dao ’s envoy, and suddenly the complexion changed, and then shouted

“Help me, this Spirit Qi of Hongmeng of Ten Directions Star Domain, I … half share with you!”

“Okay! It’s done!”

Hearing this condition, the eyes of Heavenly Dao Envoy and Heavenly Dao’s eyes suddenly brightened. When they looked at each other, they opened their mouths and agreed.

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