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It took so much effort that the layout of Heavenly Dao’s prestige cage was so broken.

“Hmph! Useless waste!”

Holy God glanced at the Heavenly Dao envoy, coldly snorted, waved his hands, and quickly shot.

It was originally intended that even if Heavenly Dao’s envoy blocked Xuan Tian’s ten breaths, he would be enough.

But now, even 3 breaths time, did not hold up.

“You, all of you go die for me!”

Emperor Saint God ’s eyes have always locked the big brother against Divine Dao, wanting to put the green sword god and the forbidden god in Death Land.

The Holy Heaven Monument above the sky was shocked, the violent Holy Way and Divine Seal’s power surged down, poured into the lake and poured down.

This tidal wave surged across the green wooden sword and other big brothers, causing their body protection Divine Astral to shatter, spurting blood and being hurt instantly.

With just one move, several gangsters against Divine Dao were injured at the same time.

“Hmph! Divine Realm dog, see how long you can be proud, wait for Chu Yan to return …”

The Lord of the Forbidden God shouted, his face angry.

“Nonsense! Chu Yan !? It has been turned into ashes long ago, and I want to return. The last time you attacked me on Saint Heavenly Pavilion, I let you go. Now, since you still come to courting death, then I will scrap now you!”

Upon hearing the words Chu Yan, Emperor God God burned with anger in his heart, waved Divine Seal and holy light above the sky into the countless Sword God soldiers, moved towards the blue wooden sword god fiercely stabbed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of holy light soldier, sprinting the Soul Body of the green wooden sword god, exploded a path of the hole, the green wooden sword god, and instantly created 1000 holes in 100, which is terrible.

“Forbidden God, Sheng Yuan, Tianji, Kun Kun, now … it’s your turn!”

Saint God looked too lazy to look at the green wooden sword god, his eyes moved sideways, raising his hand was a holy element giant palm, moved towards the bottom and shot down.

Boom … rumbling!

The giant palm is too empty, covering Heaven and Earth, and the moment it falls, they will all hold the Lord of the Forbidden God in their hands and fiercely hold it.

ka cha! ka cha!

A statue of Divine Physique, bursting into the sound of bone cracking, the whole body of flesh and blood, almost turned into a slime.

These are all the giants of Ten Directions Star Domain, but they were all abolished by the Holy God Emperor.

Moreover, the pain of broken bones and flesh made their entire face almost deformed.

However, even if the eyes were torn apart and the blue tendons exploded, several big men, including the green wooden sword god, clenched their teeth without saying a word.

Because, they are very clear that the purpose of Saint God to start them is to defeat the Divine Dao army in the shortest time.

In this way, the army on the Saint Heavenly Pavilion side can be reversed, forming a crushing trend.

After all, if you want to suppress the world, you still have to rely on these holy forces. If you all die in the hands of the inverse Divine Dao army, how can you control this world! ?

“Okay! There is a species! I see how long you can last !?”

Seeing the big brothers of Aoki, clenching their teeth, silently, just staring at him with angry eyes, St God God suddenly coldly snorted out loud.

“What are you still watching !? Give it to me and kill all the rebellious people!”

Lord Godly loudly roared, shouting at several Elders on the side of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

“Ah …? Yes!”

Several Saint Heavenly Pavilion Elder heard this and woke up suddenly to accept the order.

“Reverse Divine Dao’s high-level is gone, the whole army listens, kill!”

Saint Heavenly Pavilion Elder led the team, imposing manner like a rainbow, the entire army of Saint Heavenly Pavilion broke out again, rushing out like a tide, moved towards the Divine Dao charge.

The inverse Divine Dao bosses insisted, of course, let everyone see.

The tragedy of the big brothers certainly affected the army, so when the Saint Heavenly Pavilion army launched a counterattack, the inverse Divine Dao army was almost touched and the army was completely disintegrated.

The situation was reversed in an instant!

This kind of war between monks is completely different from the mortal war. The morale is the battle intent, which has a particularly great impact on the battle situation.

However, in this chaotic battlefield, no one noticed that the Spirit of Heavenly Dao had taken his envoys and quietly evacuated the battlefield.

“Hmph! The ghost believes that Chu Yan is dead! Sheng Tian, ​​this guy is crazy!”

Heavenly Dao’s spirit knows Chu Yan too well. This Heaven’s Chosen has faced countless crises and dead ends since his appearance in Ten Directions Star Domain.

But in the end, bad luck must be his opponent.

This Chu Yan seems to have a great relationship with a certain layout of Divine Realm and Supreme will. The strength of aerodynamics and destiny is not a small Ten Directions Star Domain, which can be controlled.

Probably, for the benefit of Divine Realm, Emperor Saint God tried his best to place Chu Yan in Death Land.

However, Divine Realm’s interest has a fart relationship with him, and the spirit of Heavenly Dao will not go to this mixed water.

Moreover, the spirit of Heavenly Dao also knows that Chu Yan ’s Martial Soul is his biggest support and hole card, but until now, Chu Yan ’s Martial Soul has not moved at all.

This is absolutely not normal!

Not to mention Emperor Xuantian, not to mention true body War God. Compared with those five, it is equally terrifying.

9 Divine Realm, one can’t afford to offend!

Therefore, the spirit of Heavenly Dao only needs to take care of his own 30% of the land.

“Chu Yan, don’t let me down!”

Although the chips were put on Chu Yan, the spirit of Heavenly Dao still had a sense of anxiety.

After all, if Chu Yan 10000 is really damaged, after the god God has packed up those who are against Divine Dao, I am afraid that he will also start against himself.

On the other side, Saint Heavenly Pavilion battlefield!

The whole sky was stained with blood, and a statue of powerhouse was damaged and fell to the mountain range ground below.

The defeated and decadent trend has made all members of the opposing Divine Dao army have life and death aspirations, and despair emerges in their eyes.

“The Master was chased and killed by Saint Heavenly Pavilion. How much life and death did he experience? Not all heaven defying returned in the end!”

“Good! At this time, the master will not be lost, and will definitely return!”

“We cannot be defeated!”

“Yes! Hold it up, never lose! Hold on!”

A big guy came forward, clenched his teeth and insisted, trying to restore the defeat and support the sky.

Including Little White Bear, Situ Yang, Chang Tianhe and Shen Shengjie took Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect’s men and counterattacked up to the forefront of Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s counterattack against the army.

From beginning to end, their will has never faded, because they never doubted that Chu Yan will be damaged!

“Hmph! Stubborn, courting death!”

Saint God looked at this scene with a sneer.

“Chu Yan is dead. Since you want to bury him, then … go die!”

Emperor Saint God waved his hands, 9 corpses above the sky, Saint God seal and countless Holy Array Great Array, all burst out, shooting 10000 holy arrows, falling like a sky

Boom … Rumble!

The Emperor Xuantian broke through the 10,000 li spirit cloud and emerged from the trap, smashing the blockade of Heavenly Dao’s prestige. As soon as she appeared, her eyes were swept away, and finally she looked towards the Heavenly Stele.

“Chu Yan, don’t return at this time, when to stay!”

The sound fell to Heaven and Earth, and there was a sudden silence!

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